Is it to say...

In the bottom of Ye Shenyue's heart, two words finally emerged, "Gao Wei" "Yes, because this body is not mine, but I can accept it, because this body is mine in the first place."

Kikyo's words seemed confusing, but Ye Shenyue understood it all at once. He stepped forward and hugged Kikyo in his arms, "Because the ashes belong to Kagome, or Kagome who hasn't been born yet, Kikyo..."

He knew that the ashes actually belonged to him and Kikyo's child, Kagome, but at that time, Kagome took the jade of the four souls and traveled to the modern age to become the current Kagome.

But Kagome looks the same as Kikyo, so the dolls made by Li Tao are also the same as Kikyo.

Ye Shenyue gently kissed her hair, "Thank you for giving birth to Kagome for me and letting go of my willfulness..."

The witch's body stiffened slightly and then relaxed. Her attention had long since shifted from the water to the man behind her...

In fact, Kikyo deliberately deceived him... just showing the depression in her heart.

No one can let their man fool around with other women and no one can let a man do his daughter...

If she can do it, then her heart is full of absolute love, but what can't be erased is her tolerance.

Can accept everything can accept Lun X has nothing but excessive love.

Kikyo snuggled in his arms.

"So where do you live now?"

"I can invite you at any time in Renjiancheng, a castle. It's just that you probably won't come...because Izayoi is there and..."

And there seem to be a little more girls there.

Kikyo just got angry because of Kagome and now...there are so many girls...

"Go...why not? No matter if you are Naraku or Yagami, no one is more suitable to go to the castle than me."

However, the girl who tied the jet-black long hair like a waterfall with white strips turned to look at him after hearing this, "Or do you think that the human wife of the Douya King is more important in your heart? A newly married human being Wife is heavier, or Sesshomaru is heavier?"


This is a tone full of resentment, Kikyo-san, I can understand that you are jealous, are you jealous?

This time it should not be acting.

Chapter 0077 Meeting without gunpowder but on fire (three more subscriptions)

People see the city.

There is something unusual about the castle today.At least that's what people think, as if something bad is about to happen.

These servants are ordinary women, but it is because of their status as women that they are blessed with the legendary sixth sense, so they can be so... insightful...

"Why does it make people feel a strange feeling in their hearts even though it is such a beautiful picture?"

"Eh? You feel it too? I feel the same way."

The two girls who acted as ostentations looked at the "lady" not far away and started a "pleasant whisper". Because the city lord's requirements were not high, as long as they were young and beautiful, they said that the young girls' The "politeness level" is not too high. I occasionally started private chats when I was bored on guard.

The two have become accustomed to the fact that every time the city lord goes out, he brings new young girls full of vitality and then watches them become "lady" above them. It's just that the situation in the past is a little delicate, but the situation should be right now. how to say……

It was a more subtle feeling, as if something terrible would happen if I accidentally said the wrong thing.After the arrival of the new lady, the faint seriousness on her face is awe-inspiring. This is a beautiful Miko girl with a completely different temperament from Madam Izayoi.

But for some reason, looking at this majestic shrine maiden with a holy brilliance, they have a gloomy feeling, as if they will be entangled by something as long as they get close, while the gentle and kind sixteen in the past Mrs. Ye's smile that was like a spring breeze that made people feel physically and mentally comfortable also brought an indescribable gloomy feeling at this moment.

Something extraordinary seemed to be entangled behind the beautiful figures of the two of them.

"We met again. Izayoi."

Kikyo looked at the girl who came to greet her and nodded lightly, her tone very earnest.

"That's it, I didn't expect to meet again so soon, Kikyo."

The Sixteenth Night Princess also seemed very enthusiastic.

"So this is ah……"


The two of them were very enthusiastic, and there seemed to be something called "flame" flickering in their touching eyes.

The two young and beautiful girls stood face to face like sisters who had been separated for many years but had a great relationship. Today's Princess Sixteen Nights is wearing a pale red princess suit. · Mei's face is full of smiles, she is holding the hand of the girl wearing a traditional but extremely beautiful kimono, and she is joking and narrating, "I thought you would not come so early, so I, the master, did not prepare. I'm really sorry."

What the princess said was sorry, but why did she think the smile on the corner of her mouth was so strong?And it also slightly accentuated the tone of the "master".

Princess, you are killing yourself!Where is the gentleness and gentleness of the weekdays?No matter how you look at this tone and words now, it seems like debugging!

Ye Shenyue looked at Kikyo, and Kikyo's expression didn't even change, with a smile on her face.

It was a faint smile, or a confident smile, as if nothing could beat her.

But the smile on Princess Izayoi had disappeared under this smile, and all that was left was a smirk.

It can make her smirk, so the next step is to get revenge! must be provoked.

On the way back, he had already thought about what would happen when they met. He felt that whether it was the calm princess of Izayoi or Kikyo's cold but unusually gentle personality, they were together... um, it should be Nothing will happen.

but now.

There seems to be a big bug!The two seem to be moving towards tit-for-tat.

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