With a shrill voice, the shadow's body couldn't even dodge and continued to move forward, but finally, at a distance of ten meters from the phoenix, the whole body was scorched by the scorching heat, extremely painful.


The bright phoenix fluttered its huge and beautiful wings of 1.9 and made a disdainful voice, "It's too much for me to stop the adult me ​​from being a mere aggregate of resentment."

This is a phoenix but it can also talk!


The dark, burned shadow slowly burned out of the human figure. It was no longer a dark mass of resentment and turned into a small figure.

The figure let out a howl, and a more intense resentment and irritable aura suddenly surged up on his body. The flame on his body, which was said to be unquenchable, was actually covered by the dark gas and disappeared.


The phoenix was slightly startled by the reaction of the shadow, but the next second the dark shadow made a jaw-dropping move.

Its weapon swiped quickly into the void and then jumped in neatly!

Just escaped like that!

Chapter 0038 Phoenix and the impulse to suck blood (two more subscriptions)

The conservatively attacking aircraft finally calmed down.

"Thunderbolt, thunderbolt is gone!"

The captain's excited voice came from the broadcast. Ordinary people can't see God. What they can see are only abnormal weather changes, such as tornadoes, typhoons, thunder, and so on.

"But why is there another sun just after the thunder and lightning disappeared? The temperature of the sun is so high?"

The captain was referring to the flying silhouette of the phoenix, and the same others couldn't see the phoenix, but it felt like an extra sun-like scorching heat.

There was agitation in the crowd, and everyone was sticking to the glass to look out, and then they were almost blinded by the dazzling light and quickly retracted their heads.

"Captain, the voice leaked out! It will cause panic."

A well-intentioned reminder from the stewardess came over the radio.The voice seemed to be the messy flight attendant in 07 who persuaded Xiaona before.

"Ah no..."

There was a panicked voice from the captain in the studio, as if he had knocked something down. After a while, he continued to broadcast, "I'll land in half an hour. Please be prepared and fasten your seat belts."

Finally the crowd slowly quieted down.

And Godou was finally pulled back to his place by Yagami, he wasn't injured but was in a simple coma.

Now the dark shadow is said to be the shadow of the seventh godslayer and has been driven away by the phoenix. It stands to reason that Ye Shenyue should also calm down, but on the contrary, at this moment, his heart is extremely surging.

When the eyes fell on the huge and incomparably beautiful phoenix, the blood began to flow super fast!

Looking at the phoenix, what he felt in his heart was not excited because of its power and beauty. His heart was so surging that he could hardly bear it. His hands were clenched into fists and sweat was constantly overflowing from his hands, as if he was trying to endure something.

"Father? What's the matter with you?"

The people on the plane were noisy, but that didn't stop Sanqianyuan from discovering that something was wrong with Yashenyue.

Although she is still a child, what Sanqianyuan, the heir of a family of billions of dollars, has endured is either kidnapping or kidnapping. The inner strength of the heart is not comparable to ordinary people, so when the plane crashed, her heart was still very calm, and She also had her father by her side, so Sanqianyuan was even more calm. When the crisis came, she didn't even say a single extra sentence, but at this moment, she was surprised to find that her father's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had collapsed. generally.

"Suck...suck blood..."

Ye Shenyue spoke with difficulty.


The little girl with two ponytails looked very confused. Why did the father suddenly talk about blood-sucking?He's not a vampire.

But the truth is that Yagami is indeed a vampire.

He was deeply attracted by the first sight of the phoenix, and an unprecedented strong desire for blood-sucking broke out in his mind!

You must know that the power in his body has been drained away, and the power of being a vampire has also disappeared, and the urge to suck blood is even more minimal, but now this power has suddenly erupted!

He covered his mouth with one hand, because he felt it, felt the sharp fangs!

Those are blood-sucking fangs!

According to the power of urine, you can have the power of the summoned species, but now what you get is the recovery of the power of the vampire!

This is how the same thing?

And what really filled his blood-sucking impulses was... but it was the phoenix!

Just seeing it at a glance can't help but want to suck blood!

Its blood, its blood strongly attracted him!

I really want to... I want to just rush out like this, hug the big phoenix and take a sip!


Maybe it was because the connection with Ye Shenyue was strung together, and the Phoenix turned back with a sense of feeling, and her calm eyes flashed.

"Although it's okay to stay in this strange world for a while as a tourist, but I haven't ordered Flander, if she always runs around, it will add a lot of trouble, and my world is not so stable. There are also all kinds of brothers, sisters and sisters who are staring at them."

The huge phoenix shook its head, "So, I'll leave first, see you when I have time, dear Mr. Vampire!"

"It's going!"

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