Although most of the ladies when she was awake were pretending!

"Clap clap-"

Erica tapped the table three more times, but Yagami still ignored her.

She finally opened her azure blue eyes and said with anger and anger, "Don't hurry up and pour me a drink, I'm so hungry... so hungry, do you understand! How can a man make a lady hungry? and……"

Her eyes became bigger, "Don't you guys just like to get girls drunk and do whatever you want? Didn't you see that I've given you a chance? Why don't you pour the wine quickly... pour the wine!"


Is this sentence implying?

Ye Shenyue raised her eyes and saw that the girl with a cup in her hand was lying on the table with a white and tender face, and she was still muttering words.

"My head is a little dizzy and a little painful... I can't..."

The wine glass in Erica's hand slipped and fell on the table, "Hurry up and help me... I'm about to fall... No, Ariana can't, she's already drunk."

While talking about not giving way to retreat, is this really drunk?

"...You really know she's drunk too!"

Ye Shenyue glanced at the lady maid who was smiling, jumping and blushing with a wine glass in her hand, and confirmed that she was really drunk.

And then, what about the girl now?Is she really drunk too?

Otherwise, how can you shout, "Don't you guys just like to get girls drunk and do whatever they want?"

's insight.

Is this a deliberate trial of him or is it... Really drunk?

Chapter 0012 The choice of ghosts and animals (two more subscriptions)

The girl's waist is very soft, and there is a pleasant fragrance on her body, but she doesn't know whether it is her own body fragrance or a high-end perfume purchased.

The girl Yashenyue, who was half hugging and half carrying the blond hair, felt her heart beating very fast, like a pure boy.

This is the room that Luculazia specially arranged for Erica. There are many empty rooms in the house, so even the little maid has one. Yagami first moved the little maid to her guest room and then "moved" Erica. .

The reason why he moved the maid Ariana first was to make sure that Erica was really drunk, and on the other hand, to take advantage of the fact that drunk people can tell the truth, he quietly forced the little maid to "treat" him. Has Rika's facts been spread out?

The effect is very clear, Erica was really deceived by the calmness he pretended to be before, and then did not ask the maid about the process of her injury and treatment.

so close.

Yashenyue felt that her safety was guaranteed, but he saw Erica just because of Godou's "robber" not only chasing her but also looking at her with cold eyes, and if she knew that she had kissed her, it would be very difficult. May be chased to the ends of the sea.

It's just that Erica is not stable when she's drunk.

"Ariana, behind the back, the clothes are sticking up and it's uncomfortable!"

She made a slightly confused but clearly articulated voice, and at the same time moved her body as if to prove that she was uncomfortable because the skirt was against her back.

But Ye Shenyue was comfortable.

Maybe it was intentional, Ye Shenyue did not hug Erica with the princess, but leaned one of her arms on her neck and let his chest touch Erica's chest, as long as Erica The bigger the action, the softer the softer part will be attached.

Erica's actions along the way were slightly out of line and did not make Ye Shenyue more ghostly, but now this fierce movement immediately made Ye Shenyue react.


Feeling that she was still wearing a skirt, Erica urged again.At the same time, her chest trembled more intensely, maybe... She was really working hard like this.

Ye Shenyue's expression was slightly hesitant, and then she still touched the sinister palm on the girl's smooth and delicate back, pulled the zipper, and then pulled it down.


Unexpectedly, the zipper was only pulled halfway, and the whole red dress immediately fell to the ground and obeyed the effect of gravity very faithfully.

Large areas of fair and delicate skin were revealed.


The girl's body fell on the soft and soft bed, showing a charming and beautiful face under the slightly dim light.

Coquettish eyes that seem to be whispering.

Unparalleled hot and hot body.

The clear and beautiful love sighed lowly.

All of these are attracting Ye Shenyue, and he is going through complicated and painful choices in his heart.

In the end is to take advantage of people's danger or to take advantage of people's danger?When he treated the president at the beginning, he had no morals for a long time, and now it seems that he has no choice but to continue facing a drunk girl, right?

After all, his soul had already been sold to the devil.

So say, do it, do it!

The thoughts in her heart were so clear, and Ye Shenyue's eyes slowly flashed, as if she had opened Pandora's box and was looking forward to seeing some wonderful sights.

Do it, do it, do it... or don't do it!

Ye Shenyue looks at this beautiful and wonderful picture, and her heart is moved, and then her heart stops beating. If you do it, if you do it, it will release all kinds of terrible things in Pandora's box. thing.

Chase?cut?Or big scissors?

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