Sure enough, no matter what era or world you are in, getting fat is always a taboo for girls, so what about another taboo?

"And not only that, but consuming only flour products without proper dairy supplementation can cause unrestricted shrinkage of OP."

"O... Opie..."

The black-haired girl's body was completely stiff, and she turned around like a puppet, "You said that Opie will shrink indefinitely..."

"That's the truth. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Na, does she usually like to drink milk?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, and then pushed the blue-haired girl who had eaten bread together for a long time to Shana.

"The taste of milk is actually quite good, and human food is actually quite delicious."

Xiao Na blinked his eyes and gave a pertinent answer.

Shana's eyes were looking straight at Xiao Na's chest, who was about the same height as her. To be precise, she was looking at the bulging object named Oupai.

Then the unnatural gaze fell back to himself.

Although Xiao Na is not big, it seems... Xiao Shana is smaller.

Sure enough... Sure enough, it's because you only eat bread?

Not only did not grow up but also shrunk!

Gain weight and shrink!

Under the threat of double taboo, the little girl finally made a decision.The hand holding the half of the loaf trembled.

"No Road Race No Road Race, I'm tired of it, that's all, if you still need help, see you next time. I'm very busy, one or two monsters get on and off every minute, I didn't mean to skip work to collect Free pineapple buns. Next time you help out, get three cows."

Holding the sharp knife tightly, the black-haired girl spoke impatiently, while looking at the last three soft and fragrant pineapple buns pressing the bottom of the table with reluctance.

Then he shook his head resolutely.

It's just the preparation of these three cows that makes people laugh out loud.

The little ones present laughed, Erika laughed, and even the serious Godou laughed.

Everyone laughed.

A smile can sometimes make people pleasing to the eye, but sometimes it can also make people angry and angry. At this moment, Shana is in a state of anger and anger!

How did she not know she was being tricked?

"Woo~~" The girl was stunned, and then immediately pulled out the sword, her eyes became scorching eyes, and her hair was slowly dyed red as if she was completely covered in flames, "Damn... I'm going to cut you, I cut you! I cut you!"

She was dissatisfied with the small speed of her body, and jumped from top to bottom with a broken voice.

The sharp blade has already been cut.

And the necklace around her neck quickly made an apologetic voice, "I'm really sorry, Shana is a little impulsive, this time we will exit first."

As if confirming its words, the figure of the girl turned into a little radiance and disappeared.

"See you again... I will definitely chop you, chop you, chop you!"

Shana's people disappeared while the voice still disappeared in the air.

Exudes countless resentments and repeated countless times.

Maybe Shana's mantra will be changed to "cut you", Ye Shenyue thought unruly, when Shana cut over, he didn't even hide, although he didn't fully understand the instructions for using the power, he could sense it. Shana looks very aggressive but has no lethality like a paper tiger.

This should be the protection of the master in power.

Otherwise, what if there are subordinates who can attack the master?

He never heard Xiao Na say that she was hurt by her own power.

"Xiao Na, what has changed in your power?"

Everyone returned to Miss Luculazia's house, and Yagami immediately caught Xiaona in front of her.

"It's really delicious. It seems that the girl named Shana also has good taste."

Xiao Na had some wrong answers, until Ye Shen Yuehu took off the three pineapple buns in her hands that Shana reluctantly gave up, and she answered seriously, "The power I gave you has been assimilated by Ru 557. Change, it is no longer an animal, but a human form. However, if it is the original power, I need various activation conditions to use it, and the same is true for yours, because I was forced to become your power, so I have understood the calling conditions of your power."

"Now that you know it, say it!"

Ye Shenyue curled her lips, and then hugged Xiao Na who said nothing but said, Xiao Na showed a satisfied expression, "It's strange, after the assimilation of the power by you, the favorability of you suddenly increased. Now, it's as if you've directly crossed the stage of human love and become a newlyweds."

"It's so powerful?"

It's a BUG that brushes the sense of existence!

Ye Shenyue was amazed, "Then who are the other girls who can be summoned besides Shana?"

In Ye Shenyue's cognition, Xiao Na's power can only summon animal versions of "wild boar", "white horse", "goat", "camel" and other animals to obtain their power, but now According to Xiao Na, she represents the white horse, and the one who happened to be summoned is Shana, who is completely human!

That is to say, these animals have become cute girls in the anime, and he will gain their own power, just like Shana is the burning-eyed Shana and he also becomes the burning-eye.

Gain their power to defeat the enemy together!

Girl... there are actually eight more.

Ye Shenyue's heart seemed to have raised a wolf, and she was about to let out a howl.

Chapter 0034 Under the power and sister (two more subscriptions)

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