Yashinyuki shook her head and said that his identity in this world was Godou's younger brother, but only he knew the real situation. He had no blood relationship with Godou and Godou's Yakusa Chiichiro.

"No no no, you have the temperament of Ichiro."


Ye Shenyue was a little surprised.Although this witch who is already a grandma has a good figure, Ye Shenyue's attention is still focused on her words. After all, no one can afford such a lazy witch, maybe Godou's grandfather... Well, the choice to break up with her is probably because of her comparison...lazy?

"Yes, that is the temperament that only a discerning girl can see."

That affirmative and bewitching tone made Erica and the maid focus on him, as if to see the "temperament".

"That is……"

Luculazia stretched her voice, "The temperament of a playboy, with good looks, good temper, willing to welcome anyone, and being considerate and gentle. Isn't that what the temperament of a playboy is?"


Yagami thought it would be better for him and Godou to remain unnoticed and neglected.

Chapter 0011 Lady's Drunkenness (one more subscription)

Everyone started drinking under the reception of the lazy and black-bellied great magician Lukurazia, but Yagami felt that it was very uncomfortable.

Because the great magician took special care of him, she first let Erica and the maid drink outside but brought him and Godou closer to the room.

First, he carefully looked at Ye Shenyue and then came to a conclusion, "As expected, it is the body of a god. Those with the body of a god will have extremely powerful resistance, but they will not have attack power, because only the body without God."

"A body without a god?"

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly.

"To put it bluntly, there is no strength and only the body."

Lucrazia added, "The body is as good as the body the gods have or better than theirs, because the gods have been sealed since time immemorial, and the ones who escape now are the gods of disobedience, and their power has not been restored. , and if they get the body of the gods, they will probably restore the strength of the mythical period."

"In other words, my younger brother is likely to be a Protoss?"

Godou's eyes widened.

"Well... It's very possible that the reincarnation of a god or something still exists in the historical records. It's just that the body of the reincarnated god is still there but the power is gone. It is very likely that he will enter a dangerous situation. So..."

Luculazia stretched her voice deliberately, "It's like the truth that every man is innocent and guilty, those gods who don't obey will come and snatch when they find Yashenyue's body! If there is no powerful force to come Guarding that could very well cause the destruction of the world!"


Yashenyue rested her chin with one hand. At this time, he somewhat understood the "prophecy" of Kikyo that he would die. If these low-level gods found him, he would probably be given as a tonic by them. swallowed.

If it was before that these third-rate gods came to fight one, two and one pair, but now... maybe a group, but they have no defense strength.

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue glanced at Godou, which made Godou, who had been winked at by "Toto" today, slightly tighten his mind. Could it be that his younger brother also has strange thoughts? The more Godou thinks like this, the more I feel that it is taboo, because Ye Shenyue during the day has preached the theory of "suffering" well, and it is unlikely that he has never come into contact with it if he understands it so thoroughly... So...

Brother is gay!

Godou felt agitated and frightened.


Ye Shenyue looked at Godou, whose body was trembling incomprehensibly, with such an unbearable expression that Godou had already stimulated Shou's potential?

"Why... don't you feel nervous and scared after hearing me say so much? If you are discovered by the gods, they will eat you~~" Luculazia looked at Yagami with a playful look, he said that Seeing only Godou's nervousness, but Yagami's very calm expression, it's really strange!

The corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth showed a smile, "The gods that appear on the ground are all gods of disobedience, and they should be killed, right?"

Then he bowed, "I'm going out first, I feel like drinking."

"Huh? Well, boy, I appreciate you very much."

Ye Shenyue's statement like this, Lukurazia has understood it, watching Ye Shenyue pulling the handle and leaving without forgetting to like it.But Godou was at a loss, "Well, Miss Luculazia, what's going on?"

"Don't you understand? Well, let me tell you, as expected, he is the grandson of Ichiro, and he has such courage. The meaning of the god of disobedience should be killed... No matter how many gods come, he will kill them for you to see! It is really rare to see such a person who has the courage to directly look for God as an enemy, this world... well, there is likely to be a seventh god-killer."

"The... seventh godslayer!"

Sweat dripped faintly on Godou's face, "That is to say..."

"Yes, your younger brother is going to kill the gods he encounters and then rob them of their powers to become gods! The so-called godslayers refer to mortals who kill gods and gain the power of gods to become a person between a human being and a god. Characters, such people have obtained the power of God, but their body is still their own, so they cannot become a real god. At best, their strength can compete with a god who does not obey, but people who have the body of a god are different. The body is already a god. The body and the power will become a true god! Possessing the characteristics of a god, immortality, and... as long as the power is not taken away, it will not be destroyed!"

The witch's voice elongated, "So this body is not a burden, but if it is used well, it will be an infinite wealth!"

"It turns out...that's it!"

Godou finally understood.

Erica didn't understand at all.

"Pour wine, don't hurry up and pour me a drink!"

The blond girl held the clear goblet in her hand and pressed it towards the table.The sizzling sound of the glass against the slate table made the ear extremely uncomfortable.

"...Girls, underage girls can't drink. Underage girls can easily get drunk when they drink."

Ye Shenyue looked weakly at Erica who was already drunk and said, although he doesn't like drinking, but... This lazy Luculazia can't even get a meal, it's alcohol, and I don't know if she is not. Too lazy to even go shopping for groceries...

"Drunk? I'm not drunk! Do you think this level of alcohol can make me drunk? You really underestimate me!"

Erica shook her hand vigorously, "Don't be in a daze! It's a man's duty to pour wine for a lady!"

Ye Shenyue didn't move, and Erica was very unlady, slapping the table with an angry expression, where does she look like a lady?

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