Looking at the backs of the two from a distance, there is still a smile on the corners of their mouths...

"Hey, Ye Shenyue, why did you say those words to that child just now? Let's not say some crazy words that are the way to be accepted... How can you say such things to a child? If she really went astray, then …”

Godou felt a little preachy.

Ye Shenyue waved her hand, "Anyway, she's such a mother-in-law, so it's nothing to take it upon herself, and... that child just now is a real god."

Godou froze for two seconds and then almost shouted, "God! You said that child is a god?"

"Yes, whether it's the wild boar or the phoenix that we saw, she was actually summoned by her. Didn't you hear what she said? It was she who undid the seal of Mercator and was about to fight him!"

Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at Godou strangely. Could it be that Godou's nerves are so dull?God appears in front of you and you don't even know it?

"……I think……"

Godou's face flushed and he was a little embarrassed. "I think we should hurry up and deliver the slate. After we are done, go back to Japan as soon as possible. I think my worldview has been ruined."

"But where is this Lucrazia? Grandpa just gave us his name but didn't even give us his address."

Godou had lost his fighting spirit.

"Luculazia? That great magician called the Witch of Sardinia? I know her address."

However, at this time, a slightly heroic but proud female voice came out.

Her long blond hair was falling, and her bright red skirt was replaced by tight-fitting pants that were easy to move. Her feet were tightly pressed against the roof of Erica, who was leaning down.

"Ah... robbers!"

Godou panicked when he saw Erika appear.He immediately grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm and ran quickly. He still remembered that the female robber pulled out a knife at him and threatened to ask for the slate.And Ye Shenyue looked at the arm that Godou grabbed directly in a hurry. His arm was just like this... grabbed by a man...

I just persuaded the god of war to become a shou, but now Godou seems to have become an attack unknowingly | I'll go!

Chapter 0008 Call me Toto, Godou (two more subscriptions)


The highly regarded female knight named Erica paused for about [-] seconds, then smiled as Godou pulled Yagami away, smiling so... gentle.

Like the melting of ice and snow like the blooming of peonies.

A woman, a creature, often expresses the opposite of her inner self.

"Godou, you annoyed her."

Ye Shenyue added that although she lost her strength, she still felt the sensation. Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at the girl who smiled more and more tenderly, and her scalp was slightly numb. She had nothing in her hand and activated the magic in an instant to summon the knight sword. When it came out, it was as smooth as cutting tofu. The sword just brushed past the ear, and the wind that the blade slid over made people feel that the knight's swordsmanship was superb. Yagami and Godou were not in a straight line, but The sword turned abruptly and brushed against the ears of the two of them.

And then another round of attacks!

This time, it's the neck! "Hey. Are you trying to kill us!"

Ye Shenyue grabbed Godou and turned him around to look at the girl whose face had recovered to her seriousness. With a flick of her finger, the long sword returned to her hand as if it had been manipulated.

Seeing that the girl was about to attack Yashenyue again, she hurriedly shouted, "It's just a robber's name, but it's going to turn into a chase? Is it also a knight's code to bully ordinary people?"


Erica stopped, but the tip of her sword, which had already swept across, was directly touching Ye Shenyue's neck, and Ye Shenyue had no doubt that she would make a direct cut.

Although Erica doesn't look like someone who can kill indiscriminately, she will still do it by frightening them and controlling everything in her hands.

This feeling is really bad, Ye Shenyue can completely see the arc of the knight's sword attack, and she knows that the sword will stop, but her body is slow and can't dodge. The resistance of the attack and now troubled by the flexibility.

Terrible!The feeling of being beaten by one side is really bad!

"The code of knights? It seems that you know my identity as a layman. Since you know it, hurry up and give me... the magic book. This magic book is very important and cannot be obtained by the war god, otherwise Italy will be destroyed. It's going to be doomed."

Standing up the silver-white sharp knight's sword, Erica earnestly made a move that could attack at any time.Then her serious expression suddenly turned to the other side.

"Yo... boy, I admire you very much!"

At this moment, a frivolous male voice came over, wearing casual slippers on his feet, and the plaid shirt he was wearing was completely lifted to reveal the same dark skin as Godou. The teenager waved the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose to his hair. He appeared in front of everyone, and pointed his finger at Kusanagi Godou, "I really admire you for thinking of a beautiful female knight as a robber, such a bold idea!"

"Sarubatore Tony? King? Why are you here? Was it attracted by the battle of the gods?"

Erica looked at him with a black line. "I am grateful on behalf of the people if God can be drawn out of Italy."


Ye Shenyue was a little curious, but Erica actually explained, "Sir Sarubatore is the sixth god-killer, he defeated the Celtic god-king Nuada and got the qualification of king, and his cheerful personality is only I like to do things according to my own mood, and I don’t perform the duties of a king very much, like protecting the world.”

Erica's tone shouted a little bit of resentment, because Sarubatore is an Italian. If you don't stop the gods from fighting, then Italy will be destroyed. If the king handles it, her power will be even weaker. The knight can rest.

"I'm very sorry, I'm not here this time for Italy, just to see the power of the war god. As a swordsman master, I really want to fight him."

However, the cheerful blond boy shook his head and waved his hand.


It was because she knew this king was unreliable that Erica appeared here.

"If that's the case... then I'll take you to Lucrazia, maybe it's better to put the magic book on her side..."

Erica, who was completely convinced that the king was unreliable, refocused her attention on the slate in Godou's hand, "It's too dangerous for a layman to hold this important magic book."

"Ye Shenyue, what should I do?"

Godou seemed hesitant. Although Erica put down her posture, he couldn't let go of someone who was chasing them.

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