"Hey... Jinghua, actually wanted to secretly cast "love spurs" on Ernie-chan while she was still in a drowsy state... tsk tsk tsk... Jinghua, I haven't seen my sister for a few days. It has become... Super S! Uh... what should I do? My sister's appearance is in great danger... As Uni-chan, I'm really worried."

"Worry... Worry about your head! The impetus of love? You are the one who shakes the whole family!"

My sister's face turned red all of a sudden, but it was all red with anger, "Big hentai, get up and eat!"

Furious, the younger sister, who was holding the spoon in her hand, rushed out without closing the door. She seemed to have changed from a cute and lively girl to a girl Lu.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Throwing the quilt in her hands away, Ye Shenyue smiled meaningfully.

"It seems that this sister has some bad strategies."

Seeing Jinghua blushing and running out angrily, Ye Shenyue sat up, touched her chin and said to herself, but at this moment, a blue head appeared under the bed, which was actually one with blue hair. Xiao Na.

"Is it really good to start with your sister?"

Xiao Na got up from under the bed and sat on the edge of Ye Shenyue's bed, her two white and tender calves swaying uncontrollably.

"Well? Your Greek gods actually care about ethics?"

Ye Shenyue almost looked at Xiao Na with the eyes she saw in the new continent, Xiao Na closed her eyes slightly, "In the eyes of the gods with a long life, there are only themselves and others, and things like ethics seem pale and powerless. In fact, the most unethical person is our God King."

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it seems that the guy fell in love with his daughter because he was shot by Cupid's arrow, and then...then the story between the gods who set this precedent is even more chaotic."

"But these are all stories from the past. When I appeared, the gods had already fallen, so let's talk about the present. Your sister's cooking skills are really good, better than that of the female knight. The maids are much better. Well...not of the same rank."

"...Xiao Na, I found that you seem to have become a foodie too."

Ye Shenyue flicked the forehead of the girl who played Le Hee Hee, then stood up, and even hugged the little girl.

The fragrance that belongs to Loli lingers on the tip of the nose and makes people feel refreshed.

It's really hard to spend a night without a girl by your side.

Because of Godou's talkativeness, Shizuka had already confirmed the fact that Yagami had an Italian girlfriend, and the result of the overheard on the phone call last night had established the relationship between the two of them to settle down in Nihong. Shizuka immediately brought Xiaona and Sanqianyuan to her room to live in her room on the grounds of protecting Erica's future sister-in-law's rights...

Of course, a large part of it was also due to Ye Shenyue pulling her Baotou by herself last night.

In fact, she was afraid that Ye Shenyue would attack these two little girls who were about the same height as her.

Originally, Shizuka didn't have that thought, but because of Yagami's cheap hands, she felt that her Oni sauce seemed to have evolved from a human to a beast, and the girls would be in a very critical state.So the best way is to isolate and isolate Ouni sauce!

This made Yagami Yue, who was worried because Erica was jealous and then depressed because of Shizuka's "protection" policy, even more depressed.

That's why there was the conversation between Yagami Yue and the War God just now.

However, Jinghua has her own plan, Ye Shenyue, and her own ladder to cross the wall. Shenyue woke up early in the morning and at the same time let her run to him secretly through a special relationship with the war god, and then she wanted to do When the god of war noticed that his sister was coming, and out of half revenge and half attracted by Hei Changzhi, Yashenyue deliberately pretended to be asleep and teased her little sister a little.

"My sister used a Baotou after 5.2 today, so I can only give a bad review!"

Ye Shenyue has a morbid fascination with the straight and straight Hei Changzhi.

Because she had to go to school later, Yagami changed out of her pajamas and put on the school uniform of a long-lost high school student.

Ready to sell cute clothes again.

"Xiao Na, be more euphemistic today, don't reveal your identity as a god."

Ye Shenyue touched the blue-haired loli's head and walked out.

A new day begins.

ps: The next chapter is to help the witch, the third watch on Saturday, well, this chapter is actually a weekend chapter.

There are also begging to subscribe and comment.There are so few flowers...

Chapter 0043 Aid the Witch (three more subscriptions)

The uniforms of high school are still eccentric as always. Girls always wear short skirts and shirts, which are very cool, while boys wear trousers and black coats all year round.

However, seeing the girl in white socks walking around in front of her, it is still fascinating to see faintly revealing, revealing, a little spring, and light from time to time when she walks.

These girls may not be comparable to Erica's ladylike appearance, or may not be comparable to Xiao Jinghua's cuteness, but they also have their own uniqueness.

That is young!

So young and full of vigor, Bai Hua Hua's big legs can always shake people's eyes.

"Night God Moon Night God Moon..."

An ordinary boy sitting on the left of Godou behind Yagami was screaming.

"I'm really sorry... I'm a little distracted, ah... Where did we just say?"

Ye Shenyue realized that this dear friend was Godou's basic friend, although he didn't know much, but people seemed to know him very well.

I don't know if it's because of being with Godou that Yagami's sense of existence has decreased a lot. It's not like the 07 scene where girls adore and boys are jealous as soon as it appears in other worlds, but it's like Now it's not bad to be able to sit at the penultimate table of the millennium, look out at the scenery, and sweep the eyes of the entire class of young girls.

"It's a transfer student! A new transfer student has been added to our class in the new semester, and... um, it's been confirmed that it's a girl, I hope it's a cute and beautiful girl and then I..."

Jiyou's gushing out shows the hard-pressed situation of not having a girlfriend.

"By the way, Godou, you haven't talked about your summer vacation. Did something good happen?"

After a while, Jiyou found out that Yagami and Godou ignored him and immediately changed the subject. After all, there is no class yet, and the transfer students haven't come yet.

"Summer vacation..."

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