Looking at the pitiful appearance of the queen who had been thrown into the corner, Ye Shenyue finally couldn't bear it.

"Yeye~~" The queen wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Chunnai.

"Abu, you idiot, how can you let go of such a dangerous person? Look, you haven't returned to normal yet...but...it seems to be pretty good, shorter than me..."

Haruna shook her head and then nodded quickly. It was really speechless, Haruna, have you finally found someone shorter than you?

But what makes Ye Shenyue depressed is that now he is really too small, not only is he shorter than Haruna, even Her Lady Queen, his height is almost the same as Her Lady Queen's.Standing up now, it's a bit like a golden boy and a girl.

"Since Ye Ye said so, Haruna, let go of Her Lady Queen..."

Before waiting for Her Lady Queen to be happy, Ariel continued to add, "Anyway, I have set up enough cameras in the house, as long as the Queen's magic power fluctuates, she will immediately send her naked video to websites around the world."

Gently put the tea down, I wonder if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion. It seems that Yuu, who is known for her black belly, moved slightly to the right when Ariel finished speaking. It seems that... she also saw Ariel. Black wings and small horns unique to demons are exposed behind an angelic smile.


Her Lady Queen almost gritted her teeth and spat out Ariel's name word by word.

What a pity she only punished Chris for her rebellion and forgot the culprit!

The Queen is still in remorse.

On the other hand, Ariel put down the same strong tea as You, and still looked at Her Lady Queen with a smile, as if she didn't care about Her Lady Queen's "kill you with eyes" attack.

"Cough cough... Now let's get down to business." Seeing that Her Lady Queen wanted to cry again, Ye Shenyue came out to be a peacemaker again, but he remembered that Her Lady Queen should be the one who had to be "pushed" by him. one.

And it's a cute loli, even if you cry, you can't make loli cry!

"What's the matter?"

The girls who were summoned by Ye Shenyue stopped their movements. For example, although they were sitting next to Silas, they were sitting next to Chris, and their eyes were still fixed on the small hands on the other side. The stolen ring.

Chris is so hateful, the queen of Biliye has removed the curse on her, and she is still holding her ring on purpose!It was obviously the engagement ring that Aikawa gave her!want to marry her!

Not to mention the helpless and resentful Yoshida Yuki-san and Chris, who was about to get drunk after drinking a cup of glass, Silas, who was shooting at Yagami's buttocks with a fiery gaze, It made Ye Shenyue extremely painful.

What kind of Crystal Palace is this group?It's too weird!

No, there are blood-sucking ninjas who "love the ass", the leaf girl with the murderous weapon in the world, the stubborn blood-sucking ninjas, three ninjas, and they look young, but actually don't know how long they have lived. A century-old necromancer, a self-proclaimed genius who is also a genius in some respects, but is generally a dazed girl in the magical costume of Biliye, the next is still a girl, a young but black-bellied teacher, and a teacher His teacher is a big drinker, and in the end, there is the strongest in the underworld who does not allow warriors to become fan cartoonists, er, and the most common childhood sweetheart and basketball center who seems to have common sense.

Finally, there is the Queen, although she is the Queen, but without the breath of the Queen, she looks like a little girl who loves to cry.

They are his current Crystal Palace.

"By the way, Abu, where have you been before?"

Everyone calmed down, and all looked at Ye Shenyue. Of course, there were also unusual people here, such as Chunnai-chan, who was pulling on Yeshenyue's collar with wide eyes.Suspicious glances swept around the people.

"Cough cough cough..."

Mihara pretended to cough.

It's just that this cough seems a bit out of place, not only did it not clear her suspicions, but it also attracted more attention.

For example, Yu's line of sight is "It really is."


This is Silas.

"It seems to be fun."

This is Comrade Nini.

"Kanamei's reaction is very abnormal, but these girls are all Bu classmates... er... harem?"

When Taeko glanced at Mihara, she was also counting the number of loli in it.

Sure enough, classmate Bu is a lolicon.

Taeko, your thinking is crooked again!

Ye Shenyue couldn't help covering her forehead, she was a bit like Mihara who came in at the beginning, and she really had a husband and wife look.

Looking at Kana Mi Mihara, who was besieged by many eyes, she sighed and coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention again. "From tomorrow morning, I will leave this world."


Ye Shenyue nodded.

"Are you sick?"

Taeko touched Ye Shenyue's forehead with his hand, the temperature was normal, and there was no fever.

This movement is very consistent, Hiramatsu Taeko just hates to do it skillfully, but when she withdraws her hand, it seems... a little embarrassing.

Many people are looking at her.

Haruna was even biting on the napkin, and seemed a little unwilling. She wanted to care about Yashenyue, but she was preempted.

"Step, don't you suddenly get some terrible disease! Don't be afraid, the big teacher is also very good at medical skills, let her help you diagnose and treat."

This is Haruna.Haruna, who thought she was a genius, since the first move was interrupted, she went to the second move.

The big teacher is omnipotent, so she has to speak out before she acts, so that she will also be counted as a credit for her advice.

"Huh? Are you sick every night?"

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