As if an extremely terrifying image had already appeared in his mind, he was powerless, and the blond girl shrank in the corner while smiling brightly, and raised the scissors, knight's sword, and machete in her hands with malicious intent. All of his weapons were taken out, and he kept gesturing downwards, and his little friend was still covered in blood.

"If you make me bleed, I will not make you bleed tenfold, but a hundredfold!"

Miss Knight raised the thousands of weapons in her hand and bombed down!

"Do not……"

... ... Night God Moon woke up.

He immediately turned his head and was about to open the door to go out, but he turned his hand on the handle and found that he couldn't turn!

Locked out!

In the distance, the voice of Luculazia floated in, "Since you have the idea of ​​​​killing gods, it is very useful to put some chips on your side, and this knight of the copper and black cross is this one. A generation of heaven's favorite is a very good help, don't let down the opportunity I gave you, and seize her well~~ She is drunk, but she has no resistance at all~~" "..."

I appreciate your kindness, Miss Luculazia, but if you do this, it is likely that you will not help but kill!

No magic power, Yagami gave up the idea of ​​creating a teleportation magic circle, and he turned to look at the blond girl lying on the bed.

Erica's figure is really great, whether it's the big legs of the fair-skinned spleen or the firm, firm but extremely soft and soft hemisphere.

Very attractive.

But if she finds out, she'll be chained, and if she doesn't get chopped off, she'll be chained by her jealous feminist...

It's hard to do.

One is a night of pleasure and the other is a lifetime of suffering.

Ye Shenyue is particularly difficult to handle, thinking about ghosts and beasts but terrified...

If it is discovered, if it is discovered, then it will not be discovered!

It was as if lightning suddenly flashed across his mind, and it was like a dizzy, and Ye Shenyue suddenly understood.

Oh... so there is another option.

His eyes were fixed on something that was soft, soft and firm.


He quietly stepped forward and poked Erica's arm with his hand. She didn't respond and seemed to be asleep.

He was so soundly asleep that he couldn't wake up immediately no matter what he did.

After inquiring about the enemy's situation, Ye Shenyue sinfully untied the belt and sinisterly stretched out her hand and slid over the girl's smooth back to unbutton the underwear.

Then sin comes forward.

What a sin.

ps: What a sinful chapter.

Chapter 0013 Forget last night (three more subscriptions)


early morning.


With a sharp scream, the girl with a hangover last night touched her forehead first, then glanced at her body and immediately screamed.

While grabbing the robe and draping it over his body, he waved his fist at Ye Shenyue.

"Wait...Ladies don't hit people casually!"

Ye Shenyue entered the corner as if he had a terrible dream last night. He also just woke up or was awakened by Erica's scream, but now it seems that it is not the time to be confused and watch Erica's fist quickly. Converted into a knight sword, it was terrifying to have a girl who could turn into a weapon at any time, but it was not slow at the top.

"And I brought you back last night."

"Yeah, you brought me back, but...why are my clothes, my clothes gone!"

There is no pure smile on the girl's face anymore, there is only a smile that wants to eat someone, and the cheeks are slightly flushed, and most of them are red from anger.

"You yourself said to take off your clothes!"

Ye Shenyue said with a serious face, not afraid of danger.

"I asked for it myself?"

Perhaps Erica was a little hesitant when she was shocked by the awe-inspiring awe-inspiring temperament of Ye Shenyue's face.

good chance!

Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly flashed light, "Of course you asked for it, you know that you will get drunk so don't drink it, and you also said that if you don't take off your skirt, then you will... meeting……"

"I will?"

"You're going to strip and threaten me!"

Ye Shenyue said word by word, and then showed a strange expression that seemed to be frightened by Erica's active "striptease" threat.


Erica's tone suddenly increased several times.

"Whether you believe it or not, that's the way it is, if I didn't take off your skirt, you probably wouldn't show what you are looking like now, you'll be naked, not only fat, but even wearing underwear. I won't be wearing it..."

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