I'm going to take away the power of God and you have to be the God-killer?

When Yagami said those words, Erica and Godou both stared at him with wide eyes.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I'm... going to be a godslayer? Are you kidding me?"

Godou's face was full of disbelief, even though he was enlightened by Lukurazia last night that his younger brother was going to gain his own power to prevent other gods from hitting him, Godou also agreed, but, "It should be Murderer. The person of the gods... shouldn't it be you?"

"There are already six titles of the Godkiller, and there are no more complicated ones."

If Godou didn't become a godslayer, wouldn't it be possible to live up to "Toto"'s "high hopes"... Couldn't you be with Toto who doesn't like women?

The yellow sword and Toto's sharp sword are a natural pairing, so Godou...you can't shirk it.

"Although it's 07, but..."

Godou was still hesitating. He saw Ye Shenyue's smile, and he always felt that the smile was a little abnormal and seemed to be calculating something.

"Hey! You! Could it be that the godslayer is a Chinese cabbage? You are pushing it around!"

Watching Godou and Yagami shove each other, Erica-san's brows, who had already used magic to change into trousers, immediately showed a big "Well" on her forehead.

There are so many countries in the world, but there are only six people who have truly succeeded in killing gods and have been respected by human beings. For knights, godslayers have great power, and knights are born with respect for powerful opponents, just like saber and lancer too.

And now the conversation between Yagami and Godou immediately touched Erika's bottom line.

As a lady, her knighthood should be placed ahead.

"That's right, you can't be considered a godslayer if you haven't killed gods and won't gain power."

Ye Shenyue nodded, "Since that's the case, let's get started. The War God has already appeared."

Of course, the war god will appear, that is, she has unlocked the seal of Mercator and is ready to fight with Mercator. Now that Mercator has appeared, why is there no reason for her not to appear?

"It's that kid!"

Godou was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction Yagami was pointing, and saw a blue-haired child in a Greek white robe standing in the dark mid-air where the rain was constantly drifting. There was a layer behind her. The cascading half-white and half-black clouds set off the whole person, and the faint silver-purple brilliance on his body looked extremely mysterious.

Although he already knew that the child was God, Godou couldn't help but widen his eyes. Is this God?In his cognition, God should be... the huge gray giant walking towards the sea is God.

That is indeed a god, Mercato!


The petite military **** pointed upwards and pointed to the sky, and a huge shining camel suddenly appeared in the sky. The camel directly entered her body, and the body seemed to become more powerful.

The war god has ten powers and the camel is one of them.

And Mercator prepares to wield a huge battle axe, and an unimaginable battle between the ancient gods is about to begin.

Mortals only need to stand and watch from a distance. Of course, those who can watch are also people with magic power. Ordinary people only think that it is a collision of whirlwinds.

But Erica suddenly jumped onto the roof, "Please wait!"

Erica's voice was not loud, but it was particularly clear in the sound of only rustling rain dripping.

The giant god Mercator turned his head slightly, but his tone was not good, "It is really presumptuous to want to stop the progress of the god, human, do you know what kind of mistakes you have made?"

"I'm really sorry, Erica Browntree, I sincerely hope that Lord Mercato can move the battlefield. I am grateful to your Excellency for the creatures here."

"Oh - there are still people who can recognize me."

The giant's movements obviously stopped, but the voice became louder again, "But, I owe Welleslana this battle, I'm already very hungry, and there's no time to fight elsewhere. If you don't want to be involved, run away quickly!"

"Since this is the case, then there is no way to do it. You should find a place to hide first. No matter what, I have to stop them. Otherwise, once Sardinia becomes a battlefield, everything will be destroyed."

While talking, Erica has already taken out the knight's sword and used her magic power to prepare to shoot at the giant!

This is a direct attack on the giant!

Does Erica also want to be a godslayer?No, she just wanted the giants to leave this place.

"You know what happens when you attack?"

Although it is not good to hinder the will of others, Ye Shenyue still asked one more question. The god looks like a brute force. The whole body is rough and thick, maybe not as thick and thick as his, but it is not Erika Gathering. The magic power of her can attack, and once Erika's attack is released, it may not even be able to wear the opponent's skin.

And once attacked, it will be regarded as an enemy by the giants and will be mercilessly killed!

"I know that if I can... just provoke Mercator and head towards the sea, then I can lure him away."

At this moment, the knight girl burst out with the spirit of a knight, that kind of lingering temperament makes people unable to bear to look at her a few more times, 990 she slowly but confidently and proudly said, "Because, I am a knight. , how can I leave my people behind?"

Although it is a rhetorical question, she is so free and easy.

"Thunder protection!"

Dark red magic energy appeared on the tip of the sharp knight's sword, as if it had grown eyes and bombarded the arm of a giant.

His arms were shaking, let alone hurt.


Just like Yagami's guess, Erica's attack was innocuous to giants, but it angered Mercator, "It seems that humans are going to be dealt with today!"

The loud sound was like thunder, and Erica quickly carried out the "tactics" she just said. She shouted again and gathered her magic power to attack Mercato's big legs at the same time. Jumping in the direction of the ocean, the speed becomes very fast. That is the skill of "Hermes' Boots".

And Mercator's huge battle axe also threw in Erika's direction.

In the distance, the war god in mid-air continued to summon her ten functions and floated in the air, each time she recovered a power, her body lit up.

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