This is her first mission.

To be honest, she didn't like this kind of environment, and there were a whole row of armored skeletons on both sides of her.

Yes, it is the Skeleton Army. This is the power obtained by the Duke of Vauban after killing the god. It can forcefully turn the bones of dead soldiers into his loyal servants.

The Duke of Vauban is rather dark. His favorite thing is such gloomy things, but she is a girl after all, and she is not interested in such things...

Very unacceptable.

"That's how it happened, there were two godslayers in Italy."

After the report of the silver-haired female knight was completed, she was waiting for the Lord's criticism.

The dark and constantly burning candles swayed tremulously, making the whole room look extremely gloomy, casting dim brilliance from time to time, adding a strange and terrifying taste to the room.

"Humph...Interesting, really interesting, the little mud bang can actually produce two godslayers, and he is also friendly with the guy in Italy..."

The Duke's eyes flashed with brilliance that made them even more terrifying.

"And what about that? Have you found the location of the artifact?"

The duke, who lowered his chin with one hand, asked indifferently. To him, the female knights were just ordinary subordinates, so there was no need for good words.

"I'm very sorry, I only know the direction is in Rome. Then it seems to be disturbed, and finally I don't know where to go. The latest news seems to be related to Italy, but there are three godslayers in Italy at this time..."

The female knight lowered her head and spoke in fear, because she felt the skeletons around her making a trembling sound of grinding their teeth.

That's sarcasm, that's saying she's not doing well!

The skeletons are all controlled by the Duke, and their performance also shows the Duke's attitude.

"My servants will not be afraid of the godslayer, they will only complete the task faithfully! Give you a deadline, if no specific news is found within three days then... I will rudely turn you into a complete loyal soldiers."

Complete loyalty means turning into a fleshless skeleton completely controlled by the duke, which means... to be killed!One of the powers that the Duke possesses is that he can turn the remains of the enemies he killed into his subordinates. Even if his subordinates are defeated, they can be summoned again after a while, and the loyalty of his subordinates at this time... is absolute loyalty. !

This is what the Duke wants.


The female knight bowed her head nervously.

The female knight walked out the door and sighed heavily.

It would be great if I could leave!

Such thoughts flashed through the knight's mind.

She suddenly thought of Erica Browntree, the old enemy of the "Bronze Black Cross". The Copper Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross have been opposing knights for hundreds of years. As the representatives of the two teams, they have always been Competing in secret.

And she successfully joined the Duke of Vauban's camp, but she didn't expect... Erica already had three godslayers standing beside her.

Kind of... envious.

The person who was somewhat envied by the female knight was now huddled in the man's arms and fell into a deep sleep with no chivalrous demeanor.

The first rays of sunlight in the morning come through the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows.


Ye Shenyue twitched her arms and found that she felt a little numb, only to find that she was still in a state of hugging from left to right, and the one on her left arm was still "Ye Shenyue~ I still want~~" The blonde girl murmured.

"It's so interesting, let's do it again~~" The blue-haired loli also raved.

The two of them actually talked in their sleep, and they didn't know what shameful things they dreamed about, but they did the same thing, their two tender arms and fair calves pinched him tightly.

Hug left and right... But I can't even move.


Ye Shenyue let out a long sigh. Although their dreams were beautiful, the truth was still too skinny. This was ordinary sleep, not the "sleeping person" he wanted. The ignorant blue-haired loli did it together.It's not that I don't have that heart, but I can't do it.

It's just that when he was about to do this, Xiao Na, who was looking for "interesting", looked at him with a curious and innocent expression, his eyes were blue and pure, and his little face was serious and curious.

This made Ye Shenyue really unable to do it.

The military god is a god, but he only participates in battles, but he does not know anything about other things, so he thinks that the life of ordinary people is so interesting.

It's just that her knowledge seems to be too little.

For example, she would ask like this, "I just heard that there will be caressing when a man and a woman mate. Is this caressing?"


Can you not use the word mating?Intercourse is better than this.

In short, under Xiao Na's curious and blue eyes, Ye Shenyue Erika was defeated, and she could only sleep obediently in the end.

But when she woke up, Ye Shenyue was a little depressed.Because after being disturbed by Xiao Na last night, he asked a boring thing that was almost ignored.

That is the number of godslayers.

Apart from him and Godou, there are actually seven godslayers in this world!

They are Salvatore Tony, that is, Lord Toto, John Pluto Smith, Duke of Vauban, Black Prince Alec, Lord Luo Hao, Lady Elsa and an unknown black mist. Dogged women.

Plus Godou and him, that's nine!

But he remembered that Godou in the original book was the seventh godslayer, and now he has become the seventh, so who is the extra godslayer?

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