"This one……"

Erica really hesitated, was she really drunk last night?Drunk like that?

And if the other party really wants to do it, then he should really be naked and naked, it won't look like he's just taken off his skirt now.

"And I didn't do anything after you took off your skirt last night."

Wei Wei spread out her hands, and Ye Shenyue spoke boldly.

That calm expression made the girl deceived again.

I just feel like this will be looked down upon and the girl proudly raises her face, "Of course, if you do it, my agile skills will break your neck even in my sleep."


will break my neck.

Last night's situation was that Miss Erica wrapped around his arm and pushed her with her hands, she didn't respond, but when the bound hemisphere was untied, she seemed to be "alive" When she got up, she actually cooperated in her sleep, which made Ye Shenyue a lot more fun.


The arrogant knight raised her head, she always felt that Ye Shenyue's "yes" had a deep meaning, but she still vented her anger and anger. The current Miss Erica is only wearing a three-point style and standing barefoot on a man in front of.

"However, to actually see Erica Browntree's embarrassment in your eyes, you really...or deserve...death!"

While talking, the sharp blade in his hand shot over.

Ah, this woman's words don't count, whether it's out of a disadvantage or an advantage, the sword has no eyes!

Ye Shenyue looked coldly at the knight's sword hair that Erica was about to chop off. He could see the trend of the sword, and the trend went directly from top to bottom!

Erica didn't mean to kill him but the sword would be less than two centimeters away from his little friend!

This is Chi Guoguo's threat!


However, at this time, both Yagami and Erika stopped their current actions, and the sharp blade lost control and really fell within two centimeters...

But the attention of both of them was outside the window, and it was raining lightly outside the window, and at the same time, the color of both the sky and the field of vision became dark tones.

That's an enchantment!

At the same time, the ground trembled as if a giant was walking step by step.

"not good!"

Erica began to put on her skirt, but the zipper couldn't be pulled up at the back, so she could only look at Yagami.

The blue eyes are straight. "If you pull the zipper up for me then I'll forget what happened last night..."

She meant to forget about being undressed last night, but Yagami was thinking that Erica would forget what happened last night and what her chest had to say.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Ye Shenyue agreed very simply.

"It's a word."

Erica also agreed very simply. After putting on her clothes, the two turned their heads and snickered. Erica laughed at the fact that she finally erased the behavior that was completely inconsistent with knight etiquette. Same as the roof.

And Yagami Yue smiled as Miss Erica once again lost her reason to crusade him.

However, the blond girl who had just put on her clothes suddenly covered her chest with her hands, "Why do you feel a little pain here?"

"Ah... Maybe it's an illusion. You slept on your stomach last night, even if it's a man. If a woman sleeps on her stomach, it's likely to hurt her chest..."

Ye Shenyue anxious Zhongshengzhi quickly explained.

"do not talk!"

However, Erica blushed and hurriedly stopped someone's explanation (excuse) "Okay, I won't talk about this topic anymore."

Erica's stop was in Ye Shenyue's arms, he spread his hands and gestured, "Forget what happened last night, right?"

"Not all to be forgotten, but to be completely forgotten!"

Erica's blushing blushed at this time looked extremely seductive.It's just that she didn't know that she fell into the arms of a big ghost again.

Doing a ghost thing and the girl took the initiative to forget that 5.9 remembers no need to be responsible, oh, what a happy thing this should be.

Then two guys with their own thoughts walked out of the door and looked at the huge giant towering into the clouds!

"This god...is that Mercator?"

Godou ran out long ago and sighed as he looked at the giant walking step by step.Just looking at Ye Shenyue and Erica who came out together, they added, "Why did you guys come out later than me?"


Erica thought that she couldn't say that she was delayed because of wearing a skirt, right?

My heart was empty, so there was no confidence in my voice.

The cheeky Yagami made a prevarication for sleeping too deeply, but looked at the slate in Godou's hand and made a decision.

"Godou, I will ask you later, I need to take away the power of God and you...have to become a godslayer too!"

Chapter 0014 The Beginning Of The War (One More Subscription)

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