When he was in the yard, facing the huge Mikamigi Kagome, he felt relieved and then said to Ye Shenyue, his eyes widened as if he wanted to take a good look at each other.

Ye Shenyue touched her head as if she was wronged, "I already said that I came back to find you."

"Find me?"

Kagome's tone rose slightly, then dropped again, "What about Kikyo? You should go see Kikyo more?"

I have already seen Kikyo, and now she acquiesced in coming here.

Of course, these truths should not be said at this time, Ye Shenyue pretended to be deep. "But I find you're not too happy."

"I...not too happy?"

Kagome's voice was a little hesitant, her eyes blinked in surprise, she was surprised that Ye Shenyue could still notice her before going to see her "lover", this is really...

Do you think it's important to her?

The calm that Kagome had calmed down immediately exploded.His face was also purified as if it had encountered sunlight.

"I'm not happy about you!"

The girl turned her face away, and then said in a somewhat angry voice, "We have nothing to do with each other."

Then she felt a tightness in her wrist, and a palm had been drawn up, pinching her tightly, subconsciously trying to struggle but found herself so powerless.

"We're not related? We're not related!"

Ye Shenyue's aura suddenly came out, as if a strong wind was blowing in front of her, so Kagome couldn't help but close her eyes, but her wrist was tightly held as if she was about to resist.His mouth was also very tough, "We don't care, you have your Kikyo, didn't you like Kikyo in the first place? You like her so much and she likes you so much, isn't it the most correct thing for you to be together? And I... just an ordinary high school student who entered the Warring States period by mistake. So, I will forget what you said, I will pretend that nothing happened, and you don't have any psychological burden to directly talk to Orange... uh..."

Both of the girl's wrists were grabbed, her hands were pulled tightly by Ye Shenyue and she kissed her lips without question.

With a deep kiss and a domineering kiss, the girl's body was completely stiff, and the strength of her hands came back. She wanted to struggle desperately, but was kissed but gave up, and the corners of her eyes became wet.

This kiss lasted for at least ten minutes. Although it was just a simple touch of lips, the two felt that they had entered a state of blending.


Kagome was breathing heavily, trying to replenish the lost oxygen, and Ye Shenyue was looking at her. Ye Shenyue was a little strange, it was like this in the Warring States Period, Kagome's actions seemed a little wrong and Even more so now, although she was smiling and talking seriously, he felt that this Kagome was unfamiliar.

Moreover, what is going on between the lines to completely erase her and then push Yagami Yue to Kikyo?

"Although I don't quite understand why you deny yourself, if you sacrifice yourself just to want me and Kikyo to be together, then you are making a big mistake, Kikyo acquiesced to me, she acquiesced that you will be my woman , here I want to tell you solemnly, whether it is Kikyo or you, I will not give up, because we are a family, and we can only be a family!"

"One... a family?"

Kagome's face turned red all of a sudden, obviously she didn't think deeply that she just understood the surface meaning, she just thought that Ye Shenyue would never give up on her.

"You think it's ancient times, but I'm here in modern times, so I can't allow you to hug..."

It's just that she was still struggling, and the strength of her struggle was suddenly reduced. It seemed that Ye Shenyue's serious words had lowered the burden in her heart a little.

Sometimes a girl is just so weird and some things look very heavy but if you happen to notice then she will be very docile and well-behaved like an obedient cat demon Shanpu.

"But I'm from the Warring States Period. What's the matter? I'm just pedaling two boats..."

Ye Shenyue said in surprise, she didn't expect Kagome to care so much, so if he told her that he was not riding two boats but several fleets, wouldn't Kagome be overreacting?


This time, Kagome is speechless, the other party is still an ancient person, can you still ask him to be single?

It's just that her heart slowly became more comfortable. The reason why she was so entangled was that she suffered the pain of losing the other party.

She didn't want to lie to herself, and she felt really uncomfortable when she decided to quit and let Ye Shenyue out.

ps: I got up early in the morning and read the comments, the whole person is not good, so late to upload the chapter...

However, the author also reflected on it. It seems that the world is poorly written. Indeed, what is the point of taking up Naraku's plot?In this case, let's delete the story of Immortal Fairy Changpu Lingyue and end the world first.The next world is the Godslayer, but now I'm thinking about whether to replace Godou, or play the role of abusing the original protagonist. Well, the author has been infected with an evil virus because of the new book.

Chapter 0084 I am not an antique (three more subscriptions)

I don't know if this is love or not, but it must be love.

Whether it's the curiosity of the first meeting, or watching him stand in front of him to protect him or even wielding his broken teeth, he is fascinated by him. Such boys are much better than the weak-looking boys in the school, although they look like She is gentle like Hojo-kun, but not her type.

And the pain in her heart for choosing to withdraw voluntarily this time made her clearer.

"We were lovers in our last life."

No one can resist fate's red line of meeting fate. At first, she was just curious, but the more she got in touch, she found that she would sink deeper and deeper and couldn't pull it out.

"Ah...that's how I got into the pirate ship."

The girl was lying on the brown-colored desk with the textbook and looked a little confused, and she tied the red thread to the other person's body like this and sent herself out like this?

Kagome was still in a confused state until the bell rang for the Mandarin class.

Although girls are often in a daze, such as watching English and mathematics, but this time in the Mandarin class, it is really incredible!

Kagome's friends Zuo Meiko and Zhizi immediately surrounded Kagome and stayed by Kagome's side.

"Your performance in the past few days is really wrong, Kagome. It's either that you've been in a daze more often or you've been in a daze for a longer period of time."

Zuo Meizi, who is relatively straight-minded, said.

"That is, although you usually like to be in a daze, but this time it was too much. Did something happen?"

Zhi Zi also asked curiously.

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