Xiaona, who had been ignored for a while, explained that Sanqianyuan also opened her eyes and looked out the window to the huge phoenix. The gorgeous and dazzling feathers made her feel "so beautiful".

Sanqinin Nagi's magic level and strength level can't even reach the slag of combat power five, but it is really surprising to see the phoenix.It was as if there was some kind of strange power within her that made her different.

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue didn't pay attention to this. As soon as he looked up, he saw the figure of the phoenix turned into the flame of stars and then returned to nothingness.

At the same time, I also got a series of messages in my heart, "To summon the phoenix that will never die, there is no need to pay because the phoenix owes a lot of favor."

Owe a lot of favors?

It's another piece of information that I don't understand, but Ye Shen's 613 month's physical condition has slowly recovered, and the fangs in his mouth have disappeared again, and the urge to suck blood has also disappeared.

Because the urge to suck blood comes from seeing the phoenix, the power of the phoenix disappears when it disappears, just like when Shana ends the battle, the power that Shana has blessed on her body also disappears.


I really want to suck the blood of an immortal bird. Immortal blood must be delicious, and that charming gesture seems to be... ?

The freshest girl's blood is the most delicious.

"Dark Shadow?"

However, Godou, who was in a coma at this time, woke up and made a confused voice to pull the god of Yagami back, "Where did the shadow go?" "..."

Very unpleasant, Ye Shenyue stopped yy, and together with Xiao Na, looked at the mud boom that was already close at hand.

Finally came to this land.

A land that will suffer infinite darkness, Ye Shenyue touched Athena's divine tool in her pocket, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

PS: Does anyone know the identity of the Phoenix?The worlds listed in the beginning of this book appear.Because this book can't cover those worlds, I can only pick a few girls out in this way, don't be surprised.

Chapter 0039 Mud Boom (one more subscription)

Ye Shenyue and his party quickly got off the plane and transferred to their final destination.

This is the grass child's house!

This is a single-family house in Duzhuang, with a two-storey height with a touch of warmth, which is not found in a single apartment.

"This is Cao Zhi's house!"

Holding her luggage, Ye Shenyue stood at the door, looking at the name on the door a little dazed.

With Cao Zhi as the surname and followed by three names, Godou as the elder brother, then the second elder brother Ye Shenyue, and finally the younger sister Shizuka.

Three people, three people live here. As the parents of the original male protagonist, Cao Zhi's father and Cao Zhi's mother cooperated very well. Because of work reasons, they have to live abroad for a long time, and then give their freedom and room to "It seems like It's the first time I've been here. Could it be because of the accident on the plane that my memory is messed up again!"

Godou said in surprise. He stared at Yagami's confused expression with wide eyes. This confused expression didn't seem to be fake.

"No matter how chaotic it is, I'm afraid it can't be compared to a boy who fainted trying to uphold justice!"


Well, Godou was choked and speechless, what a shame, he just took the first step and fell down without face.

"who is it?"

When the doorbell was pressed, the door opened immediately, revealing a cute little girl with a bag-tied head, holding a shiny spoon in her hand as if she had just walked out of the kitchen.

Before Ye Shenyue could speak, she spoke first, with a complaining tone, "It's already afternoon when I said I came back in the morning? It made me reheat the dishes three times."

"I'm so sorry, there seems to be something wrong with the plane and it was delayed."

Although I don't know this girl, who can appear in this house and is so cute and young, who else can I be other than the grass child Jinghua on the brand?

So Ye Shenyue was familiar with the little girl with the baotou directly in the eyes of Sanqianyuan Nagi and Xiaona's widened eyes.

"Yeah... Ye Shenyue, you... what are you doing!"

The spoon in the hands of the girl who was suddenly attacked by Ye Shenyue almost fell to the ground, blushing and struggling.

"Well, I'm so cute (sister), your brother just came back from the passionate Italy, so what's there to refuse to give you an Italian greeting?"

Ye Shenyue said that she felt at ease, but fortunately the traditional Italian Erica did not come back with him, otherwise he would definitely expose his lies.


Although Nihong is very small, the Internet is very developed, so Jinghua still heard a little bit that foreign relatives kiss their cheeks when they meet.

So now being hugged doesn't seem to matter.

"Why... Godou, don't you kiss your lovely little sister? That's a French greeting!"

"We went to Italy instead of France, and, this kind of thing is too...open!"

Godou's face also turned red.

What a poor little virgin, Yagami looked at him with eyes that made Godou extremely worried, and finally Yagami pretended to be French so that her sister couldn't refuse to kiss her on the cheek.

"Come on... come in quickly..."

The little sister's cheeks were as rosy as a half-red apple that had not yet grown, which was extremely attractive.

"First of all, let me introduce, this is Xiao Na's original Persian military god, and this little girl with two ponytails, that is my daughter, Sanqianyuan Nagi."

Ye Shenyue pushed the two little girls who were about the same height as Jing Hua in front of her.

"The first time we met, I was the winner. In fact, you can also call me Xiaona."

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