
"Me and Sarbatre are not close friends."

Godou was different from Kona, who had been sealed for years and had a backward thinking. Although he didn't pay much attention to these aspects, he still knew a little bit, so when Miss Luculazia labelled him gay, he hurriedly retorted.

"Don't worry, Godou, as long as you can practice with me all the time and let me release all the moves, so what if you're a basic friend? As a godslayer and a king, you need to have knowledge that is higher than that of mortals."

Toto patted him on the shoulder with a friendly smile.

"Sure enough, then I'm here to bless you first."

Miss Luculazia showed the right gesture of joy.


Okay, I can't tell what's going on here.Godou almost thought he was gay.

It's just that Godou saw Yagami Moon in his depression, but the war god who was only left with the incarnation of Hakuba ran to him at once, "To be able to eat and live together with the false gods creates infinite affection. So funny."

It was a pink little face dyed with surprise eyes.

Although Godou wasn't a lolicon, but now... I think it might be nice to be able to share a room with Kona.

It's just that Xiao Na has already made a choice and chose his younger brother.


because I'm not welcome...

Well, that's nothing to complain about, Godou quickly cleared up.

Even if there are more men in the room, why do you talk so much?And still so enthusiastic?

Godou, who was holding a book introducing Italy, was deeply troubled.

Toto's voice was fast and urgent, question after question.

"The Mud Bang Country is an island country, where..."

However, in order to maintain friendly exchanges between the two countries, Godou still replied politely.

After half an hour.

"So that's the way it is... It seems that the mud bombs are very inconsistent."

Toto touched his chin, "Do you want to?"

The sixth sense of a man made Godou feel that things seemed a little bad.He asked incredulously.

"That's needless to say! Of course, I'm going to go to the country, and it's boring to stay in Italy all the time."

Toto showed his white teeth, and his smile was so hearty, "I've decided, even if you go back to the mud, I'll go there when I'm free, after all, I have to find someone with strong attack and perverted defense. The chances of hitting are really low.”

"Then...you are welcome."

Toto still has to follow the mud bomb from Italy?What a catastrophe!

Godou was stunned for three seconds before nodding in reply.

"It sucks."

He answered decently, but he spoke the truth in his heart.

It really sucks.

While Godou was struggling, the high-level and supreme godslayers of various countries received the latest report.

A report on the newly born godslayer and a report on the body of a god.

The world is very big and there are many gods who make troubles, but there are very few real human beings who can deal with gods, so they are endowed with supreme power, they do not have to obey anyone because their strength is enough to compete with the country, so it is said that each country Once they find such talents, they will only do their best to meet their requirements.

Similarly, if the relationship is good, then it is a very important thing for the country. The first is deterrence. If the godslayer is on the side of the government, then the country will gain a strong international power, because no one has the ability to deal with it. them.

Compared to the more depressing high-level officials of the country, who did not have any godslayers, their eyes were almost red this time.

There are only seven godslayers in the world, and the nationality of each godslayer is not duplicated, but now there are two in his own country!Yes, there are actually two godslayers!

This... is really a pie from the sky!

The government immediately decided to vigorously win over!

The godslayers, on the other hand, were indifferent and interested, and their reactions were mixed.

As a godslayer, there are no restrictions on what he wants to do, but... the heights are too cold, so he needs a strong opponent who can fight against him, and the militant elements have already started their actions.

Chapter 0026 The extra godslayer (one more subscription)

In the gloomy room, a man with gray hair and sharp eyes with wrinkles on his face was sitting high on the throne, and a heroic silver-haired girl was kneeling respectfully on the ground.She was clearly a knight with the knight sword at her waist.

She is seriously feeding back the information she has obtained to the object of her allegiance.

Duke of Vauban.

An old antique who didn't know how many years he lived, but such an old antique succeeded in killing a god and became a god-killer with supreme power.

According to the family's orders, she surrendered to him and worked for him.

This time, I reported the latest news about the godslayer.

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