Ye Shenyue didn't cry like a wolf, because Xiao Na's explanation was very painful.

"Because I was also assimilated, I can know more things, and the other eight powers also have human forms. It's just that I don't know them."

"So I can't pronounce their names."

Xiao Na shook his head and said helplessly, showing a helpless expression.


If the girls from other worlds can be summoned, the indigenous Xiaona, who has not been to other worlds and has no broad knowledge, really cannot call out their names.

In other words, even if Xiao Na knew of their existence, he still couldn't tell their identities?

I'm going!

In Ye Shenyue's heart, she was both happy and disappointed. She was happy that Xiao Na's word was "they", which meant that his inference was correct. Sharp weapon, albeit at a price.

But what's lost is that Xiao Na doesn't know them, how can he tell him their identities?

And how to summon them!

Shana has returned to her original world because she already got "pineapple bun" as a price, so what about the others?

If you don't get the price, will you stay in this world and wait until you get the price, or will you just go crazy?

And what are the conditions for triggering the call?

There are too many questions in Ye Shenyue's heart!

"But I can describe it for you. Although I don't know their names, it seems like there are suddenly many more sisters in my mind. Their images are in my mind, and the conditions for summoning are also clear. "


Ye Shenyue said nothing, grabbed the little girl directly and made her lie on her stomach with her palms raised.

"Smack, slap, slap—"

Directly through the thin but very smooth fabric, I slapped the soft buttocks one by one.

"Don't...don't be like feels so strange..."

The little girl struggled, nervous and scared on her face. "I...I said...I told you...don't seems like it's going to break..."

"You can understand me better, and I also understand you better and understand your weaknesses! The hips are your fatal sensitive points!"

Ye Shenyue is ruthless, I have seen it half a beat, but this is the first time I have seen such a long reflex arc!If the little guy doesn't fight, he really doesn't know how tangled people's hearts will be if you hang others!

When it comes to Xiao Na's weakness, it is very strange, it is actually the buttocks, but thinking about it, it is also the tiger's ass and buttocks that can't be touched, and Xiaona is the god of war, and the winner's buttocks... It seems true No one can touch it.

But now exceptions!

She has become Ye Shenyue's private property!

"Papapapa" slapped.The little girl's cheeks were flushed.

It's just hitting Ye Shenyue, but she doesn't want to stop.

Although he lost most of his strength, Xiaona is an orthodox goddess after all. The bodies of gods and humans are not very different, but the softness and elasticity of the hips are N times that of ordinary girls.

The strong touch of the slap hand made his heart tremble.

"I... I said, first of all the Shana who just appeared who likes to make pineapple buns. The price for summoning her to get her is to provide her with pineapple buns that satisfy her. The price for summoning is that she is in a state of battle."

"...And what about the next one?"

Although she really wanted to make Xiao Na "broken" again, she said that Yashenyue had no reason to continue to "break" her.

"It also needs to be in combat. In fact, most of them need to be in combat, and of course there are a few who don't."

Xiao Na tried hard to recall the new knowledge gained in his mind and then added. "But one of them is very special, that is, the few that can appear without a battle state, it seems that they can be summoned without a cost."

"Can it be summoned without a price? That is to say, it can be summoned directly now?"

Just when Ye Shenyue thought so, a magic circle appeared in front of her.

on the bed.

A yellowish-colored circular hexagonal magic circle flickered, followed by a white mist and then a small figure.

Wearing a thin white short skirt, she showed her pink and tender arms, and her golden double ponytails swayed around.

There is no fluctuation of magic and power on his body.His eyes were wide open, and he looked confused.

She felt that the scene around her changed again.

"Where is this place? I...seem to be lost again..."

Confusion flashed in the little girl's eyes, as if she was still in a dream, her confused eyes looked to the four directions, and then she found Xiao Na who was lying on Yeshenyue's lap and Yeshenyue who stared at her blankly.


Suddenly there was a look in the girl's eyes.

ps: In the new month, ask for a monthly ticket. Although the children's shoes who voted for the recommendation at the end of the month are very grateful, but... Since they all have to vote, why not at the beginning of the month?The monthly pass at the beginning of the month is only useful to the author...

Chapter 0035 Nail Palace Trio (one more subscription)

Golden double ponytails, smart eyes, and no magic fluctuations. A girl who is completely a mortal, who is not the little girl named Sanqianyuan?

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