"You bastard!"

Kagome bit his shoulder fiercely in a variety of complicated and frightening moods, her teeth suddenly felt a little astringent, and blood was already coming from the bite.

But Ye Shenyue didn't stop it, because he knew that Kagome could still bite him at this time, which meant that she could still not leave him.

Next, just explain to her the things that go beyond ethics.

But there was a tingling in the shoulder.

Ye Shenyue secretly said in her heart, if the next time you meet her daughter, don't hide it from her, otherwise everyone will bite him and it will be unbearable.

ps: There is one more chapter to kill the gods. I hope you will continue to support then, thank you very much,

Chapter 0087 If you go, you will die! (three more for subscription)

In the early morning, the dewdrops condense little by little, and the fresh air makes it easy to wake up.

"Gao Wei, sleep well for a while."

Ye Shenyue kissed the cheek of the girl who "bited" him last night.


The girl was still asleep, but she seemed to have dreamed of something good and then changed her position to sleep more comfortably.

The cute appearance makes Ye Shenyue want to do it again, because the girl at the moment is simply wearing a white shirt with only two buttons or the bottom two buttons. Also because he was young and slim, he still flashed a large piece of snow white, and because he was lying on his side, he squeezed out a ravine that was neither deep nor shallow, but very charming.

What a beautiful girl.

When Ye Shenyue woke up, she had planned to look at Kagome more, but he was very perceptive and immediately realized that something was wrong.

The window opened, Ye Shenyue won the championship, jumped out of the window and entered the yard. It was still early in the morning, but no one from the family came out, but there were uninvited guests in the yard.

It was the crystal clear dewdrops on the green grass, Ye Shenyue moved her nose and the vigilance on her face disappeared, revealing a smile.

"Do you want me to find you?"

In this place with only grass, Ye Shenyue stood alone but seemed to be talking to another person.

The grass didn't respond, or it was silent for a while and then made a sound. A dewdrop three meters away from Ye Shenyue turned into a small figure.

It was a petite girl with fair skin and thin arms. She was not tall but only reached his waist, but her eyes were very clear.

This is the water snake demon Jingshuijiu.

This is the world of Inuyasha, but it is different from the Warring States period, when there are many kinds of monsters. In this era, only some monsters still exist, such as Shizusujiu, Hiju, and Saya.

The place where Jing Shui Jiu lives and here are completely separated from several cities. Although this distance is not a big deal for them, Jing Shui Jiu will not come to play with him casually. "After paying the "public food" that should be paid, Feiju and the others were appeased.

"Jingshuijiu, did you come here to play?"

Although he knows that he has paid enough "public food", he really likes this water snake monster in the form of loli. Because the prototype is a water snake, her waist has always been the thinnest, softest and softest, which Yagami can't put it down. .

So he wasn't angry that the little water snake monster came to play with him.

"No, I'm not Jingshuijiu."

However, the expressionless water snake Loli, who always likes to stick to him, said in a very cold tone.


what happened?

Ye Shenyue half-squatted and grabbed Jingshuijiu's waist with one ring. This is indeed Jingshuijiu's touch, and this breath is also Jingshuijiu, and this body is also Jingshuijiu, why isn't Jingshuijiu?

"Ala... can't you hear my voice? Ye~shen~yue~" Loli's thin lips moved and the voice slowly appeared, still with a cold face, but the voice was a little bit more Provocative meaning, because the name was actually separated and said while licking his lips.

Although the monster little loli likes to seduce and seduce him, it seems that the current state of trade is not something that Jing Shui Jiu can do.

This is not still water for a long time!

The soul has changed!

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue suddenly broke into a cold sweat in surprise.

"That...Miss Yuko, what's the matter? What other tasks are there?"

There seems to be no one else but Yuko-san who can talk like this and make him sweat coldly behind his back.

"Mission? But there is no task. Your task has been completed a long time ago. Didn't you see that I won't call you April [-]st now? It's just a promise to an old friend who wants to put you in another world. There is someone there. I want to see you, I want to see you very much."

Shizusui continued to put a cold face on his face and said what Miss Yuko liked to say in Yuko's tone.

Obviously, the world couldn't bear her coercion, so she just divided her soul, and Yuko seemed lazy, so she didn't even create a body that directly occupied Jingshuijiu.

It's just that it's not clear why it's a small loli instead of using Feiju's good body.

"Another world? And anyone else wants to see me?"

Ye Shenyue was a little surprised, "But in this world of Inuyasha, I still need to do something as Naraku..."

"Don't you have subordinates? Just let them do it, and there are Kikyo to help. And if you go, I promise I won't stop you in the future, well, it's not too much obstruction."

It's just going to settle accounts with you.


Although it is very depressing to let him leave this world suddenly, but if you can get the guarantee that Miss Yuko will not disturb in the future, it seems to be very good. The only thing I can't help is Kagome, who has just become a wife, and even sweet words have no time to be right. He said he left just like that.

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