Ye Shenyue's skills are staged again. The appearance is a warm drama, but in fact, she is sighing in her heart. How long will it take for such a beautiful Miyuan to taste again?

Hope Alaya can be kind.

He was completely obsessed with her... obsessed with her body.

"Has the time come?"

Miyuan's voice was also very light, and he was a little excited at first, but it quickly calmed down. Sure enough, it was true, he really wanted to leave.

They all know the ending, and sooner or later they will be separated, but when it comes time to separate, Mihara's heart is inevitably lost.

The loss has turned into a dull sadness.

There is no need to lose, she already has memories, memories that will be unforgettable in her life, right?

"Well. Soon."

Ye Shenyue felt that Miyuan unknowingly grasped his arm, and it was still so tight that it felt a little painful.He sighed in his heart. Sadness only exists at this moment. Sadness does not belong to him. He also has two unreliable but powerful loli, Alaya and Gaia, as barriers, right?

To complete their task can make a request!

When the time comes, you can summon Yu and the others!

Just do it!

Ye Shenyue's face glowed again, "But we will meet soon, and then we will definitely live a life without shame and shame together again."

"Who... who wants to live with you... what a life without shame and shame!"

Mihara Kanami's face blushed. Does the life without shame and shame refer to the current life?

Blushing, but Mihara's heart also relaxed. Looking at Ye Shenyue, he took a deep breath and said his promise, "Then I...will wait for you for 10 years."

10 years, now Miyuan is a girl, the best moment, waiting another 10 years will undoubtedly spend the best time waiting.

Ye Shenyue doesn't think that the 10 years of waiting is long or short, waiting is a painful thing, and Mihara said this to mean that she will always wait for him.

Waiting for him to come back to meet him.

And I said 10 years maybe because it was about 26 years old at that time, the maximum age when parents could accept their children not to marry.At the same time, after ten years, she is also urging him, not to say that she has been waiting for him, but to make him impatient and let him come back soon!

Urging him!

Seeing Mihara's face that pretended not to care but was very determined, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly softened.

"I will definitely be back."

What else can Ye Shenyue say?Nodding now is the best course of action.

Mihara is indeed a girl worth liking.

Mihara Kanami, I love you!Not just your body, but also you, Kana Mihara!

ps: Keep rolling and ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 0117 Confession (extended)

"excuse me."

A cool summer dress, a dark green top, and a brown short skirt that just reached the knee.

Although it's not the first time I've passed by here, it's the first time I've actually come in.Hiramatsu Taeko was still a little nervous until she took off her shoes and walked in.

"Miaozi-chan, don't be so polite, just come to that guy's house."

Kana Mi Mihara covered her forehead and pretended not to care, but her blue eyes looked at the whole environment like a precise computer.If it's true, it seems that someone is even worse than Taeko-chan.

Is this the guy's home?

Sure enough, it was big enough to live with so many beautiful girls.

The reason why Mihara Kanami came to Yagami's house was because of Yagami's request.

Ye Shenyue went to call Silas and Nini, but there was still Taeko-chan, it was a little difficult to make a phone call, and it was difficult to tell her clearly.

Among so many girls, Taeko-chan has the most estranged relationship with him.

So let Miyuan go to matchmaking and let her call Taeko over.

Yes, Ye Shenyue was ready to confess and confessed to all the women, that's why this scene happened.

Mihara and Taeko walked in from the entrance, and the square table in the small hall was already full of girls.

From the left is Silas, who is still wearing her school uniform, and next to her is Yuki Yoshida.Although their factions are different, they are both vampire ninjas, and now the two factions have returned to normal relations.

This is also thanks to Ariel-chan. In fact, the leader of the blood-sucking ninja has never really died. The curse of the blood-sucking baron, the uncle who is so cool and spitting blood in the mouth of Yagami Yue, has also been released. There was no reason for the two factions to fight, and Her Lady Queen was not only forced to unravel the curse on the vampire baron, but also made an oath not to invade the underworld. The punishment for breaking it was to use magic to be completely naked.

Her Lady Queen is about to cry, no matter what you do, you have to be completely naked. This is the punishment that bastard thinks of!Why didn't she think of it in the first place?

The extremely aggrieved Her Lady Queen was still being guarded in isolation. Because the hall was really not big enough, so many of Silas's subordinates didn't come in, and now it was Haruna who "guarded" her.Once there is any change, it is the result of the whole fruit.

Whole fruit, whole fruit, disgusting!

The queen held the little lion pitifully and looked at Ye Shenyue walking in front of her, as if she would really cry if she waited a second.

"Meow~~" The little lion seemed to be weeping for his master's pitiful situation.

"Damn, that... Ariel... Lilith should also know it was wrong, or let her go first and let her come and sit too."

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