
At this time, Wan Guli broke the deadlock. The moment he saw the appearance of the beautiful female knight, he froze for a moment, then immediately reacted and shouted.

Ye Shenyue noticed that the female knight's body froze after being called by Wan Guli, and then turned her head away.

"You got the wrong person."

Very cold tone but his body trembled slightly, but Wan Guli changed his weak attitude and stood in front, "Impossible, impossible, I can't admit the wrong person!"

"No, you've got the wrong person."

However, the arrogant female knight kept an indifferent attitude, and then she frowned slightly and fell down from the railing.

After brushing it, there is no shadow.

Seeing this scene, the Miko-san immediately rushed to the railing with her eyes wide open, as if she wanted to pursue the figure of the female knight, but she was disappointed, Lily's figure disappeared, and there was only a flat land below without anyone.

He murmured, "Why is this... Lily doesn't know me anymore... Why..."

"Although I don't know what happened to you, but now, do you need a shoulder?"

Ye Shenyue walked over, and then looked at the girl who looked lost and patted her shoulder.

Seeing others sad and then letting go of warm and broad shoulders is a very girly thing, but Miko-san is hesitant.

Or blushed.

The female knight who just appeared moved her mind, and the classmate just now made her cry.

She instantly thought of the aspects of "stay where you are", "stand high and see far away", "put your shame away" and "do" as proposed by the godslayer just now.


Her cheeks flushed again, "I'm not...not yet...ready, it's really..."

It was obvious that after the female knight had left, Miko-san returned to her blushing mode.

The words "stay where you are", "stand high and see far away", "discard the shame" and "do" filled her head, only to feel that the shame suddenly increased greatly, and the blushing was about to bleed. .

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of bad person, just a test just now, if you really don't have any shame to satisfy my desires and desires, then you will be disqualified. And what I'm looking for is just a good eye and a good hand. And the people who can take care of me in my life.”

"Eh? Eh?"

The weak girl suddenly raised her head, and her voice became much louder.

"That's it, don't you think I'm the kind of person who gets itchy all over if I don't do anything for a day?"

Ye Shenyue half covered her forehead as if she had been hit.

"Um...I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry, I just...I misunderstood you just now."

Wan Guli immediately bowed and apologized, feeling both surprise and surprise in his heart, although the other party's adjective was a little weird.

But if what Lord Ye Shenyue said is true, then he... is actually not a bad person.

She secretly raised her head and caught a glimpse of the sunny smile on Ye Shenyue's face, as if being warmed by the sun, she was extremely comfortable.

The girl's cheeks turned red involuntarily.

"Well, since the misunderstanding has been resolved, let's start smack bang bang."

Ye Shenyue pressed the girl's shoulder, she did not refuse, but when Ye Shenyue said this sentence, she screamed again.

"Just kidding. Okay, let's go back to the classroom first, the bell will be ringing soon."

Ye Shenyue smiled mildly, and at the same time was slightly disappointed. If she wanted to sleep with the Huairou policy, she would have a long way to go. I regret not having to use the tough policy.

"Well, then... what about Your Excellency Ye Shenyue?"

Wan Guli nodded but just wanted to turn around but found that Ye Shenyue didn't mean to leave.

"I also want to see the scenery and go down in a while."

Ye Shenyue smiled gently.

The shrine maiden bit her lip lightly and then saluted Yagami again and slowly turned to leave.

Watching the shrine maiden leave Ye Shenyue's mild smile turned into interest, he was still leaning on the railing with one hand, but the voice came out.

"Wan Guli has already left, aren't you going to say something to me, Lady Knight?"

He was facing the empty rooftop but there was a voice coming.

A petite figure appeared directly in front of Ye Shenyue, she paused and then forced a salute, "I'm very sorry for attacking Your Excellency for the first time, Liliana, I just hope Your Excellency can tell me just now that Your Excellency is right. Whether what Wan Guli said is the truth is just to find someone who can take care of himself in life, not wanting to humiliate Wan Guli wantonly."

Lily's voice was steady, but her eyes were incomparably sharp, and her eyes were the windows to the soul. She kept staring at Ye Shenyue and seemed to want to see what she wanted from his reaction.

The smell of gunpowder at the beginning was gone, obviously he heard what Ye Shenyue explained to Wan Guli just now.

"Looks like you know me too... well, I'll tell you my truth..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly took two steps forward and put her fingers on the girl's chin, her eyes were calm and gentle, "Everything is true."

The female knight blushed.

She rubbed her face to both sides before avoiding Ye Shenyue's hand, "If that's the case, then please forgive me."

"That's fine, but Liliana, you mentioned Wan Ligu but you pretended not to know her. This is..."

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