"What do you understand? Finally you know that it's useless to fight again?"

The Duke seemed to be in a good mood.

"No, you guessed wrong, I know how to beat you!"

When Ye Shenyue said that, almost everyone was looking at him.

Or look at the magic circle that appeared in front of him.

ps: The name of the new book is temporarily called "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King". If you have a better one, you can write it in the comments.If there are no problems, the new book will be released at the end of September.

I hope you will continue to support, and I am very grateful.

Chapter 0064 Sodom's Eye VS Petrified Eye (two more subscriptions)

She had beautiful ankle-length dark purple hair, purple tights, and black boots.

The face is white and the skin is white.

Of course the most attractive thing is not her long hair nor her slender figure but her eyes.

Some people will put a pair of sunglasses and glasses on the bridge of the nose, but this girl is different. She put a cloth strip and covered both eyes.

Can you see with your eyes covered?

Can you?Or does she have a unique ability to tell things apart?

"Medusa obeys the call of the master. What order does the master have?"

The tone of the purple-haired girl who suddenly appeared was more respectful than any of the powers she had summoned before, as if she was doing business.

But it is this serious look that makes people recall the identity of this purple-haired girl.

Medusa, the legendary petrified witch, her eyes are not used to be cool or to do anything, but to close herself.

Shut yourself down with too much power.

"Medusa, I'm really sorry, maybe because of me, you lost a chance to realize your wish. If there is a chance in the future, I will compensate you."

Seeing RIder's appearance in Yagami Yue is not too open.

Because Yagami destroyed the Holy Grail in the world of fatezero, it is estimated that there will be no Holy Grail battle in the future, so Medusa will not be summoned by Sakura like the original.

In other words, Medusa lost a chance to fulfill her wish.

"Although I don't quite understand what the master is talking about, my wish has already been fulfilled halfway."

RIder gently stroked the long purple hair behind her ears and said very femininely.

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the full lips were extremely gorgeous.

Ye Shenyue somehow had a strange feeling that the summoned RIder seemed abnormal.

But it's better to deal with the duke first, because both Shana and Yuri are still in a state of being solidified.

"Medusa... Since it is Medusa, can it be against the Eye of Sodom, the Duke of Vauban?"

Ye Shenyue had a strange feeling when she saw this RIder who suddenly appeared in the Holy Grail battle, but she still asked. "The Eye of Sodom of the Duke of Vauban can solidify the creatures that come into sight as if they were petrified."

"No, this shouldn't be petrochemical! Real petrochemicals are not like this."

RIder shook his head, "It's just an ordinary evil eye."

"It's arrogant to call my power an ordinary demon eye. You're not... not right, could it be that... you are..."

The curled up body of the Duke of Vauban suddenly trembled.

"I didn't want to mention the real name, but I am indeed Medusa, a Medusa who is envied by the evil goddess, and a Medusa surrounded by evil and resentment! In front of Medusa, I even played with the magic eye. It's your biggest mistake!"

RIder's voice slowly became heavier and then turned to look at Ye Shenyue, "Master, I'm running out of time and I can't wait to do something. Please allow me to lift the seal on myself. I need to restore the petrified eye."

RIder paused and added, "And this removal of the seal requires the master's assistance."

"No problem, you unseal it, what do you need me to do?"

RIder didn't find it strange that Ye Shenyue was so eloquent. After all, the girls he summoned were quite cooperative. For example, Shana attacked directly, and the phoenix also attacked directly.

"it is good."

RIder turned around completely, and then Yagami saw the corners of her mouth cocked up strangely.

I suddenly felt a sense of depression.

This RIder feels strange to him.


Ye Shenyue, who didn't understand what RIder was going to do, suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes, and then there was a warm feeling around her. She reached forward with her hands as if she felt something sharp and tightly clenched together.

It felt like my body was about to melt, and I felt like I couldn't stand up.

"Night God Moon!"

"Your Excellency Cao Zhi!"

But at this moment, I heard the nervous screams of Erika and the female knight Lily.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt him."

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