"Your body..."

She pointed at Ye Shenyue, "Body of God."


Ye Shenyue and Godou were both stunned, the body of a god?

"The body of a god is the complete body of a god, but it has no divinity and no divine power. You are probably a god who has lost his power. Gods can kill each other and strengthen themselves by eating each other. It is a great tonic, eating it can increase the power and become more powerful!"

"But don't worry, I will not attack you. I am strong enough. If I am strong, I will never lose. Although I always win, I also want to taste the taste of defeat. It may be interesting, so I will never lose. I broke the seal of Mercator and made him wake up to fight me. I really hope I can be defeated."

The excitement on the child's face seemed to see himself defeated and then tasted the wonderful taste of disappointment.

But this look was a big change in Ye Shenyue's eyes. He subconsciously imagined that he was in a dark room.

He held a leather whip in his hand and slapped it on the child god.

"Okay...great, don't...don't stop...the taste of being abused...it's amazing..."

Gently whisper with excitement.

The light suddenly appeared on the face of the girl with red welts on her fair skin tied up with ropes.

It is... the child god in front of him.

His lips parted slightly, and a happy expression appeared on his face.The happy expression after being whipped and dripping wax.

"It turns out, God...you are a sufferer!"

Ye Shenyue murmured, the child looked at him with blue eyes, "What did you say?"

"I said, you are the winner! It's just that you don't know it!"

Chapter 0007 Failed to abduct God (one more subscription)


The child god's head turned slightly, "It's true that I am the winner, but what is suffering? The language of the human world is really difficult to understand."

"But it sounds like it's quite interesting."

Wellesrana's pure eyes sparkled.

This expression full of curiosity makes Ye Shenyue a little sentimental. Is this the so-called god?Even a "shou" is so interested, one can imagine what a boring life they must be living, with nothing but you hit me and I hit you!

"Actually, this feeling is a very profound artistic conception. They are tired of the past life and continue to look for it. Finally, they find another road other than independence and personality. That road is full of thorns and bumps, but if they can reach the other side, then It's going to be a beautiful experience."

"Beautiful experience? It always feels very similar to my experience, and I'm tired of always winning, so I want to taste the taste of losing and losing."

Welleslaner touched his smooth and round chin and said, the color of interest in his eyes did not change, "Hey, Yagami, is it really okay to say this to a child? She is still so small It is very likely that the wrong way will not be pulled out.”

Even though his conscience was damaged by the incident of the robbed blonde lady, Godou still had a little bit of conscience at the moment, so he was worried that Yagami would spoil the child like this.

Godou's voice was lowered, but God is God after all, and Veleslana, who was immersed in joy, also glanced over. Although Yagami's words were very interesting, Godou wanted to "return everything to its original owner." ”, Godou’s status was slightly higher in the child god’s heart.

"Human, are you trying to deceive me? Do you know what a sin this is!"

Welleslaner's tone turned slightly cold.

Godou this guy!

Seeing the child Shenyue Shenyue who was about to fall into the quagmire just now, but suddenly flew ashore, she complained a few words in her heart, but she still wanted to try harder.

"You said that you are tired of maintaining victory all the time, so you want to taste the taste of failure. This is to find something that you did not have in your past life, and the way to receive it is something you have never had before. Don't you really want to experience it? Come on? It's more fun than the always boring fight!"

Ye Shenyue continued to bewitched to lead her in strange directions, "Don't you like fun? This is a very interesting thing."

"Sounds reasonable, yes, I agree with you, human, so what reward do you want to get?"

The little boy hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Reward? How about your golden sword? Anyway, you unlocked the seal of Mercator just because you wanted to lose, so it's okay to lose if you lose your strength, or you say you want to fail, but you're actually very afraid of failure. "

"Oh...golden sword! I want to win the golden sword! Human, you know that your heart is too greedy! If you have the body of a god and then get my golden sword, you may be able to resist ordinary gods. "

Wasn't Welleslaner an idiot and immediately knew that Ye Shenyue was trying to take away her power, but she didn't immediately use the tactic of humane destruction, "But greedy human, you are the first to dare to say this. Man, you are both greedy and funny, and I admire you. How long has it been since you saw such a greedy person?"

Sure enough, he is still a god who likes "fun".

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, if you can beat me then I'll give you the golden sword."

But the words he said were still so merciless, defeating her... In this world, if you defeat God and kill them, you will gain their power, so to say that a child God said that is to say nothing!

"Ye Shenyue, let's go, you've already messed up this little kid."

However, Godou, who watched the outrageous development of the situation, couldn't stand it any longer, and his inner conscience drove him to push Yagami away.At first, Godou could still understand their conversation, but he couldn't understand it when he was talking. According to Yagami Yue's meaning, could this child still be a god?And children also completely regard themselves as gods who open "human" and close "human".

Let them talk any further and they will probably both go crazy.

You must know that not only stupid people are contagious, but mental illness can also become a source of infection.

"Oh...the slate is going to be taken back, right? Well, I'll put the slate as a gift and put it with you first. Warrior, you have to work hard."

Godou's impolite behavior was not much disgusting to the child god, she glanced at Shiban and laughed.



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