Her whole body was soaked in the warm bathtub, and Kanami's heart suddenly became tense.

Although there was only a Luo Tai in front of her, her heart jumped up unsatisfactorily.The whole body stiffened.

Ps: Rolling all over the place asking for a monthly pass.

Chapter 0115 Mihara Kanami (second more)

"Kanamei, I like you."

Ye Shenyue didn't answer directly to Mihara's flustered question, but put her face close to Mihara's ear and whispered softly against her ear.It's like a secret whisper between lovers.Made Kanami's face red.

Like... like her?

This, is this a confession?

If there was a mirror around now, she would definitely find that her face was completely red. This was the first time he had called her that, not by her last name, but by her first name.

Do you really like it?

Mihara's body was completely stiff.


Ye Shenyue contained her round and crystal earlobes.

"Yeah~~~" With a subconscious snort, Mihara immediately wanted to cover her mouth, but Ye Shenyue grabbed her hand and didn't let her move or stop her.

The temperature in the bathroom was not very high, but Yagami felt that her whole body was about to burn.

His lips came together again, with a fire-like temperature.As if to set everything on fire.

"I like you, promise me."

Ye Shenyue's voice has never been so gentle as it is now.

As if the voice came not from his mouth but from his tender heart.

"Um... um?... No... don't..."

Mihara's god 06 was confused for a moment, but the good times didn't last long. Just when Ye Shenyue's hand stretched into her panties, the unbearable feeling from her lower body made her instinctively refuse.

Even pushing him away was a bit more forceful.

It seems that the heat is not enough.

Ye Shenyue also doesn't think Mihara, who is the Queen of Tsundere, is so good at strategy. She is different from Yu and the others, but she doesn't have such a deep emotional foundation.

Beauty needs to be slowly polished.

Ye Shenyue resolutely withdrew her hand and temporarily gave up attacking this most beautiful place, but it didn't mean that he gave up just now. For example, he could attack other places first.

The war has shifted!

Ye Shenyue forced Mihara's body down into the bathtub "No...don't...don't be like this."

However, Ye Shenyue didn't directly resist like she did just now, and her resistance wasn't very big.

There is still drama!

Ye Shenyue looked at Kanami's beautiful eyes that were already a little confused. He also loosened the original ponytail, and all the slender hair was poured into the warm water. It looked pitiful, but it added It's not her desire to protect her, but her desire to bully her to a greater extent.

Ye Shenyue is really bad!

"You look so beautiful."

Ye Shenyue leaned into Mihara's ear and whispered.He really likes black, long and straight. Although Mihara's hair is not black, it is also straight. Usually, it is not visible when it is tied in a ponytail.

The slender strands of hair slipped into the water, and Ye Shenyue couldn't help touching it. He often did this when he was with You.


Mihara's face also turned red.From the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of Ye Shenyue's obsessed look, and she was actually a little moved.

"Well, leave it like this in the future."

Ye Shenyue's muffled voice came from the water, he lowered his body again, and actually kissed Kanami's neck.

"No...don't be so close..." Mihara-san is just trying to hide her ears and stealing bells, Yashenyue kissing her neck is considered intimate, so now riding on her like this is not intimate?

It's more intimate this way!

As if obeying Mihara's intentions, Ye Shenyue did not embarrass her and raised her head, but before Mihara was relieved, Ye Shenyue's two small hands ripped open her clothes and unbuttoned her. , take off her top.

Under the pressure of Ye Shenyue, Miyuan was completely powerless, and he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Hope he ends like this.

What a torture!

Mihara blushed and closed her eyes, not daring to look at Ye Shenyue.

At this time, Ye Shenyue's face was a little flushed. Miyuan's figure was really not very good, but it was enough to attract him. He had a heart of fraternity, whether it was an airport or a human breast.

There is no bigger heart than him.

He only felt that the fire on his body was really burning. If it was hot and hot in the bathtub just now, it would almost melt him now.

"Kanami... can you do it for me?"

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