"Now the plane has been hit by lightning, please sit on the spot and fasten your seat belts, and you will be out of danger soon."

The voice of the stewardess came on the radio, and the crowd became restless.


Ye Shenyue sat by the window, looked sideways and saw a black mass.

No, that's not a black mass, that's... a small figure hidden in the darkness but with the aura of a raging blaster. It seems to be holding a huge weapon in his hand. More rampant.

"I'm going to... eat you!"

A sharp and distressed voice broke out.

"No, it's aimed at the godslayer who came from me!"

Xiao Na broke free of the seat belt again and stood up, with a rare serious tone. "I thought she wouldn't catch up here, but I didn't expect it to be like this... Must want to take advantage of my weakness and devour me! What a contemptible fellow!"

In other words, this is the legendary... the seventh godslayer?

Ye Shenyue looked over.

Chapter 0037 The shining phoenix and the dark phantom (one more subscription)

Ye Shenyue looked at it. It was a figure shrouded in negative emotions. It seemed to be waving forward with a weapon in her hand. The vile and raging aura was like a tornado. With a wave of the weapon, the tornado flew over heavily. The plane shook and fell immediately upon hitting the plane.

Is this the maker of the tornado?

Ye Shenyue stared at the dark figure with a strange feeling, "Xiao Na, are you sure that is the seventh godslayer?"

"Yes, although the main body doesn't seem to be human, but that guy is a god's disaster. There are not many gods who can escape to the world to wreak havoc. Otherwise, I will not resurrect Mercator to fight me. , I'm going to fight Mercator at most but that guy is different, it's very insidious, it always appears after a duel between gods or a duel between godslayer and god is coming to an end, and then Immediately attack the wounded gods by means, and because the target of the attack is a god, it is called a godslayer."

Xiao Na slowly continued, "And I, when I was just resurrected, I encountered it when I was collecting various sealed clones. I think it came to attack because of my weakness at that time, but at that time I have already taken back the wild boar, and in front of the wild boar with powerful destructive power, it ran away bitterly, and after I collected more clones, the strength recovered quickly, so I didn't care too much about it. I didn't expect it to appear at this time."

"If it's just with the current me, I can't fight. The white horse is only suitable for sneak attacks and not suitable for fighting. If you approach it rashly, you may be right in its arms." The war god continued in a disdainful tone, "But if you think that I It would be a big mistake to devour me without most of my power!"

Then he directly pounced on Ye Shenyue, "So, you will help me, right? You don't need to give face, just defeat it! You who have my power!"

So serious as I said before, but now maliciously acting cute?

God of war, you really are helpless.

Ye Shenyue sighed, turned to look at Godou, and stayed where she was.

Godou, who has a heart of justice, also found the dark figure. Godou, who was full of power and justice, immediately unfastened his seatbelt and prepared to go out to solve the black shadow that was attacking the plane, causing the plane to become unbalanced and about to fall, but he I forgot that the plane at the moment is in danger of being hit and about to fall. The ground is inclined. Once you leave the seat and touch the ground with an unprecedented inclination, you will immediately make a fast movement with almost disappearing friction.

So, before our Lord Godslayer could attack, he had already fallen gorgeously and bounced around like a ball, and finally hit a handrail heavily, his eyes widened and closed.

Passed out.

"It's okay to respond with such a loud voice..."

The whole plane was shaking and people were restless and there were often noises and screams, but the sound of Godou hitting the railing could still be heard in the midst of the noise. It was really... tragic.

Even if the godslayer has obtained power and can have various powers like a god, it is still in a state where power has been stimulated. Godou didn't show any signs of arousing power just now!So this is a hit!

"If you want to go out, you have to open the cabin. The problem is that it is too far from the cabin now, or let Xiao Na float over and open the cabin?"

Ye Shenyue thought in her heart that as long as gods can float, godslayers gain their powers by beheading gods, but very few people can float in the air. There is still a lot that cannot be learned.

"Are you calling me? If it's you then I'll allow it."

A female voice suddenly sounded in my heart, the voice was slightly cold and arrogant, like a person with a full aura.


It wasn't the first time that Yagami Yue had encountered such a situation, so she simply chose to summon.

"call out--"

Almost as soon as Ye Shenyue nodded, a huge figure appeared in the air, and it made a proud and sweet cry.

It was a bird with broad wings, its whole body seemed to be surrounded by flames, and it was colorful.Incredibly beautiful.

That's a phoenix!

The legendary bird that never dies as long as it reaches adulthood!


With a shrill and angry voice, the pitch-black shadow that was haunted by resentment and raging screams...

Apparently, the dark shadow also spotted the huge shining phoenix that suddenly appeared.

The phoenix is ​​so colorful and beautiful, but it is infinitely dark and can't even show its face. I'm afraid no one can't stand this strong contrast, right?


Like a cannonball, the pitch-black figure gave up continuing to attack the plane and turned to the dazzling and shining phoenix.

The black fully materialized whirlwind that could tear the body from the huge weapon rushed towards the phoenix, the phoenix's brightest feathers.

"Hmph. Good time!"

The wings of the phoenix are fully unfolded, and every feather is extremely beautiful. Under the swoosh of the phoenix, countless feathers have turned into sharp blades with flames.

As if occupying half of the sky, he rushed towards the dark shadow.


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