Kagome seemed to be in a better mood, and she felt a sense of revenge, but when she thought about business, she quickly left Ye Shenyue's embrace and sat up, "I have something very important to tell you. "

"Important thing?"

Ye Shenyue showed a curious and confused look.

"Yes, about the resurrection of Kikyo, the thing is this, we suspect Kikyo..."

Ye Shenyue's puzzled look made Kagome's mood, which was already a little calmer, calmer. Yes, he shouldn't have lied, otherwise he wouldn't have known that Kikyo had been resurrected, and he didn't go to Feng to confirm first. Instead, I found an ordinary uninformed villager to ask questions and then went directly to wait for her here.

No matter what, just wait for her.

The girl's heart slowly developed from sour to the direction of sugar water.

It's a pity that if she knew the truth, she would not know whether her mood would change from sugar water to boiling water.

"The Kikyo came back to life?"

Ye Shenyue sat cross-legged on the green grass, and now it was spring, the season when the green grass was luxuriant, so even if you sat down, you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Ye Shenyue murmured, he was thinking about how, well, to coax Kagome, but Kagome seemed to have misunderstood his expression. 1 In the eyes of the young girl, the young man at the moment shows confusion, surprise and the urge to meet.

Kikyo, is it that important in his heart?

Yes, when Kikyo comes back to life, Yagami will definitely choose Kikyo.

However, I feel a little lonely and lonely in my heart for some reason, because...

Because Ye Shenyue was robbed like this.

Huh... No, what took away?What are you talking about stealing, Ye Shenyue was originally a Kikyo, and I have nothing to do with him, but I was actually hugged by him just now and I didn't resist, and it seemed that I was still a little attached.

Ah, when did it become like this!

Kagome immediately scratched her head and showed confusion on her face.

Chapter 0081 Return to the modern age (three more subscriptions)

"A bellflower..."

Ye Shenyue folded her arms and looked at the peaceful village. The forest is relatively high. From above, you can see the village on the plain below. The village is very quiet and peaceful. New rice seedlings are planted in the fields. Sowing seeds in the fields, and children playing on the ridges.

It's a peaceful village, no strife, no turmoil, and no monsters attacking.

Looking at this village, Ye Shenyue has tenderness in her eyes. This is the village where he and Kikyo lived together for a year. There is a scent of Kikyo here. Even after fifty years, this village is still so peaceful.

"A bellflower..."

He pronounced the name very gently, as if he was stroking his lover's face. He was indeed a lover, and the person he was reading was the one sitting in his arms yesterday.Or it was the Kikyo that possessed the body of Kagome during the Warring States Period.

And now Kagome, who is full of modern atmosphere, is half-sitting beside him 07.

Her eyes were slightly sparkling, showing a conflicting expression of excitement and sadness, Ye Shenyue turned around and looked at Kagome, "I want to tell you about Kikyo."

"Well? What about Kikyo?"

Kagome held back the tears that were about to fall and looked at him. At this time, what about Kikyo should be to go to Kikyo and ask clearly, right?

She didn't understand what he was thinking, but she had to hold back her tears and listen to him.Curiosity sour or what?

At this moment, she is also a little confused about her own heart.

"When I first met Kikyo, she was in a small pool in this forest. She is a powerful witch, but I can't deny that she is a woman. Others will respect her and fear her, but I found her. Weakness in her heart, no matter how powerful she is, she is still weak in her heart, she was born a witch, but what she desires more is to be an ordinary woman..."

"And then?"

At first, Kagome thought Yagami was a little strange. She should have found out about Kikyo's resurrection and went to her right away, but now she was telling a story, but she slowly became fascinated while listening. Although those experiences It was strange to her, but she felt a touch of warmth.

Yes, Kikyo likes him, and he likes her too.So...what are you doing here?

Wouldn't it be better if you weren't here?This will bring them together again, without their own obstacles then they will...

Yes, it must be so, it is only right to do so.

The infected Kagome wanted to stand up and leave, but her heart was sour.

"Disgusting, tears are coming out, really, so embarrassing."

The girl wiped the wet corners of her eyes with her hand, and wanted to speak, but she was stuck for at least three seconds before she could make a sound, "Go to her, I can take care of myself, so you can go to her quickly, maybe she will too. Waiting for you, although Naraku is very powerful, I believe you can defeat him and get Kikyo back."

"...you really want me to do this?"

Ye Shenyue looked straight at her, and Kagome looked at Ye Shenyue firmly for a while, and then she avoided her eyes again, "Well, you must do this! Otherwise, you will fail Kikyo."

Gaowei paused and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I have to go to class tomorrow. I skipped class today, so I have to go back to class. I still want to be a good student."

While speaking, Kagome stood up, trying to show an involuntary smile on his face, that smile was bright but very dim.

"Okay, you go back first. I'll come to you."

Ye Shenyue gave her a serious look and then hugged the girl. He could feel the trembling of the girl's shoulders.


This time, Kagome didn't reject his embrace, took a deep breath of the other party's breath, and immediately trotted towards the Bone-eating Well with her small bag on her back.

The run was fast, but there were tears that could no longer be hidden on the road. The tears fell on the grass like dewdrops in the morning. The dewdrops were the tears of the goddess of the night, and at this moment, Kagome was also crying.


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