Kagome's voice was a little trembling. It was not the same as usual. Mom stopped for a while and then said to herself, "Is it because I know my boyfriend is here that I am so excited? Well, I have this situation too. I decided to marry him. When Kagome and Kusada's father were dating, it was hard to tell the excited words when they were dating."

The mother's face showed a youthful color. Although she was a full-time housewife, she was also young.

Then Kagome heard her mother pounding down the stairs.


Shanpu licked and licked Kagome's fingers to cheer her up, and Kagome noticed it.

"I didn't expect to be comforted by Shan Pu now."

Kagome touched Shanpu's soft nose with her fingertips and sat up completely, "Forget it, don't care, I've made a decision anyway, um, yes, since they've been separated for fifty years, then Just keep the old lovers together."


There was doubt in Shanpu's amber eyes, it didn't know what happened, at least for now, just now Kagome secretly ran back to the Warring States period and didn't take it away, so it didn't know what happened. what.But it seems good that the owner can cheer up now.

Shanpu meowed again. This owner is much better than the windslayer with wine red eyes that he met when he was captured. He wouldn't tie it up with ropes and watch it scream shrilly, Not only feeding it well, but also petting it, such a master is simply unreasonable!

"The smell of sukiyaki - eh, why is Kusada and Grandpa so quiet?"

Kagome, who came down the stairs, was a little curious. The scent of the fragrance was exactly the smell of sukiyaki, and it also had the taste of the meat he liked. Grandpa and Sota's favorite dish was also sukiyaki. At this time, it should not be because of excitement. What is it called?

what happened?

Kagome went down the stairs with strong curiosity.

"Oh, Kagome, why did you come down so late? Your boyfriend has been waiting for a long time."

Mom was preparing chopsticks and looked at Kagome who walked over in a daze.

"Boy friend?"

As soon as Kagome stayed, Grandpa flew over and burst into tears, "George, why did you find a boyfriend so early and have a life-long agreement with him, don't you want to marry that much? Are you staying with grandpa?"

"Uh...what is this?"

Kagome was completely confused by Grandpa's actions, this... what the hell happened.

"Sister, this big brother looks very powerful. It is said that he came from the Warring States period and will let him teach me swordsmanship. He must be more powerful than those masters in the martial arts hall! Masters from a thousand years ago, I am excited when I think about it!"

Kusakata also ran over with a small face full of surprises, which undoubtedly shocked Kagome again.

"Big brother? The Warring States Period? Eh..."

Kagome pushed away the grandfather who was in front of her and let Sota Rang look aside. Finally, she saw the acquaintance who was sitting in front of the table, smiling faintly and holding up chopsticks towards her.

"Ge Wei, this is sukiyaki, if you don't grab it, it's no fun."

Chapter 0083 shows your mind (two more for subscription)

"Ge Wei, this is sukiyaki, if you don't grab it, it's no fun."

Ye Shenyue turned towards Kagome and smiled, showing her white teeth, giving her a smile that was extremely sunny.

Really a sunny boy.

Eh, isn't it!

Kagome was stunned for a moment and then reacted immediately. She rushed up and grabbed Ye Shenyue's collar, "You...Yishenyue, you...why are you here?"

"Well? Why can't I be here? Didn't I say I would come to see you? I came to see you because I missed you! What's wrong with that?"

Ye Shenyue was caught by the collar and showed a slightly innocent expression. The difference in his heart was that he used to grab girls by the collar or their clothes and then pull them to his side. Kagome has reversed, doesn't Kagome like the traditional male top and female bottom but prefer the more curious reverse push?

She is really a girl with personality, as expected of a girl who looks so similar to Kikyo.

Ye Shenyue silently added countless likes to Kagome in her heart, and the golden light in her eyes as if she had seen a treasure made Kagome's movements almost stagnant.

What the hell is this guy looking at in front of grandpa, mom and Sota!

It's just that she didn't think that she was grabbing a man's collar very unladylike now. Such a violent move surprised her grandfather and Kusakata who were familiar with her.

Grandpa never imagined that his granddaughter would have such a good relationship with this boyfriend. Sure enough, he was about to leave him?

On the other hand, Kusada showed an interested expression. To him, the world of adults is full of novel colors.

"Well, that seems to be right... eh... isn't it!"

Kagome was stunned by Ye Shenyue's rhetorical question for a while before she woke up, "Shouldn't you go to Kikyo? Time has passed, you should go to her first..."


Everyone in the house was quiet. Grandpa's eyes widened, and Sota asked her mother in a low voice, "Is the name Kikyo...is it the one mentioned in the TV series...that sister's rival in love?"

"It seems so."

Mom nodded hesitantly and then looked at Ye Shenyue several times. She was quite surprised how this polite and likable boy was the legendary person who stepped on two boats?


Being watched by her family members with hot eyes, Kagome could even see surprise and faint worry in her mother's eyes. Is her mother worried about the inhumane she likes?Well, she didn't say she liked it.

"do not care!"

Feeling that she was about to break down, Kagome made the quickest move. She grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm and pulled him out directly.

"What the hell are you doing!"

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