"This is an enchantment!"

Although the power is not very strong, Yuri, who is a witch, judged the current state at the first moment. In fact, even Athena's true identity of the god was reminded by Yuri. When looking at the night god When Yue grabbed Athena and ran and saw that Erica was about to rush up, she realized that something was wrong, and the little Athena exuded a terrifying power that people dared not approach.

"It's the barrier, weak witch."

Bai Luoli said calmly ignoring these two obstructing girls, "You, and you, stay on the side first, don't block the concubine's affairs."

Little Loli pointed her finger at Erica and Yuri, and two chubby owls appeared out of thin air. The owls flew directly towards the faces of the two, trying to block them with their hands, but the owls had already disappeared.

Instead, something like a magic hood covered both of them like glass, isolating them from the outside world.

"Hey...Athena, what do you want to do!"

Erica tapped the hood hard, but found that her strength could not be transmitted, and the strength on her body seemed to be restrained.

"Let's not talk about the witch, Athena's wisdom tells Athena, female knight, you are definitely not such an ordinary person to deal with, maybe you will attack Athena when Athena is most at ease, so you can only be stopped first. Living."

Athena lightly swept Erica and said casually, but Erica's movements suddenly stagnant, Ye Shenyue has understood, this is what Erica does!

Stand on his side first. If Athena does something terrible, it will be better to attack. A lady will always use some very unlady means.

"Okay, there is no one in the way. Now, you can return the "snake" of your concubine to your concubine."

Bai Luoli stood in front of Ye Shenyue again, but this time, instead of standing on the ground, she was slightly suspended in the air. This is the innate ability of God to float.

Athena's snake is the divine tool that Ye Shenyue obtained in Italy. Although the divine tool in her hand is a divine tool, Ye Shenyue expresses a silent attitude towards the level of carving on it...

In the eyes of Athena, who was slowly getting excited, Ye Shenyue had taken out her "snake" from her pocket. As a god and a god that was very different from other low-level gods, Athena regarded herself as noble and not casual. He showed his emotions, but when he saw the treasure that he had been looking for for a long time finally appeared, and finally returned to his original form, he immediately showed infinite eagerness.

The big eyes flickered.

Sparkling colors that melt people.

"want to?"


Nodding slightly, the ears of the hat moved slightly.

"want to?"


Still excited.

"But I can't give it to you now."

However, Ye Shenyue put the "snake" in Athena's hand with a swipe and put it away.

"……What do you want to do?"

Bai Luoli's face was expressionless, and her tender and tender fingers seemed to be twitching faintly, "Does it really make you feel so good to play with Athena?"

"Or... I want to use this to coerce Athena to complete your dirty and dark things for you to do this--that--!"

Ye Shenyue looked back subconsciously, and Erica and Yuri, who were covered by Athena, were still keeping a pitiful gesture of knocking on the hood, as if they could not hear the outside voice.

"Cough cough... Please don't make my thoughts so dirty, well... But you can think so."

The hypocrite said in a very hypocritical tone, "However, you must understand that I can give you the divine tool, but if you want to destroy the world I live in, then I will retake 4.5."

"...Hmph, are you threatening your concubine?"

Athena looked at him straight, "Okay, the concubine agrees with you, but... If you want the concubine to do woo-woo-, it depends on whether you have the strength."

While talking, Little Lolita controlled her body to move forward a little bit, and at this moment Erica and Miko-san even tapped the hood hard, especially Erica, a powerful fire suddenly flew out of her body. The magic of red.

Then the cover exploded.

The female knight stabbed at Athena with a knight's sword, and the witch seemed to be in a hurry because she didn't know what to do.

ps: Thanks to sdodudu888.Millennium forever. zerotindy. Flowers and reviews for eql578178.

Thanks to zerotindy's 3283 flowers, it is the first time to see children's boots that cast so many flowers at one time.

Chapter 0052 The kiss of death (one more subscription)

The hood exploded.

Erica suddenly burst into a burst of powerful magic, and the school uniform on her body was also transformed into a knight costume that was conducive to action, and the knight sword in her hand stabbed directly at Athena.

Little Loli didn't even mean to dodge, she directly waved a black mist as if it had a solid body and rushed towards Erica. The sharp blade in the female knight's hand seemed to be on fire and kept burning like a fire. The power from God was able to withstand it.

Loli didn't speak, but her eyes blinked. I don't know if she was slightly surprised because of the power of the female knight. The power of Athena, whose power was sealed, was not strong, but that was the difference. She was a noble god. Even if the power is sealed, it can compete with other gods, and now, although it is not with all strength, but the attack is taken by a human girl, this human girl should be proud.


Violently cut off the black mist in front of her, Erica's face turned red, flushed with anger.

"Athena, although you are a god, you can't do whatever you want!"

The female knight looked very angry, as if it suddenly burst open, and the knight sword in her hand pointed straight at Athena, the aloof and disobedient god, "So, it's not too soon... let go of Ye Shenyue!"

In the end, the female knight almost shouted, "Even gods can't be so shameless! You must know that I am the wife of this world! All actions that want to be intimate with the king must ask me in advance! Even gods can't go beyond this. A contract!"


Ye Shenyue stayed for a while, then pushed Athena, the little girl's eyes moved and looked at Erica.

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