The little Jiujiu in Ye Shenyue's heart has long been seen through and is still half-acquiesced by Kikyo.


Ye Shenyue's movements suddenly stagnated, appearing to be a little stiff, and the fingers that made trouble turned into normal stroking, and the fingers pressed against the smooth belly, making it hard to believe that this body was made of clay and ashes. It's done, except that the temperature is slightly lower and it's not much different from a human body.

In the end, Ye Shenyue was defeated, and she coughed twice to change the subject, some things can be said without being cheeky, "Well... I'm tired from traveling, why don't I come and wash it for you? You're right? This body is still unfamiliar... It's alright, let me do something for my lovely daughter."

It is indeed a daughter. The ashes of this body were made by the child in the belly of Kikyo, that is, Kagome's body, and now Kikyo can be resurrected with this body, this... daughter's body.

So it seems no problem for a father to wash his little daughter's child who has not yet grown up but is only in the mother's womb.


Now this body is possessed by Kikyo, and the body of a complete girl is not a child!

this man...

The excuse that Yagami found made Kikyo's eyes widen as if something unbelievable happened, but Yagami moved to the side with a cheeky face, he had nothing to do with Ariana because there was no such thing as It's nothing to meet Xiangmiao, and Sesshomaru because I haven't met Lingyue Immortal Fairy yet, but this... If it's something with Kagome, this Kikyo is the first person to look at him with wide eyes.

Ye Shenyue was immediately defeated.

"...Go and wash."

Kikyo looked at Yagami Yue's nervous expression for a while, then stood up and sorted out the clothes that Yagami Yue had messed up. Although the people in this castle were not outsiders, even the maids knew their own. What kind of virtuous person is the city lord, but, if anyone sees it, En will still be embarrassed.

Kikyo felt that his heart was a little soft, and it was too soft, especially when he saw the other party's expression that he dared not admit it, and did not dare to do it. , The Miko's eyes became softer with the radiance of motherhood.

"Chikyo, I like you the most."

Kikyo quickly received the gift of tolerance, and Ye Shenyue hugged her from behind, but this time she said the most sincere words.Although this is my favorite, I have to add one at the end, such as favorite Yu, favorite Yuko, favorite saber... Why is there Yuko in this "most"?Is it a slip of the tongue?

Yagami shook her head and immediately hugged the shrine maiden and walked towards the dedicated bathroom under the reflection of the maids' blushing faces.

At the same time, a certain expressionless little loli with azure blue eyes that was clearer than the ocean and slender and beautiful silver ankle-length expression seemed to be in a pretty good mood, even though she didn't know the end. Something happened that made her happy.

And the blond knight with very conspicuous dull hair who is solving the breakfast for ten people actually has a new experience that "food can not only solve the problem of food and clothing, but also bring strength and joy".

At the same time, in a certain pitch-dark world, the whole body that was sealed in the darkness was pitch-black, like a woman who had fallen into the abyss of hatred, with a black face, "Damn guy, I will definitely recover, I will definitely recover. Yes, then eat or destroy your favorite sky and your favorite ground, destroy them all, and the world will be destroyed!"

Those words that seemed like a curse woke a little silver-haired girl with two cute little horns like small ears from her sleep.

She slowly opened her clear eyes, and then stroked her temples with her little white hand, "What's the matter? How could my concubine dream of her? Wasn't she sealed because of jealousy? Or is this about to collapse? The bad world is about to end?"

ps: What good settings do gentlemen have about all kinds of ghosts and animals?At present, the ghosts and animals that the author thinks of are not only turning the weapons in Guilty Crown into mosaics, but also Poké Balls that can hold girls... Well, what else?

For example, giving the original male protagonist the soul of a gay man?

Chapter 0080 Kagome's retreat (two more for subscription)

The air in the Warring States period looked very fresh and inhaled, making people feel refreshed, but Kagome, who came out of the Bone-eating Well again, didn't seem to be in a good mood, and it seemed that something was bothering her.

She was annoying really annoying.

It has been a whole week since she witnessed the resurrection of Kikyo, and she has also returned to the modern age. This time it is not yet the weekend but... well, I am always worried about whether Ye Shenyue will come to the village to find her. Then he asked about Kikyo's information, and finally he went to the road of no return and skipped class and returned to the Warring States Period again.

Strangely, the girl had a hunch that as long as she came here from modern times today, she could meet the person she wanted to meet, but she just grabbed the thick vines and climbed up the ancient well, but she still hasn't seen a single person.

"Damn Yeshenyue, where did you go! You weren't there when I needed you, what is it like this...what is it..."

The lively girl's voice slowly lowered, as if she felt that even if she shouted, it would be ineffective as a punch on cotton.

It's just that there are still some actions that should be done, such as kicking the thousand-year-old Yushenmu viciously, "While talking, let me train archery and shoot through the Four Soul Jade, then I have to come to collect the Four Soul Jade, and then I meet him. So much danger! While talking about protecting me, people? Where are people? Damn guy... Damn guy!"

As the girl spoke, she kicked the thousand-year-old Mikamigi, "I must have forgotten me if I didn't show up for so long! I must have heard the wind and be with that Kikyo!"

"I also said that reincarnations are going to be together. Now those who haven't been reincarnated have appeared. What am I still together!"

Once again, he stepped on the Mikami tree.

I didn't expect that Kagome's consciousness was so high, and she could think so much. If she told her a little more inside story, she might be able to guess everything, and Ye Shenyue fell directly from the tree.

" hurts..."

The girl who was immediately punished for kicking on the Mikami tree cried out in pain. Although she was assisted by spiritual power and the Demon Breaking Arrow had improved a lot, she was still just a girl after all, and she was only a girl in terms of strength and body. , being knocked off a tree by a person can't be without pain.

Mikamiki is at least ten meters away. Even if an ordinary person falls from a tree, plus the acceleration of gravity, the speed of the fall is a terrible value. If it wasn't for Yagami to grab the tree trunk with his hands to increase friction and friction. The speed has been reduced rigidly, so Kagome at this time will not just scream in pain but fall into a coma... "Is it okay if you hurt me..."

Ye Shenyue also groaned, he was quite different, because no matter how you looked at Kagome's physical fitness, she was just an ordinary girl, but when he landed and tried to press her on top of her, Kagome's arm actually smashed heavily. He came down and hit his shoulder blades without any hesitation as if he had grown eyes.

"Well? Ye Shenyue?"

Kagome, who was screaming in pain, stopped. The voice was very familiar and familiar. Isn't that hateful face the face of the most hateful guy she's been looking for these days?

"Why are you here?"

Kagome froze for a while, then with a blushing face, she pushed Ye Shenyue off her thighs, and then covered her fair thighs with a dark green pleated skirt that reached her knees.

"Huh... No, it should be why you haven't shown up for so long? Don't you know... Don't you know Sesshomaru and Kikyo..."

It's very strange, she just wanted to tell the other party the news, but the girl's heart was filled with sadness for some reason, and then crystal tears appeared in her eyes.

"terribly sorry."

Ye Shenyue couldn't care less about rubbing the shoulder blade that Kagome had beaten to death just now, and immediately hugged the girl who was about to cry, "Because I wasn't here, you were attacked by Sesshomaru, wait until I get the news. After that, I went to hunt down Sesshomaru, but unfortunately I let her escape, so I came late, and then I heard from the villagers that you came to this forest when I got back to the village. I thought you had already gone back, so I stayed on the sacred tree. Wait for you, I didn't expect that because you kicked Mikamiki and then I fell."

Ye Shenyue held the girl in her arms and said a lie affectionately... In the lie, she eliminated any unfavorable factors for herself.

"It turned out to be chasing Shoumaru..."

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