Chris was full with the big wine bottle. Now that the queen has lifted the curse on her, she doesn't need to get drunk to become her original state, but she still likes to drink.

"I really can't help you, there is only one chance, even if the lifespan is gone, you can live endlessly if you become a vampire."

Silas opened his mouth, revealing two lovely fangs, as if he would turn into a vampire if he bit her.

What she was thinking about was to increase Ye Shenyue's lifespan.

"what happened?"

The only reliable and normal Yuu had long since disappeared from his original seat, and appeared beside Ye Shenyue in less than a second, holding his hand, panic flashed in his big blue eyes.

You are the support of the world and the source of the world. For the sake of the world, you can't show your expressions and you can't have heart fluctuations, otherwise the world will be turbulent because of this.

But at this moment, Ye Shenyue felt that the source of the world seemed to be shaking.Your heart is fluctuating.

nervous, worried.

"It's okay, I'll be back, no matter where you go, you're always in my heart."

Excellent skin has a bit of cold properties.Ye Shenyue lightly touched her face. The scene that should have been warm ended up being a bit unpleasant because of Ye Shenyue's height.

He is about the same height as the Queen, but compared to Youyi, he is even shorter than You!

If you hadn't squatted down slightly, he really couldn't touch her like he liked before.

Blue eyes, silver hair.

You didn't speak, she looked at Ye Shenyue.

"Student Bu is still as bold as ever."

Taeko half-covered his face, but the fingers covering his face were secretly spread out, a bit of a tangled charm of wanting to look but not daring to look at it in the end.

"Eh... that's true."

Ariel shrugged helplessly, she had known for a long time that this woman was the first in Ye Ye's heart, so let her be the first.She is not stupid. Picking such a powerful opponent is definitely the reason to be killed in seconds, but if the opponent is Chris or Her Lady Queen, then her Ariel must be a complete victory.

Anyway, she was the one who summoned Ye Shenyue back then.And he was also the one who got along with him the longest, and he was familiar with every pore on his body and couldn't be more familiar with it.

It's also good to be the person you know best.

Her eyes circled around the number of girls who could not be counted with her fingers, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ariel's mouth.

Despite everyone's eager gazes, Ye Shenyue also sat down, but Yu was sitting next to him, pushing Nini out, but everyone understood from the performance just now, the real "Zhengong" is Which one, so there is still no objection to You sitting next to Ye Shenyue, but You only leaned against Ye Shenyue's left shoulder, and Ye Shenyue's right side was still empty, it seemed to be okay. Join in.

Chapter 0118 Return and the origin of natural teeth (first)

"It's so itchy..."

Ye Shenyue is still immersed in an incomparably wonderful dream, no matter in the dream or in reality, he has realized the good wish of "the ginseng family".

The whole person is like being in a gentle village.

And the most satisfying thing is that this is not a dream, but a reality. In reality, reality is like this!

Just last night, last night, he truly enjoyed the blessings of the people of Qi, and all the girls who had been pushed or who had not been pushed accompanied him once.

"It's so itchy... stop playing... Haruna! I'm angry!"

Ye Shenyue couldn't take it anymore, and she didn't know it was that girl who was so naughty and kept tickling his itch. Could it be Haruna?

That's right, only Haruna is so childish.In the final analysis, the most real loli has to belong to Chunna-chan, because in terms of age, Lady Queen, Chris, Ariel and You are all ten thousand years loli who have lived for many years, almost all of them have passed loli. of the warranty period.

Although he is a lolicon, it is not his thing to be teased by loli all the time.

Ye Shenyue finally couldn't help scolding, and Haruna would definitely stop at this time.

Sometimes Haruna is still quite afraid of him.

"Have you had enough!"

However, the fact was that it was even more itchy, and Ye Shenyue finally opened her eyes and stared at Loli in front of her.

Loli's eyes were an intoxicating wine red, and her big eyes stared at him with the same displeasure.

Eyes wide open.

"Uh... are you Gaia?"

Ye Shenyue finally woke up a little, and the person who dared to stare at him was either a nervous person or a courageous person, and a person with such courage could only be... Gaia, a loli!

"Stupid...not fun at all! You are too lustful...Gaia doesn't like it..."

Taking back the itching magic that was cast on Ye Shenyue, Gaia stood up a little depressed.Beside her was Alaya who finally fell from the air, but she was descending very fast, and she was still descending when Ye Shenyue was awake. Is it concealing a possibility that she did not want to float in the air? Just don't want someone lying on the golden floor to see her fat style.

Maybe it's a pure white bear.Some girls who don't speak their minds like this kind of fat times the most.

After pulling away, Ye Shenyue shook hands, feeling that her body's strength had recovered, and it seemed to be stronger than at the beginning.

After staring at the two loli for a few minutes, Ye Shenyue broke the deadlock first, "cough...that..."

He understood that Gaia was lewd, and even he thought it was too absurd... But he seemed to want to do it again.

After all, he has the dream of three thousand in the Crystal Palace!

There are only a dozen or so now, which is really too few.

"Is the so-called amnesia game fun?"

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