"Yeah, although the power ice is not strong, Miss Luculazia seems to be well versed in this."

Xiaona nodded in admiration. Although she could despise everything as a winner, she still had a good temper, otherwise she wouldn't have chatted with Godou and Yagami slowly when she met them.

And Miss Luculazia also noticed the temperature rising in an instant, "What? Lord Godslayer, isn't it good to have one more god to love? Falling in love with a god is more difficult than winning the lottery. Could it be that you want to reject Xiao Na? Obviously Xiao Na is so cute, or do you think you look down on Loli?"


Why did this name come out so smoothly all of a sudden?

Look down on loli?This is a blatant insult!As a lolicon, Yagami Yue can't bear it!

But he was stopped before he could speak. "I don't agree!" The sound of slamming the table came, Erica stroked her long golden hair and her shining eyes widened, with a ladylike and violent picture, "Gods and mortals can't be combined. Yes, it is more suitable for human beings to be with human beings. Gods and human beings will have infinite lifespans, but human beings have a very short lifespan, so…Miss Xiaona, you should look for another human being.”

I don't know when Erica had already held Xiao Na's hand when the words were completely lost, and her expression was so serious, as if all she was talking about was for the sake of others.

Xiaona stayed for a while.Yagami was also stunned for a while, Godou said that he was silent, it was not his turn to speak, and Toto focused his attention on the show or was watching a play without good intentions.

Even though it was Erica and Xiao Na's conversation, all eyes were focused on Yagami Yue.

How should I complain?Erica, your words are very contradictory!

While saying that humans and gods can't be together, he also told Xiao Na to find another human being to fall in love with!

Xiao Nan's blue eyes are shining as always, like a child is so happy no matter what he sees, "Human... There are very few humans in this world who deserve admiration but... Before I commit suicide After careful consideration, I came to a conclusion.”

"in conclusion?"

"Yes, there are billions and billions of human beings in this world but no human being is more interesting than him."

The slender and white fingers pointed at Ye Shenyue, "Once the non-conforming god appears and wants to take away his body, he will suffer countless hardships, if you can stay by his side, you will experience infinitely interesting things, you Don't you think it's funny?"

The corners of the mouth are lifted up to look both confident and cute.

Well, even though she committed suicide, this short-haired girl is still an out-and-out God of War.

Loves fun stuff, people and things.

"Uh... Ye Shenyue's body will be watched by countless gods? If you don't pay attention, it will be snatched away?"

The female knight's tone was slightly serious, she still didn't know about the body of God, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Because of the seal of the gods, even if gods appear on the earth, they are incomplete. They do not have the real body of gods, they only have power, and if they get the body of gods, they will gain the most primitive power, that power... enough Destroy the world! As you know, what else can a god who has been sealed for so long do but destroy the world?"

Xiaona's eyes are still bright when she talks about it, and she doesn't know if she also represents her own voice when she says that other gods like to destroy.

"If that's the case, it's going to be troublesome...then only..."

Erica also became serious, she was a knight before she became a lady!As a knight, for the people!To eliminate the crisis for the people!

"The body of God cannot be destroyed."

"I'm not thinking of humane destruction!"

"Destroying danger is what you humans like to do the most!"

"I'm not like them."


The two actually quarreled.

"...Everyone, stop arguing, let's sit down and eat, Xiao Na, sit down too, don't you like the atmosphere of eating like a human?"

With sweat on her forehead, Ye Shenyue looked at the two people who were desperately thinking in the direction of human destruction. Could it be that her appearance was destroyed?

"However, I'm still me, whether I have the body of a god or have power, I'm still me. I can't choose to commit suicide. Likewise, if someone has a god's idea of ​​hitting me, then I'll pay it back tenfold!"

However, Ye Shenyue still stood up and said, "Otherwise I would not have taken away my power!"

"Well said, this is the God Killer."

Toto immediately stated, "I'm very open-minded, do you want to become my friend too? With this sentence, I can put you in the same position as Godou. Absolute defense and brave power... This is another one. Someone just like me."

"...No need, as long as you have Godou, it's enough."

Ye Shenyue also immediately refused.

Godou's forehead was faintly sweaty and his face was tangled, "Yishinyue, you seem to have mentioned the word Jiyou."

"I'm talking about friends, Godou, please don't take a detour, our family still needs someone to take the right path."

Ye Shenyue appeared by Godou's side at some point, patted his shoulder heavily, and said earnestly.


Godou only felt that the normal road was getting further and further away from him. Fortunately, he would be able to return to the mud in just two or three days, and then he would be able to get rid of the clingy but bold, always naked and naked chest. The Toto too.

"Once the body is taken away by God, it will cause an irreversible crisis... In this case... then..."

Erica murmured.

"What did you say, Erica?"

Ye Shenyue had already returned to her original seat, but she heard Erica muttering.

"No, nothing."

The girl showed a beautiful smile.

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