"This is not a good thing. As friends, we must protect Kagome well!"

The three friends seemed united at this moment.

So after school, they directly stated that they were going to Kagome's house, "We will help you to plan how to deal with that man's rude demands. Once this kind of thing is done, it is easy to fall into it..."

"This kind of thing? It's easy to fall down when you do it?"

Although Kagome had fantasized a little about the wood aspect in 07 and what her friends said was exactly this aspect, but the girl with a pure heart and also thought that her friend's thinking was also very pure did not react immediately, she was puzzled He said, "If you said you were going to my house to deal with Ye Shenyue... In fact, he is in my house, so it's best not to be in front of him... eh?"

Before Kagome could finish speaking, she saw her companions turn their heads nervously and then formed a circle and whispered.

"Live at her house!"

x3 Mami also knew what happened: "So I also knew that the boy she met was an extremely vile man with two boats. Although he was handsome and sunny, it couldn't erase the viciousness of the other party's two boats. move!

"Doesn't that mean that even Kagome's parents agree with him! How can they do this? Just let Kagome go into the tiger's mouth like this?"

"If both parents agree and Kagome agrees, then it seems like we're doing this... it doesn't make sense."

Mami seemed to hesitate when she finished speaking, and her two companions also hesitated.

"That being said, if they all agree, what's there to stop us?"

"In that case, let's ask Kagome about it."

"it is good!"

Zuo Meizi's suggestion was quickly agreed, and then the doubtful Kagome was surrounded by three people. Although the three friends sometimes did some strange things, they were on the street and surrounded her. The floating eyes of others are really embarrassing.


"We are asking you very seriously, do you like that person named Ye Shenyue who has two boats?"

The three different faces showed the same serious look.

"This... In fact, I can't directly say that he has two boats because I and Kikyo are actually... ah, it's nothing, well, I admit, I like him."

After saying that, Kagome felt so dangerous that she almost told the news that she was the reincarnation of Kikyo, and she patted her chest with a guilty conscience.

But this guilty action was quickly misunderstood by his companions.

"Gao Wei actually said that it can't be regarded as two boats!"

"In other words, it's just stepping on a boat! In other words, Kagome defeated her rival! And then robbed her boyfriend?"

"I didn't expect Kagome to be so powerful! This makes sense. Otherwise, how could the people in Kagome's family let that Yagami live in their house? It must be like this. It turns out that Kagome has already defeated the rival in love. what!"

"So it is!" The three girls of X3 chatted and came up with what they thought was the most correct answer.

But I'm sorry that this answer is still wrong, rivals in love have not decreased but will increase, and what's even more terrifying is that Kagome's mother and the others still don't know that Yagami is a person with two boats.

When they could finally pull Kagome back and keep her from going astray, these good friends still lost their best chance.

"So that's the case, then Kagome... Bye, you must have a beautiful night with your boyfriend~~" "Let's go back first~" Zuo Meizi, Zhizi waved to Kagome and was about to leave.As if staying a little longer would turn into a high-watt light bulb.

"What happened to them?"

The girl looked confused, but she still waved at her companions.

Today is like a dream.

"Shanpu, what do you think I should do tonight?"

In the bathroom, Kagome asked her as if she was holding a white kitten who was playing with water.

"Meow~" As long as the owner is happy, it's fine.

"What a lovely cat."

Kagome touched the fluff on Shanpu's head, although she couldn't speak the language, her mood gradually became better when surrounded by cats.

Maybe I can be really happy tonight.

Kagome came out of the bathtub, dried her body, and brushed her long black hair, as if she was ready to devote herself.

It's a pity that Kagome wasn't happy, instead, she was shocked and surprised and even nearly died of anger!

Because after the painful and pleasant first experience, a guy who doesn't know how to love Xiangxiyu actually told her a secret.

A secret that shocked her for a long time and was speechless.

Yes, Yagami Yue and Kagome said that he is Naraku's business, such as what Naraku wants to do to maintain the stability of the world, that is balance, if Inuyasha and the others represent justice, then he will. Become evil, so keep 987 against them to stop them.

And Kikyo... The woman who has the same appearance as her is not her previous life but... but her mother!

And she is also Inuyasha really is a brother and sister!Because not only Inuyasha, even Sesshomaru, but also she is the child of the man who was galloping on her body just now!

I... actually did it with my father... did this kind of thing!

Kagome was stunned and grabbed his arm hard!

"Ye Shenyue...you...you really did..."


Yagami just hugged her, he knew she would become hysterical when he told her the truth.

"I know you really...you this..."

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