If Shana recovers, it seems that he has nothing to lose.

This proposal looks like a good one.

"No, Ye, just keep going and we'll win in a little while!"

However, Erica suddenly said something at this time.


Yagami looked at Erica, and Erica said loudly, "Actually, you won this battle, because the Duke has the flame of your phoenix on his body, he is now not so much deliberately showing that the battle is deadlocked. No one can win and no one can lose, but it is better to say that he is guilty of making peace! Because he is seriously injured, and if he does not take the opportunity to suppress it, there will be no ashes left! Did you not see that he has always maintained the attitude of a werewolf? ? The stance of a werewolf can give him a strong defense, so his state is to stop the flames from burning! If you let him go now, there will be no future troubles!"

"Yes, Your Excellency Ye Shenyue, if you hold on, the Duke will be seriously injured or even burned to ashes."

Although Lily is loyal to the Duke's side, she just buried her dissatisfaction with the Duke four years ago when she saw her good friend Yuri being summoned because of the Duke's selfishness and almost got a backlash, and now Yuri is even more It was because of the Duke that she was hit with the Eye of Sodom, which made her even more dissatisfied.

In addition, the Duke directly shouted to give her to Ye Shenyue, which greatly hurt the loyal female knight, and now this sentence is quite a bit "you are not benevolent and I am not righteous".

"Lili looks like you still have some brains to think about."

Erica praised.He praised Lily's move of "abandoning the dark and turning to the light", "but if we have to calculate your identity when the battle is over, should you give me a shoe or a shoe?"

"Although you are complimenting me, I am not happy at all, and even if you are under the command of Your Excellency Ye Shenyue, what kind of status you want to do is decided by your Excellency, not your guardian knight who is acting on your behalf. ."

"Ara, you don't know yet, I have been promoted, and my status has surpassed that of a knight. I have become the wife of Your Excellency Ye Shenyue, and I am your mistress. What's wrong with ordering a servant as a mistress? ?"

The blonde girl cupped her cheek with one hand and said.

"Erica Browntree, seducing the master without authorization is a very offensive thing, which is not in line with the criteria of a knight!"

Lily was extremely serious.

"Really? But...I don't think the knight's rule is more important than being a hostess. Or Lily, it's just that you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, well, for the sake of growing up together, I'll give You have a chance, as long as you take the initiative to attack Ye Shenyue at night, then it doesn't matter if I stay alone in the empty room for one night."

Erica pretended to be generous, while the female knight's face was completely dyed red.

"Night attack... night attack or something... I... I don't do it!"

The female knight's serious face suddenly turned red.

"Oh? Is that so? But how do I remember how there were so many in the notebook under the book "Knight's Criterion" in the second drawer of someone's room, with the words "Should the night attack" and "Go to the night" What about novels with words like "Night Attack" and "Night Attack is the most romantic"? I think about it, there seems to be such a description in it, on a moonless night... um..."

Before he could finish speaking, the silver-haired female knight covered her mouth with lightning speed and couldn't say a word.

"Shut...shut up! How did you know that I wrote such a novel!"

"Know yourself and know your enemy. You won't be in danger in a hundred battles."

Erica broke free from the hand of Lily, who was blushing and shameful for a while, and said happily. "However, I just guessed what I said just now. I didn't expect you to actually write a novel about the night attack. It's really heavy..."


Lily blushed and was speechless.

Erica laughs Debbie's delight.

It was a pleasure for her to tease this "opponent" from time to time.

The atmosphere on the field seemed to have relaxed a lot.


Yagami didn't speak, and it seemed that there were only two female knights of the hostile elements talking, and the content of their conversation seemed to have no other effect than making the duke angry.

"Okay, since this is the case... there is no room for things to be turned around, since this is the case... then let's spend it all the time, although the flame of the phoenix is ​​very uncomfortable, but as long as I don't solve the werewolf state, at least I can be with you. Fight for ten days and ten nights, if you want, then so be it!"

The duke also went out of his way, and admitted in a disguised form that he actually wanted to escape and recuperate and finally make a comeback.

Ten days and ten nights.

The phoenix's movements were slightly hesitant, as if she was thinking about spitting fire at an old man for ten days and ten nights, and she seemed unwilling.And it's a tug of war!

To fight or not to fight?The Phoenix was thinking about Ye Shenyue as well. Of course, what the Phoenix wanted most was to immediately burn this duke who had made her lose face to ashes.

You have to know how much effort she put in to become an adult and then get the ability of a phoenix, but it is too unsightly to be lying on the ground without an image by this duke's magic eye.

And if you fight for ten days and ten nights, and you don't go back for ten days and ten nights, what will you do if you mess up?

She is no longer living alone, she has to lead a group of people to live! If there is no means of reversing, the Phoenix may be leaving.

The Phoenix is ​​already communicating with Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue knows that the phoenix can be summoned so easily except "no conditions" is its own will. Since the phoenix has asked Ye Shenyue, it seems too unreasonable to keep it here. Close to affection.

Is there any way to fight the Duke?The duke can't just let it go.

Ye Shenyue felt a little annoyed.

"Do you want to summon me?"

A voice like this suddenly sounded in his heart, "I can be summoned when the enemy is in a state of confrontation and the enemy has a similar pupil technique."

Similar eye surgery?

Eye surgery?

A purple figure suddenly flashed in Ye Shenyue's mind, it was a girl with beautiful long purple hair.

"I understand."

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