"Oh...not ready?"

Ye Shenyue's voice rose slightly, and the shrine maiden became nervous again, blushing, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Amakasu said that I want to serve you all, this... This is also my wish, if If you can do it for the sake of world peace...if you can protect Nihong, I will give everything I have...but...but it has been decided, but when it's time to do it...I'm sorry, I'm not ready yet. "

Miko-san said that she was tense and faced Yagami with a ninety-degree bow and lowered cheeks.

She was really unprepared. She thought that this usually calm classmate would get along better and she didn't feel particularly disgusted. If the other party can work hard for the muddy people, then there is nothing wrong with her dedication. This is her... her duty as an aid witch.

Protect civilians.

When Mr. Amakau came to her, Akatsuki moved her with emotion and reasoned, and she decided to dedicate herself, decided to always accompany the godslayer, and lead the king to the correct direction of "protecting peace".

This is her mission.

But now, it's going to be bad.

She couldn't let go of her shame, so she could almost dedicate her body to the scene where she could watch the classmates on the playground... herself... herself...

I... can't do it myself.

Tears appeared in the corners of his eyes like rain.

And those tears were grievances, disappointments, and sad tears that flowed down drop by drop.

Seeing that there are wet marks on the ground, Ye Shenyue feels that she can't hold it anymore, although in this public environment when others can't see you but you can see others, "Come on" is very exciting, but it makes the girl sad Tears are not something he can turn a blind eye to.

If Yagami's biggest weakness is without a doubt, it is the tears of girls.

He is a person who can't see girls cry, so he has become a wanderer.

Originally, I just wanted to live a depraved life, but now my heart has softened.

Although he fell down, he didn't need to worry about whether the girl liked him, but... he still couldn't do it.

The things with love can only be done when there is love.

He took out the scarf from Seraphim from his pocket and put it directly on the girl's cheek.


Wan Guli looked up in amazement, but Ye Shenyue gave her a gentle smile.


But at this moment, the voice of Po Kong came, it was a shiny thing like a sharp arrow... No, it was a sharp sword!

A knight's sword!

The knight sword stabbed directly at his arm!

With the sound of the wind, if Yagami doesn't avoid it, it will become a scene of being pierced.

But ah, don't forget his identity, he is a strange godslayer who has merged Xiaona's ten powers and can share the power with the summoned girls.

At this moment, Xiao Na is classified as the incarnation of Bai Ma, and Bai Ma is most proud of his speed, so when Xiao Na appears, he can also improve his speed!

Just want Xiaona to appear?

Of course Xiaona appeared!Because she is N meters above Ye Shenyue!Because of the reason that he didn't want to walk, a certain little military god directly chose to hang in the air!And seeing Ye Shenyue here, she ran over, so she is now above! As long as Xiaona exists, then Ye Shenyue can share her speed!

That is to say... there is no suspense in avoiding this sword.


Does his body... need to dodge?

Ye Shenyue's fingers gently lifted the sharp knight's sword, and it slid from his arm to the ground with a crisp sound. At the same time, a slender figure who was not very tall appeared on the railing. He stood tall and looked at Ye Shenyue.

This is a cute girl.

With the appearance of a beautiful girl, she also has beautiful long silver hair, and her long hair is turned into a ponytail to make her more heroic, and her skin is as white as cream.

The knight sword that attacked Yagami just now was hers.

This is a heroic female knight.

It's just that the color in her eyes is cold at the moment.

Chapter 0045 The girls' hair is small (two more for subscription)

Really cool female knight.

Ye Shenyue stood motionless, while the Witch Maiden Wanguli behind her widened her eyes.

Because of the special relationship with Xiaona, Yashin Yue has an incredible ability to communicate with this little girl who is very interested in "interesting".

So when Xiao Na was "walking" in the air and found a female knight lurking in the distance, he immediately sent a signal to Yagami, and also sent a message that the expression of the female knight seemed to be getting more and more angry.

Getting more and more angry?

The female knight is watching him no matter what, but why is she getting more and more angry? Is it because of herself or because of... Manguli? Open, when Wan Guli shed tears, the female knight's anger broke out completely, this time she didn't even hide it, and then she threw her weapon directly!

Ye Shenyue has been absolutely certain, this female knight is angry because of Wan Guli, and she has an absolute relationship with Wan Guli!

What a lot of fun!

This unexpected development is the highest, originally there was only one classmate, but now there is a lovely knight lady.

At this moment, the lady knight was glaring at Yashinyuki, and it was strange that her face was cold and angry.

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