Jumping fast on the roof!

This wolf has become a sperm!

Looking at the gray wolf Ye Shenyue, who kept jumping from the roof and finally appeared in front of him, she thought as if evaluating, and at the same time, the gray wolf also spoke, in a slightly old voice, that was the voice of the Duke of Vauban.

"Liliana, you are so disappointing. I didn't expect my servant to be so unfaithful... It's a mistake."

"Pub... Duke..."

Lily's legs were a little soft, but when she saw that Wan Ligu was still behind her, she bravely stood in front of her.

"Oh~~" Gray Wolf continued to speak. "Liliana, I didn't expect you to have the courage to resist me."

"That's not the case, Duke...this...please let Wan Ligu go! I am willing to accept any punishment, even if it is killed by the Duke and becomes a fully loyal servant."

The female knight paused and finally put down the sword and gave a knightly salute.

This is asking.

The so-called loyal servants are no longer people but corpses. They want their own lives in exchange for the lives of thousands of valleys!

On the other hand, Wan Guli was pulling Lily's hand hard, with tears in her eyes, "No...Lily...Please don't do this..."

Then he looked at the Duke (Grey Wolf), "Lord Duke, this is none of Lily's business. If you absolutely want to catch me, then do so!"

"Oh...hehehe...Since you're begging me like that, then I'll..."

The gray wolf's voice became arrogant, as if he wanted to control the life and death of others.

But the two were still interrupted.

"Hey...you seem to be ignoring me!"

Ye Shenyue rubbed her temples. It seemed that no matter where she went to read, she could encounter things. The wolf who was watching people casually was the pet of the godslayer, and the godslayer seemed to control the wolf, and she would speak words. transmitted remotely.

"Ninth Godslayer, what do you want to say?"

The gray wolf turned and looked at Ye Shenyue with those green eyes.

"I just want to say……"

Ye Shenyue raised her eyes, "Wan Ligu is my person, if you want to touch her... first you have to ask me. Duke of Vauban, right..."

"Don't you think your guts are a little fatter?"

Chapter 0472 Fuck with the female knight (I forgot to upload it before uploading it now)

Don't you think your guts are a little fatter?

As soon as Ye Shenyue's words came out of the rooftop, it became quiet, and even the wolf's breathing from time to time could be heard clearly.

Yuri and Lily both stared at Yagami with wide eyes.

Yuri became even more nervous. Seeing the appearance of the Duke's gray wolf and the words of the gray wolf reminded her of what happened before. She and the other little witches were caught by the Duke and summoned together. The impression of the crisis that Duan encountered when he was in a trance was too deep, so she felt fear in her heart.

But the fear is not death, but the fear that Ye Shenyue will anger the Duke. What if Ye Shenyue is also killed by the Duke?

Ye Shenyue gave Yuri a reassuring look. The worry in the girl's eyes made him both satisfied and depressed. He was satisfied that this classmate's goodwill towards him was constantly being refreshed, but the depressing thing was...

"Yuri, you seem to think that I can't beat this Duke... This is a very bad thing."

He flicked the girl's forehead, "It's not what a good minister should do to be insecure about your monarch."

"It's just a wolf... I'll kill it for you!"

As soon as the words came out, the clothes were calm, but a piercing laughter sounded, it was the Duke!

"Hahaha... The ninth godslayer of Nibong is nothing more than that, and actually thinks that killing one of my servants can kill me? Hahaha...it's so interesting...too... Silly!"

"Oh... so?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and those who knew him knew that this was the gesture of Ye Shenyue's anger, "This time I am not only the witch who won't let you touch me, but... I will also capture your knight. !"


Lily was surprised. Originally, Ye Shenyue had spoken, so the next conversation was not something that she, a knight, could talk about. After all, this is God Killer VS God Killer.But now... the godslayer says... but says...

Take her away from the Duke!

The already flustered female knight was even more distraught at the moment.

And Yuri's eyes flashed with joy, if Yagami can get Lily back, then she will...

As a small child, Yuri could see that "I... ordered in the name of Yagami, Liliana is my Yagami's thing from today onwards, if anyone wants to interfere... then I will. Cut off all his claws!"


The gray wolf on the opposite side burst out with a sneering voice, "Very good, Duke, I have lived for three hundred years and no one has ever dared to say such a thing to me, very good, the godslayer of the mud bang, since that's the case. Then this Duke will give you a chance, give you a chance to challenge, I will come to your city in a week and fight you!"

The voice of the duke came from the gray wolf's sharp teeth. It showed the rage of a beast and scolded Liliana, "Liliana, who is the prize, don't hurry up and give me back and treat it as a prize!"

The female knight's expression was a little struggling, and then finally, because the idea of ​​a knight serving the duke overwhelmed her selfish desire to stay for a while, while the gray wolf continued to jump, she looked back at Yagami Yue and Yuri and disappeared.

The pace of jumping is light and fast, but her heart is not so peaceful.

It can already be described as a stormy sea.

Although I was a little depressed because I met Yuri today and was found out by the Duke, the other party said it outright and wanted her!

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