One foot had already stepped into the Bone Eating Well, the girl turned her back to him and then waved her hand, the setting sun fell on her body, and she felt indescribably lonely, she waved her back and didn't even turn her head back, it wasn't that she didn't want to turn around. It's because she didn't want him to see the embarrassing tears streaming down his face now.

The purple brilliance flashed through time, traveled through time and space, and returned to modern times.

"Sister? What's wrong?"

The younger brother Caotai of this era looked at his elder sister with a worried expression, "Did someone in that world bully you? Caotai will help my elder sister bully back."

"'s fine."

Kagome touched his brother's head and shook his head reluctantly, "I'm fine. My sister is tired. I have to go to class tomorrow."

While talking about Kagome, she desperately wiped away the tears on her face with her hands. This is a decision she made by herself. 057 What is there to cry about?

But still feel sad...

Just so that her brother wouldn't worry about Kagome, she forced a smile and bumped into the door frame.

"Why does it look like it's okay?"

Seeing that her sister could hit the door frame while walking, Caotai showed a worried look.

"I can't live up to Kikyo... Can I live up to you?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the deserted forest and sighed in disappointment. Before he knew it, a witch in a witch costume appeared beside him. The witch's face had a faint sadness on her face.

"Go if you want. Although I can't help her anymore, if it can make her happy, then everything will be fine."

For a long time, I watched the faint voice of Kikyo of the Bone-eating Well.She has been here for a long time.

"Thank you Kikyo."

Ye Shenyue hugged her fiercely, indulged in her holy breath, and then kissed her cheek heavily before letting go of her and walked towards the Bone Eating Well without looking back.

Everything, it's time to make a break.

And he wants to go back to her, as he said.

Even from the Warring States period to modern times.

He also wants to go back to find her.

ps: I always feel that it is going to develop into romance...

Chapter 0082 Boyfriend (one more subscription)

ps: There are very few comments recently...

※※※ Kagome returned to the room. Her house is a temple with a bone-eating well and a thousand-year-old Mikami tree, and the bone-eating well is not too far from the room. It only takes two minutes to reach the room.


Put the backpack down and slam it on the soft bed as if you were about to throw yourself out.

"Meow~~" The little kitten with white hair but four little feet is purple climbed up from the bed and stretched out her pink tongue and head to lick Kagome's cheek as if to make her feel better Son.


The sound is not as good as Shanpu's, and there is a pile of fat and Kagome's house cat, Xiaopang, who laughs very much. It's just that its voice is really not good in Shanpu's sweet meow. It was even more unpleasant in comparison, which made Kagome's already irritable and sad expression aggravated.

Like being about to get sick and then being splashed with cold water and totally sick.

"Little Fatty, get out!"

Kagome unceremoniously issued an expulsion order.Little Fatty screaming at this time really made her unbearable.


The black cat and the white stupid body moved for a while, and then the four limbs clung tightly to the cat demon who had already occupied the soft and soft bed. It's all because of you that I've been hated by the master.


Shan Pu's body is N times smaller than Xiao Chuan, but he is definitely not a monster. Those amber eyes that can be compared with ordinary house cats stared at Xiao Chuan's body that was arrogant and suddenly stagnant and then seemed to be hit. Like a defeated puppy, he left with his tail drooping.

"If I don't show off my arrogance, you still think I'm easy to bully!"

Shanpu obviously used demon power to suppress the ordinary house cat, but it seemed to be a little "Shanpu——"

After being comforted by the kitten, Kagome turned from lying down to half-sitting, and put the petite cat in her arms and stroked its soft and smooth fur, although it was a cat demon There are many habits that can be different from ordinary cats, but Shanpu still pays attention to her maintenance and often combs her hair, and now Kagome's petting makes it feel very comfortable.

Kagome's eyes slowly blurred again when she looked at this cute kitten who would be robbed by girls, and she felt that the sadness had resurfaced again, making it difficult for her to even ignore it.

"Shanpu, what should I do with your master?"

Kagome was muttering to herself, "Suddenly caught by a hundred-footed monster and returned to the Warring States Period, and by accident, he shattered the Jade of Four Souls and embarked on a journey to find fragments, of course, these are not the point, now What troubles me is not the matter of the Four Soul Jade being snatched by Sesshomaru, but the matter of your master."


Shanpu raised her face.The furry cheeks looked particularly cute, and Kagome couldn't help but touch them more closely with her fingers.

"I... what should I do? It was obviously my decision, but the tears came out involuntarily. Could it be that I fell in love with him? How could it be, that kind of guy... ...Damn tears, I said you don't shed it!"

The girl seemed to be complaining, but the crystal teardrops didn't stop at this time, and every drop made Shan Pu look worried.

"Boom boom boom——"

At this time, the door was knocked on by my mother, who was standing outside the door still wearing an orange-colored apron, "Gao Wei, come down and have dinner, today is your favorite sukiyaki~~" also It's hard to be a mother, and even though she is old, she likes to speak in a girlish tone.

"Oh, I see, I'll go down right away."

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