"Well, since you said so, then the concubine agrees."

Athena dodged Yagami and pushed her hand away, then pushed Yagami with her own little hand and parted her lips.


The reason why Erica, who had been banging on the hood, suddenly became violent, was stimulated, and the source of this stimulation was Athena.In Erika's eyes, this false god was so bold and evil that she kissed her man when she couldn't move or stop her!

It's too much!

Then the female knight who had broken the bottom line broke out, and finally forced the goddess to stop continuing.

"You should have done this long ago, no, you shouldn't have done it!"

Erica stared at the little girl, Athena was cute and cute, but this little girl was full of danger in various senses.

"But everything has been done, do you still want your concubine to be kissed back?"

Bai Luoli looked at Erica lightly, and regained her composure, "But the kiss of death can only be cast unilaterally by the concubine, and he can't cast it. Of course, if the concubine is beheaded, there is still a chance."

Little Lolita looked at Ye Shenyue, who had not changed because of her Athena's kiss, and then stretched her brows slightly, her eyes seemed to have brilliance flickering, "As expected, the kiss of death can't kill you. Even if not If the snake eats you, it can break the seal and restore the original power. Then the most rewarding way is to eat you directly, and the divine tool will naturally fall into the hands of the concubine, and then... well, the concubine also No need to fulfill the deal. Seems like a good idea!"

It is as if I want divine tools, and I want to eat people too!

So greedy!

Bai Luoli stuck out her little pink tongue and licked her lips as if she had been seduced by some kind of temptation.

"Cough...Athena, let me ask you first, can you transform into a snake? Well, the kind of wild python?"

Ye Shenyue held back the strange thoughts in her heart and said, the "eat" in his heart was definitely different from what Athena said.

"That's right, but the concubine still likes to appear in person."

Athena hesitated for a while, she couldn't understand why Ye Shenyue asked this.

"...Well, Athena, you'd better take your snake and turn into a snake and eat me or something... Forget it, this kind of thought must never happen again!"

Ye Shenyue didn't want her to be swallowed by the giant python and died in one bite, that would be too embarrassing.

The two jumped over a dangerous temptation like a casual chat, yes it was a temptation.

Athena agreed to Huahuahua's conditions on her own, but this little guy 177 kissed Ye Shenyue directly, not actively throwing her arms but using her own power.

kiss of death.

At that moment, Ye Shenyue felt that something should have entered her body and then disappeared strangely, a very strange feeling.

But the two people outside the scene were not calm.

"Kiss of death? What is that?"

This time, it was the neglected Miko Yuri-san who spoke up, "Death... that means..."

"That is the ability of the concubine body. As long as the concubine body kisses it, it will directly enter the underworld. But it is invalid."

Bai Luoli's expression couldn't be described as happy or depressed, "It's just that the first attempt failed, which makes the concubine feel that power is useless."

"But... this snake, the concubine accepted it."

Athena's little hand moved, and the "snake" board in Ye Shenyue's hand immediately rushed to her hand, "This is the return of the thing to the original owner, then... see you next time, then this world will not be this world. "

Bai Luoli's figure suddenly disappeared.

Chapter 0053 Challenge! (Second, please subscribe)

"By the way, Ye Shenyue, are you really going to give that divine tool to Athena like this? Although you're already married, you shouldn't care about too many things, but if Athena destroys the world, then we will... "

There is no place to live.

After Athena left, the female knight who consciously took the man away by the evil goddess ran over and took Yagami's arm, and said slightly coquettishly.

Although she is a lady, Erica still allows herself to be "very ladylike".For example, deliberately stuffing the boy's arm between his chest or something, as if he was seducing Chi Guoguo, but also as a demonstration to the shrine maiden beside him.

No matter what, Erica's goal was achieved.

Both Yagami Yue and Yuri focused their attention on her.

"Athena won't destroy the world, otherwise where will she live? It is said that Athena is the goddess of wisdom, if she didn't even know this, she was kidnapped by Lolicon so early."

"Speaking of lolicon, Ye Shenyue... Tell me the truth, do you fall in love with that kind of little girl? The kind of girl who not only has no breasts, but also no buttocks? The kiss just now... ...it must feel good!"

The girl stopped, puffing out her cheeks slightly in a very, very unladylike manner.

"Okay, I admit... actually... um..."

Ye Shenyue raised her hands and surrendered. However, she was completely occupied by Erica just before she made a move. Her lips had a completely different touch from Athena. If Athena was like a lovely pink ice cream, it was sweet and sweet. The aftertaste is endless, then Erica is an expensive wine. The wine is full of mature charm and makes people have unlimited interest.


The shrine maiden called out all of a sudden, and it's okay to see the little loli kissing and kissing with her own eyes, but now she is kissing and kissing at such a close distance, this...this...this is really...

Miss Miko's heartbeat was fast, "Athena's kiss has been covered just now, so...don't think about her until she appears."

The female knight didn't know when she changed back to the short skirt that showed her youthful air and showed her snow-white big legs while walking.

Erica is wearing white socks that only reach her knees and is very close to Yagami. Although boys' school uniforms are common trousers, it is also comfortable to directly rub and rub against girls' slippery thighs. Feel.

The witch was finally able to calm down.

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