The young girl's smile suddenly faded, "I'm not pretty enough to let you show me your hand?"

"No no no... not this."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly hugged Erika, the girl's mood swings were extremely abnormal at this moment, and Ye Shenyue had no doubts about the devastating consequences if she said a wrong word.

Although this body can't be broken even by God according to Xiaona's statement, it can still be swallowed...

Although Erica doesn't have the sharp teeth of a proud wolf, if she is pressed for a sudden burst of blackening potential and bites his little friend who is completely fruitless, he will probably...

It should be painful.

"Then why? If not dissatisfied with me then..."

The girl's cheeks turned pink again, and her eyes looked down unnaturally.

She didn't say it completely, but Ye Shenyue already understood.

Either she has a problem or he has a problem!

Is there something wrong with your body?

"No no no...Although it's also my problem... Uh, don't turn your face white first, it's not your body but your identity."

Ye Shenyue eased her mood and continued, "I already have a wife. And there's more than one. The competition for the position of the wife is already fierce, so..."

"So I can't."

Erica's mood suddenly dropped. "You think I can't compare to them, so let me give up this unattainable goal, so if I care any more, I'm going to die. I know, my own level."

As she said that, Erica revealed a miserable smile.

"It doesn't need to be so serious."

Looking at the barely squeezed smile, Ye Shenyue felt a little pain in his heart, and he made up his mind, "Actually, I'm not from this world..."

He decided to confess that the girls would gather together anyway, and there was no difference between speaking earlier and speaking later.

"That's the way it is, if you want to leave then..."

So will you let her go? 483 Ye Shenyue knew the answer in her heart, absolutely not, how could he let go of the girl who had already had such close contact with him?

Whether it's possessive or tough, you can usually show gentleness. After all, she's always fierce. No girl will like it, but if it really reaches that point, Yashenyue won't let her leave, even if it is tied to your side.

He looked at the girl in his arms seriously.

Erica was also looking at him, "Will you let me go?"

"will not."

He didn't even hesitate to answer.

"Then why should I leave?"

Erika put her chin on her hands and her eyes were shining, "As long as you don't drive me away, what am I going to do?"


His eyes seemed to glow, "I didn't expect my man to have such a rich and interesting experience..."

Girl, your heart seems to be developing in an unknown direction!

Interesting is not a word that can be said casually.


Almost instantly, the door was knocked, and before the two could react, a silver-white radiance appeared.

"Interesting? I heard the word just now. Did something interesting happen?"

The small and cute face is filled with excitement.

Xiao Na, who is sensitive to "interesting", ran over, with a sunny and bright face blooming.

Chapter 0025 The silent forces (three more subscriptions)

The next room next door.Just as Erica's room was full of "interesting", Godou only felt "boring."

A boy is constantly asking another boy for something.

"What's so interesting about Godou and your Nihongguo?"

"Are there any powerful swordsmen there?"

"How is the customs?"

Even after taking a shower and putting on pajamas, Godou could see the muscles that were showing.

With curiosity and interest, Toto asked Godou who was sitting by the bed holding a book "Into Italy".

The hand holding the book trembled uncontrollably.


There was a roar in my heart, why why...why would I be entangled by such a man?

At this moment, Godou, who was attacked by Toto's various passionate questions and open-mindedness, shook his heart.

He still remembered Miss Lucrazia's teasing expression when Toto was put into this room. "I'm sorry, there are only three guest rooms left because no one is cleaning up, so I'll just let you and Toto squeeze. Anyway, they're all godslayers, maybe they can learn from each other to spark some sparks, don't worry. , I have lived for fifty or sixty years, and I have definitely more knowledge than you young people, so even if there is a spark of love, it is nothing... We will all bless you."

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