It seems that Nini still cares about being hung up by Ariel.

"Then let's get started! Chris is the referee!"

Chris recovered her true body, and was not worried about not being able to see Yeshenyue at all. Knowing his movements would be a matter of time. She had waited for so long, and she was still afraid of mere now?

"Hum! You can't win... Allah? Why are you suddenly two? Foul foul... huh..."

Ariel watched Nini finish the big glass of wine, and started drinking without showing weakness, but her little tongue had just touched a little, and her eyes were immediately blurred.

"Ariel? Ariel sauce? You're actually drunk... Why is this wine mixed with Coke? Nini, you're too bad... Forget it, Ariel is drunk... Let's continue drinking..."

Chris's eyes squinted as well, shaking her head, looking at Ariel, who had already started to go crazy, guessing.

"Hehe... Ariel still wants to fight with me just like you, it's too far! Chris... Let's keep drinking..."

Nini's big eyes were half-squinted, which was her signature gesture of accomplishing things. She clinked glasses with Chris and started drinking again.

"It's a lie, the big teacher's weakness is actually Coke! He is obviously such a strong big teacher... ah... big teacher, stop! I'm not an idiot, Abu, don't kiss me casually!"

Haruna, who had been suppressed all the time, was finally able to speak, but before she could finish speaking, her tiny body was immediately entangled.

Her most respected teacher, Ariel-chan had already caught her, and her light mouth pressed against her face a few times, and while kissing her mouth, she unconsciously shouted "Yeye" "Such suspicious words.

Emotionally, she thinks Haruna-chan is coming from Yagami.

Poor Haruna-chan couldn't beat Ariel-chan, who had an absolute advantage in strength, no matter how hard she struggled, so she could only endure it unwillingly.

"Ha ha……"

Really black guy.

You was drinking tea, she was a good child, so she didn't drink or drink Coke.

Looking at Ariel who was drunk and playing drunken madness, and caught Ariel who was kissing Ichiharuna constantly, you calmly commented.I don't know that she is the biggest black belly.

He clearly knew what was going to happen, but he didn't stop it and made a move to fuel the flames.

At this time, Her Lady Queen, who was ignored by everyone, was sadly angry in the small room.

She was still holding the little lion in her arms. When Ye Shenyue was "stealed" by Nini, the little lion fell on the spot and was finally picked up by her.

Originally she was the strongest one, but now she is the most pitiful one, and now she is not as good as the weakest and most despised vampire ninja.

After Ye Shenyue was stolen by Nini who suddenly came out, she couldn't do anything to chase her.What annoyed her the most was that her proud magical power was actually restrained. If only Chris and Ariel could not restrain her as the strongest girl in magical costume.

But she missed it, and there's a Yokoliwood!She is the center of the magic power of the world. The power of the three of them has successfully placed a ban on her. As long as the magic power is used, she will become completely naked!

Why didn't she think of such a disgusting and disgusting curse in the first place?

If it's just being watched, it's nothing, you can use magic to knock them unconscious, and then make them lose their memory.But the worst part is that they actually got in touch with the TV station. As long as she uses her magic power, her naked state will be broadcast live to the whole world immediately!

To be seen by people all over the world!

Kill her!

This is a curse that cannot be forgotten even if all memories are erased!

Her Lady Queen immediately extinguished the fire and extinguished the thought of running away.

She is a good queen, a very loyal queen.

"I knew I shouldn't have come out, I should have used magic in the dark."

Her whole body's magic power was restrained, and Her Lady Queen, who was watched by a group of vampire ninjas, thought sadly, with an unusual annoyance on her face that was different from the cute loli's appearance.

If she was in a dark place like Nini, and secretly set up a curse to turn all those girls into animals, no one would compete with her.


The little lion, which was made earlier than the Rose Maiden, gave its master a cry of comfort.


Her Lady Queen wanted to cry, and crystal tears were coiling in her eyes.Sure enough, I should have secretly released magic in the first place, I should have...

The queen's heart was full of remorse.Sorry for the first time!

It seems that the integrity of the Queen, who is constantly annoyed, has also fallen to the ground.

Ps: Where are you for the monthly pass?Rolling all over the floor asking for a monthly pass.

One hundred and fourteenth "Kanami-chan, mom is going out for something. You watch Xiaoye Shenyue at home... By the way, I want to help him take a bath. Mom has already bought the clothes."

The meal didn't last long. After half an hour, Mihara's mother carried her bag and was ready to go out, but she still did not forget to explain it before going out.

"What... what? I want... help... help him take a bath!"

Kanami almost jumped up, but her mother asked her to help Yagami take a bath...bath!How is that possible!

"Yeah, what's the matter? You don't want to? Xiaoye Shenyue is only a little old now, so what's so shy? It's like he's grown up and your age!"

Mihara's mother shook her head, her words endlessly approaching the truth.


Mom, you are right, that guy is really a teenager of the same age as your daughter!He is no kid!

Mihara really wanted to say this, but looking at Ye Shenyue who ordered the little pudding, she really couldn't tell, oh no, it's not that she couldn't tell, but her mother wouldn't believe it at all!You must know that it was difficult for her to accept when she knew that someone was a zombie, but it is even more difficult to convince a mother who believes in science to believe in magic and things that only exist in fantasy.

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