Xiaona spoke politely, and Sanqianyuan also introduced himself politely, "Sanqianyuan Nagi, I want to stay here for a while, please give me more advice."

"Well, I'm Caozhi Jinghua, well, the sister of these two guys... well... ah!"

Jinghua introduced herself subconsciously, but her eyes widened immediately as she spoke, her mood almost dropped after a three-step jump, and then she quickly brought it up again, "What did you say? Daughter?"

"Cough, it's actually like this..."

After being ignored for a long time, Godou finally found the opportunity to speak and began to explain it to his sister. He didn't hide it and directly told Shizuka all the godslayer, god, and the like.

The girl shook her head slightly, "In other words, these two little girls were summoned by the elder brother Ye Shenyue? And you and Ye Shenyue have both become kings who can be above the law? Well, they are godslayers. ?"

"That's it, just, aren't you curious about Jinghua?"

Ye Shenyue was surprised. He first let the two loli wander around the house, so now the only people sitting in the living room are "Three Brothers and Sisters" on the sign at the door, "Curious? I didn't understand it at first, but Someone has been vaccinated."

Shizuka answered honestly.


"Well, before you guys came back, bro, a man with glasses came to the door. What he said was that you have become godslayers. I didn't understand it at the time, but now I seem to understand it. ."


It seemed to match the credibility of Jinghua's words, and at this time the doorbell was rang again.

"No, they are here."

Jinghua turned the spoon in his hand very neatly for two circles and walked towards the kitchen, "He is looking for you, I'd better go back and continue to heat my dishes."

Yagami Yue and Godou looked at each other, and Godou finally walked over and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a man in a simple suit with glasses, about thirty years old.

Seeing Yagami Yue and Godou, they immediately bowed respectfully, "I'm really sorry that you are finally back. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a member of the official history editorial committee under Amakasu, which is the government agency in charge of the magic of mud bombing. The little boss, the first time we met, the eighth and ninth Godslayer Lord Nihong."

"Ah... I'm Kusuji Godou."

Godou was a little confused. He simply didn't know why people from the Nihong government came to him.

"Then come in."

Ye Shenyue stepped aside and sat on the sofa with a smile.

Amakasu's heart tightened.

Chapter 0040 If you are a king, then you have to be a devil! (Second, please subscribe)

There is no shortage of talented people in this world. Although most people end up doing nothing, maybe they are about to hang up and have never seen magic, but there are also a few people who not only know but also manage this aspect. Ordinary government personnel have no power but they have foreign aid. There are powerful people who want as much as their minds... world peace, so they form an organization, claiming to be a peaceful organization for mud bombing.

And Amakasu is a part of this organization.

The top officials of Nihong were immediately excited when they received the eighth and ninth godslayers in the world, and they directly ordered to win over these two young godslayers.

Yes, it is young.

In the eyes of people like Amakasu, the younger they are, the more immature their minds are, and the more likely they will agree to them. This is a conclusion drawn from the experience of doing ideological work to the strong every day to win them over to their side.

And this time, the files on the two godslayers on the table show that they are teenagers and immature!


Godou's vague nervousness eased his mood a little, because Godou acted like a novice or an ordinary high school student, such a child could easily be persuaded, but the other one, who was on the corners of his mouth from time to time. The smile is really... a little worrying.

He always felt that the initiative was no longer with him.

It's just that Amakasu still has to bite the bullet and go on. People are godslayers who can despise the existence of the government, but of course he can't be neglected as a small government official.

"The thing is, the government has already learned the identity of the two kings, so to a certain extent, it will give the two a green light no matter which aspect."

"Wang? I just want to live my ordinary life."

Godou was still a little confused, but there weren't many people like him who were lucky enough to become godslayers, but if he said that, it might hurt Godou a bit. After all, he needed the golden sword he got from Nao It can only work on the basis of understanding the basic situation of the enemy, so he was held by Ye Shenyue during this period of time to make up for the gods, the information of the godslayer.

As for the easiest way to let the girls who know this knowledge pass on the knowledge to him through kisses, Yagami was cut off immediately.

After all, things like resources cannot be shared with others. Even if Ye Shenyue doesn't have an intersection with those girls in the end, it won't give it to Godou. It's hard for a man like a creature to have a companion. It's almost you. I don't feel good about it.

"This king is really simple."

Godou's puzzled expression was immediately caught by Amakasu's fiery eyes, which he trained every day by persuading him to work. He almost cried in his heart. I was so moved that this king of mud bombs was so cooperative.

And the other one?

After meeting Ye Shenyue's smiling eyes, Amakau's heart groaned for a while, and Ye Shenyue finally spoke up.

"The green light? Oh, so I would like to know what kind of support is there? First of all, my hobbies are very ordinary, I just like young and beautiful girls. Can the government satisfy me in this regard?"


Although she was already prepared in her heart, Ye Shenyue asked Gan Kao to sweat, "Although it's hard to say it on the front, as long as it is what Wang wants, our organization will try our best to complete it, but... Wang What kind of girl do you want?"

Amakasu said it slowly. Although they have been dealing with superpowers, magic and gods, they have never seen anyone who asked for a beautiful girl directly, but it's just... The above has already explained that the two kings must be allowed. Don't worry, Shu Xin supports Mud Bang, so you must win over at all costs!And Ye Shenyue's request is still within the government's bottom line, because considering the youth... male hormones are more, so the sex and desire...

Therefore, before coming, Amakasu was well advised by the superiors.

"We will look for these girls according to the king's request. I believe that they will take the initiative to come to the king's house to take care of the king's daily life."

Amakasu spoke very euphemistically. Although he said that no one knows what the family does, he still needs to be carefully crafted, otherwise he will suddenly annoy the king who has a very low degree of shame and explode.

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