Actually want her!

want her!

The girl is flying and flying and her cheeks are flushing, is this a confession?

The mighty king... actually said it so bluntly...

To actually defeat the Duke and get her!

How could the godslayer be like this...directly!

Heart beating fast.

The female knight, whose life is monotonous and touches the monotonous, is showing a pure and love-loving girl's heart at this moment.

Just to get her, you have to defeat the Duke first!Defeat the mighty Duke!

She is very clear about the power of the Duke as a subordinate.

But... this muddy godslayer also seems to be very powerful. When she was in Italy, she watched from a distance. Maybe the other party could really defeat the duke, and then she would be able to justifiably... ah, no, it was regarded as a prize Captured by the ninth godslayer.

Then he can reconnect with Yuri and rediscover his friendship and become this young and promising godslayer who is sloppy and joking.

Young, strong, handsome, and courageous.

Really the prince charming in the novel.

The female knight has been poisoned by fantasy novels.

And this poison is still deepening!

This is especially true when the sharp-eyed inadvertently catches a glimpse of the "old enemy" while jumping in the air.

The heirs raised by two opposing families fought each other against each other.

Originally, seeing that Erica could serve a young godslayer but she could only faintly envy the terrifying old duke, her competitive heart made her life depressed.

In particular, the old man's remarks made her dissatisfied, "Although she worked for the king earlier, Erica of the Browntree family has become the king's wife, and you? Our knights are only In terms of momentum, he lost to others!"

And now?

It seems...well, it can be on the same scale as Erica.

Because Wang... "confessed" to her!

This kind of treatment Erica she... Is there anything?

Taking back the weak female knight from the evil duke... Although she is a godslayer and not a prince, she is more handsome than a prince.

The girl's cheeks flushed red again, and she couldn't wait to go back to her room, um, and began to write a novel with this incomparably bright idea!

Yes, this female knight's greatest amateur hobby is writing novels!And it's all romantic!

The excited female knight suddenly lost her center of gravity and fell like this.

Ye Shenyue looked strangely at the very strange fall of the female knight. Could this Liliana be injured just now?

But no one seems to have hurt her!

ps: I forgot to upload this chapter before, so I will add it now. (covers face)

Chapter 0047 Continuous transfer students (two more for subscription)

"Thank you very much."

After Liliana and Grey Wolf left, the witch kept bowing to Yagami, "Thank you so much."

This shrine maiden has completely misunderstood that the reason why Ye Shenyue asked Liliana in front of the Duke's "face" was actually for her!

Because she and Liliana are friends.

And she is Yagami Yue's "person", which means that Yagami Yue asked Liliana for her!

The Miko's mood was also ups and downs today, but she was destined to fall again.

"It's easy to say, but what power does the Duke of Vauban have? Although he is not afraid, it seems that there is no harm in knowing a little more."

"Ah... well, Duke of Vauban..."

The Miko responded immediately, but after two seconds, she finally found the place she was most concerned about. " don't even know the function of the challenge him directly...this..."

"Well, he's not a very powerful person."

Yagami Yueman said indifferently, but it made Miss Miko tremble. Isn't the Duke of Vauban a powerful person?

The people who ordered the witches to summon the gods and then directly kill the gods to take their powers aren't that powerful?

That's a powerful godslayer!

"By the way, did the body change after the godslayer devoured the power of God? If you want to know this knowledge in an instant, is it possible to pass knowledge through the mouth with the weakest strength?"

The Duke Wolf and the female knight were gone, and now only Ye Shenyue and her classmates were left on the huge rooftop. Looking at her classmates' pretty faces, Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered the most classic signature moves in this world.


Knowledge can only be passed on in one step through a kiss.

"Ah...that's right."

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