A girl who has just become a woman is just like this. She is always a little apprehensive just after the expiration date. Ye Shenyue, who is no longer a "novice", understands this very well.

There was no extra movement, he just put his palm on Mihara's bare shoulders, and touched it lightly, his tone was indescribably gentle, "No, we will still be together, let's make an appointment. "

Ye Shenyue stretched out her right hand, raised her little finger, and made a gesture of "pulling the hook".


Kanami was a little stunned, but after she stayed, she stretched out her hand and clasped Yagami's little finger tightly. The promise, as long as the promise comes true, right?

Mihara thought to himself.

However, seeing the girl in front of her raise her head slightly with a surprised and comforting expression on her face, watching the slender strands of hair slide across her cheeks and land on his hand, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt what he should do.Do something to make everyone happy.

"The agreement has been agreed, is there another seal of integrity?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Ye Shenyue said that his current expression must be incomparably pure and righteous, as if he was preaching some great truth.

"Seal of integrity? What is that? Hey... can't be so sudden..."

It can be said that Yagami's acting skills have really improved. Kana Mi Mihara looked at him carefully for several times, but couldn't tell that it was a hypocritical expression.

It's just that this is only a matter of the last second. The next second, when Ye Shenyue's lips are attached to her lips and teasing her, she finally understands that the seal of true integrity... !

Big devil!

Kana Mi Mihara's body became hot again, and she didn't know what was wrong. As soon as she was kissed by him, her whole body's strength softened, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

There is a saying that is good, life is like a strong j, if you can't resist, then enjoy it.

Although it's not a strong j, it's a voluntary at most, but it seems that this enjoyment is quite comfortable.

Kanami blushed even more, God, what was she thinking about!

Mihara-san would really like to cover her face if she could.

But she couldn't cover it. At this time, Ye Shenyue was looking at her delicate face carefully.

Ye Shenyue's body also warmed up. It seemed that people had become smaller, but desire and desire had become more powerful. It seemed that the nerves that controlled desire and desire had also shrunk back because of their shrinking size.

If you can't control it, don't control it!

This is Ye Shenyue's belief. Looking at her youthful body, Ye Shenyue couldn't bear it any longer, and pounced on it again...

For a long time, the passion calmed down.The faces and bodies of the two of them were red, and that was the afterglow of Gao Chi.

Suddenly, Ye Shenyue's ears moved, she immediately put on her clothes, and quickly walked down, while using magic to keep cooling herself down, it was normal when she went down the stairs.

"Mother-in-law, Sister Kanami can't get out of bed with a stomach ache. She said she wanted me to bring things in."

Ye Shenyue has been tossing on the bed for too long, and even Mihara's mother has come back from this tossing, and it's time for lunch soon.

Mihara's mother had already prepared the food, but she found that only Yashinyuki came downstairs alone, while her daughter Mihara Kana Mi was long gone.

Without waiting for Mihara's mother to speak, Ye Shenyue explained it obediently.With a smile on her face, she looks like a lovely Mrs. Luo, and Mrs. Luo is acting cute again.

Ye Shenyue's face got thicker, and she called her mother-in-law, but to be honest, he was his daughter in her family's house, so she should be called her mother-in-law, otherwise it would be too awkward. Is it reasonable?

"Stomach pain? Kanami shouldn't be at that time, right? This child will have a little pain during that time... It seems that I have to boil her some brown sugar water."

It's a pity that Mihara's mother automatically ignored Ye Shenyue's title of "mother-in-law". She thought it was also a joke of "Tong Yangfu".It's just that Mihara's mother's brows were wrinkled, as if she had exploded something unconsciously.

Mihara, who was hiding on the bed and could still hear the conversation downstairs, almost found a hole to get in. Mom is really, what is she talking about? How can you say such things to him!

"Cough cough..."

Baby, accidentally heard something that shouldn't be heard?

Ye Shenyue coughed a few times, and hurriedly stopped her mother-in-law from preparing to enter the kitchen, "Sister Mihara said that she just had a bad stomach and wanted to rest, no...it's not that thing..."

Ye Shenyue is not easy either, that kind of thing is definitely not something that can be said by talking and laughing, it seems that his cultivation is still far from enough.

Gotta keep practicing!

"It's really not that thing? Haha... Does Xiaoye Shenyue know what I'm talking about? Forget it... Then you can take it to her."

Mihara's mother smiled and looked at the sweat on Ye Shenyue's forehead. She really couldn't bear to bully Xiao Zhengtai. If it was really that thing, Kanami would tell her.

"it is good!"

Ye Shenyue gave a military salute, and finally got out of this awkward topic. She took the food and ran quickly.Mihara's mother, who was watching, covered her mouth and chuckled softly behind her.It would be great if Xiaoye Shenyue was a little older, and she would be a good match for Kanami...

"Stupid... idiot, how can you talk to your mother like that! In the end, you said... and also about me..."

Kana Mi Mihara opened her mouth, but she still didn't have the courage to say it halfway through.

"Cough cough...that was purely accidental, purely accidental!"

Ye Shenyue snorted haha, he understood, Sanyuan was too shy to talk about it, and he blushed when he heard it, so it's better to change the subject at this time.

Can talk about other things, such as very important things.

The hourglass of time is now reaching its final hour. There is really only one day left before the time set by Alaya. When it is dawn tomorrow, it will be time for him to leave.

"Mihara, I'm leaving. The time is up. I'm very happy to meet you and be with you."

Putting the plate of food aside, Ye Shenyue sat on the edge of the bed, straightened the other person's slender hair, and kissed Mihara's still red face.

The tone is extremely gentle, and the color flashing in his eyes is also infatuation.

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