Looking at her mother, Mihara was defeated in the end, and she could only deal with her mother like this first.

Wait a while and tell him to wash it off himself!

A smile finally appeared on Mihara's face, a hypocritical smile.

Ye Shenyue was standing right next to Mihara, watching the rapidly changing expression on her face and the smirk at the end. She didn't know that Kanami, the guy who refused to suffer, must have been wrong.

"You can take a shower by yourself later, and I'll watch TV for a while."

Sure enough, as soon as my mother left, Miyuan immediately revealed her true face, drinking at Ye Shenyue and helping him take a bath was beyond even thinking!

In Japan, even couples do not have an exception for the wife to bathe her husband.

Kanami's face was a little red, she quickly shook her head, where did she think she was going!

There are policies and measures to counter.

Ye Shenyue did not continue arguing with Miyuan, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, he would let her come in obediently.

"This guy seems a little weird."

Ye Shenyue turned around, and Mihara immediately looked away from the TV. This guy who dared to kiss her would leave so obediently?Will he simply give up?You must know that when they were in the room before, if it wasn't for the mother's call, they might have had more intimate contact.At that time, she clearly saw the undisguised desire in the other's eyes.

Mihara's face became even more rosy.

Fortunately, she turned her head slowly, otherwise she would have seen Ye Shenyue's evil smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, and she would have gained more attention.


"it hurts!"

About 5 minutes later, there was a sudden loud noise from the direction of the bathroom, and finally a muffled sound, as if someone fell to the ground and made a painful cry.

Could it be that the bathroom was too slippery and fell!

Mihara was stunned for a while, but she didn't want to watch the TV for a long time, and ran directly to the bathroom.

A glass door.Can't see the door of the scene inside.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he could still see a vague outline, and Mihara stopped the hand that was trying to open the door.

"It's dangerous! Fortunately, it didn't open!"

Mihara breathed a sigh of relief. What she saw through the glass door was a helpless figure who fell down?Obviously saw a small standing figure!

If he fell, he would have to cover some parts or lie on the floor!

Must be intentional!

Mihara's mind turned to the extreme in an instant, cursed inwardly, and wanted to leave after putting on the slippers that were about to run away.


A drop of water that the heat and humidity can't open.

"Aikawa Ayumi you bastard!"

Mihara roared, this zombie who should be pumping, actually opened the door while she was not paying attention, if it just opened the door, it would be fine, but this bastard was still shooting at her with a spray head!


Kanami-chan was about to collapse.The loose pajamas were tightly attached to the body, and the whole body was soaked. Countless water droplets were falling from the clothes, and they all landed on the feet!

Sanyuan was angry, she was angry.

He rushed in and snatched the nozzle from Ye Shenyue's hand and sprayed all the water droplets inside onto Ye Shenyue's body, as if... it was revenge.

"Hey hey hey! Mihara, you must be too petty! It's just a little joke."

Ye Shenyue let Sanyuan vent, and she even pushed her into the bathtub.

"Just kidding! That's fun, isn't it! Right!"

Mihara's sanity was almost completely lost, and now Yashenyue is no different from being fished out of the water, 10 times wetter than her.

Women's revenge is really strong.

"It was really fun."

Yagami's muffled voice came out of Kanami-chan's arms, and seemed to be a little excited.

"Fun? Fun?... Aikawa! Aikawa Ayumi, you... pervert!"

Mihara Kanami's blushing can already match the red apples in autumn.All the strength of the whole body poured out, pushing Ye Shenyue over.

She herself stood up quickly and wanted to run outside.

"Perverted is perverted! For you, what happens once perverted!"

Although Ye Shenyue was let go by Mihara, it didn't mean that he was always in a down position, and there was endless magic power in his body.With a wave of his hand, the glass door, which was still half-open, closed immediately, stopping Mihara's rushing out.

She turned to look at Ye Shenyue, but her body involuntarily flew towards the bathtub where Ye Shenyue was, as if she was bound by an invisible rope.


Kanami entered the bathtub, and the bathtub immediately overflowed with water.

"You...what do you want?"

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