"It was delicious."

With all his conscience, Mr. Toto had no intention of hurting Miss Lucurazia. He cut the steak in front of him into two pieces, then put a fork into Godou's bowl.

Sharing your food with someone is a sign that you value the other person very much.

But Godou's expression was both serious and embarrassing.

He always felt that this Mr. Toto seemed too enthusiastic.Although he smiles so brightly, he always subconsciously thinks... to escape.

"How is it, Godou, have you made up your mind?"

Toto ignored Godou's tangled expression, as if asking casually. "When and where to fight me bravely, I think your courage and your strength are enough to be my best friend. Whether it is a strong and sharp golden sword or a sturdy and stable body, they are very similar to mine, and I don’t think you need to release the water when you beat me! And you don’t have to worry, it doesn’t matter if you lose, I will help you hone you.”

Toto was a knight before he became a godslayer. As a knight, although his personality is relatively unusual, he is a full martial idiot. He likes to duel with people. It's just that after he became a godslayer, he was too powerful. The battle is over, and it is a fluke to fight against the gods. How can there be so many gods in such a big world to fight with him?

So after seeing Godou, he thought to himself, how great would it be if Godou could be his sparring partner?

Although Godou has gained the power to become a godslayer, if you really fight him, it is almost impossible to win, because Godou has the power but the swordsmanship is very unfamiliar. Cut, there is no routine to speak of.

"This...summer vacation is still a few days away. During this time, I can duel with you, but after the vacation is over, I have to go back to Japan."

Although his heart twitched unnaturally, Godou was a person who had both justice and a bad guy's mind, and couldn't refuse.

Although he wanted to refuse in his heart.

"It's fine, as long as you can fight! I'm already impatient!"


Looking at Toto-san, Godou, whose face was radiant and radiant, his heart sank for some reason.

Equally heavy was Ye Shenyue, who was sitting opposite him.His expression is also not the same.

On the left sits the blond Miss Erica, who is constantly tearing up the steak on the plate and placing it on his plate little by little, making Yagami think that he has become a second-degree crippled.

And on the right is the war god who is sitting constantly putting food from his plate on her own.

The military god has an excellent appetite, and her plate was already empty, so she took food from Yashenyue, who seemed to have the most food.

"Why haven't knives and forks been used for so long? Is it because of different customs in different countries? In that case, let me help you shred the last steak..."

The blond girl dressed in a red rose dress showed incomparable enthusiasm.

"How long has it been since so many people sat down to eat together like this? I didn't expect it would be so interesting to let go of your body."

This is a little military god who is holding the avatar of the white horse and constantly seeks "interesting" to experience "interesting" things. "I heard that humans share their own food to express their hot emotions, pseudo-gods, would you mind? I don't think you would mind."


You've already made real moves, why should I mind?

Ye Shenyue's expression was very stiff. On the one hand, Miss Erica kept making food and on the other hand, Miss War God kept looting food, which made him feel that he was just a passer-by, and he didn't bring it or take it with him.

at last.

When the two silver knives and forks touched, Yagami finally couldn't take it anymore.

"That...Miss Erica, don't you think your actions are a little unreasonable? It's too close."

Ye Shenyue said in a tone that would not hurt the other party as much as possible.

"Unreasonable? Not ladylike? You must be mistaken, I, Erica Browntree, wouldn't do anything unladylike, are you right? Ariana!"

The lady maid, who clearly should have used a question, but her tone was so sure and smart, nodded seriously, "Miss Erica did not act against the rules of a lady."

It's like judging, but why, Miss Ariana, you dare not look directly at me, but look up at seventy-five degrees for the spider web?

"Cough...Miss Erica, I'm very curious, you seem to be too close to me, why is that?"

Ye Shenyue could only ask straightforwardly when the roundabout tactics failed.He was so angrily threatening him before, but now he is sticking to the flesh with physical contact and so intimate tearing. Could it be that a woman's face looks like the sky in June?Say it changes.

As soon as he said the words, he saw the blonde girl's cheeks were slightly pink, "Are you sure you want to say it here?"

"No thanks."

Even though she was curious in her heart, Yagami immediately stopped her from looking at Miss Luculazia's ambiguous eyes, and it would be better to talk about some things in private.

Persuading Erica to fail!

Ye Shenyue continued to enjoy the food supply of the lady and the closeness of her breasts. He pretended that nothing happened and looked at the short-haired and cute Miss War God. After confirming that Miss War God is a girl, let's take a look at the world of Ye Shenyue. The child is normal, whether it is a slightly stupid M attribute or a cute and petite body and a rare resource of poor breasts, this child is not so unlovable.

"Welles Laner."

Ye Shenyue spoke again.

"Just call me Xiaona. Now I only have Hakuba's avatar. I want to use Hakuba's avatar to find fun. According to Miss Luculazia, if it is a girl who is in love, it should be sweeter for the man to have. name."

"Well, it seems like this... eh? Isn't it right!"

Ye Shenyue stood up with a bang.

Chapter 0021 The body being watched (two more subscriptions)

"No? Is there something wrong?"

The little girl raised her head and looked at Ye Shenyue, whose face was wrong, with a puzzled and innocent expression.

Yagami and Erica looked at Miss Luculazia who was holding a goblet and drinking wine, but Yagami was still talking to the war god, "These thoughts are all from Luculazia. Miss taught you?"

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