Just when he was thinking about it, the phone really rang!

And the caller ID is really Erica's.Ye Shenyue's mobile phone was taken by Erika, and her number was also entered by herself. At first, she was hesitant about the names of "Guardian Knight" and "Erica", but only after Ye Shenyue summoned three The evening after Qian immediately changed to the simple but direct word of "wife".

"Cough cough... Erica."

After hesitating for a while, Ye Shenyue finally got connected, but Erica's warm voice came immediately, "Ye Shenyue, did you miss me?"

"This one……"

Ye Shenyue looked at Jinghua and found that her sister was curious and full of gossip. Her ears seemed to have evolved and doubled in an instant. She quickly turned around, and then lowered her voice slightly and replied "Of course" "I Just know that, don't worry, I won't let you think too long."

Erica on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood.

"Won't it be too long?"

"Well, I'll fly to your side right away... Well, it's tomorrow! I'm going to get up and go to mud bombing tomorrow."

Erica speaks very fast, I really don't know how this pure Italian is so proficient in practicing mud bang.

"Ah...wait a minute..."

...... But Ye Shenyue was stunned, she could only go to see the cute girl presented by the government tomorrow, if the jealous Erica came, wouldn't it be... the chickens and eggs were beaten?

"Wait a minute? Does this mean you don't want me to go so quickly? It's really sad... As expected, I was treated differently because of different nationalities..."

There was grievance in the voice, as if the female knight on the other side of the phone was secretly wiping tears.

It's just that this is impossible, Erica is a lively but strong girl and definitely not the kind of sister Lin who sheds tears at every turn.

She just knew that she was cheating and acting, but Ye Shenyue was still a little reluctant.This is probably the pity of the man at work.

"Of course not, it's just because... well, you still have a lot to deal with, so please be sure to finish all the things in Italy so that you can settle down in Mud Boom, right?"

Ye Shenyue just wanted to stabilize Erica first, at least to give him time to meet the cute girl!

"Ah...that's right, after all, I'm going to get married. Well...I will work hard for the future, finish everything within two days and fly directly over the day after tomorrow! Wait for me!"

The girl over there seemed to be recovering from her wailing.


It seems to be wrong.

However, after talking about this, Ye Shenyue still insisted on agreeing to pick up Erica the day after tomorrow.

Then in front of his sister's ambiguous eyes, he made a "boo" sound with the back of his hand toward the phone.

"By the way, my lovely sister, why didn't you go back to the room? Or... are you so interested in your brother's emotional life?"

Ye Shenyue took off her sister's two hair accessories at once, but the hair slipped down!

The shoulder-length black hair poured down like a waterfall, and the cuteness was a little less, but it was a little more quiet.

A reddish face is extremely delicate.

"Ah... Unnie-chan, you... hentai!"

Jing Hua stayed for a while and then ran into the room with a blushing face and her head.

Ye Shenyue stood there in a daze.


It turns out that this sister is not just cute.

How does it make you feel a little excited?

Black long straight ah, black long straight ah!

The black long straight of the loli period!

Chapter 0042 Raiders sister (two more for subscription)

Early morning room.

"No... Jinghua, it can't be like this..."

A very well-behaved girl who had already made breakfast appeared in the room of her brother who was undoubtedly calling her sister's name and rolled the quilt into a ball.

"What are you dreaming about!"

The sleep words Ye Shenyue shouted made the girl's cheeks reddish slightly, but she still seemed to be able to accept it.

"We can't be together... We are brothers and sisters..."

The elder brother was still babbling in his sleep without a doubt, while the younger sister's body stiffened, and then eased down.

This made the younger sister who had come to wake up Erni-chan a little bit better. It seems that this brother still knows a little bit of shame and ethics. He knows that he is his younger sister, so he can't be close relatives.

"However, Jinghua, don't you think close relatives are more flavorful? Brother and sister are the best..."

Ye Shenyue was still babbling, and a big tic tac toe appeared on the forehead of yy's sister.

The spoon that was held high in his hand finally threw down, "What the hell do you want to do to your sister, Hentai!"


However, the spoon was held in mid-air, and he couldn't hold back, let alone attack that shameless and unethical Oni-chan.

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