The huge sound was as deafening as it came from the ear, and there seemed to be a little bit of brilliance in front of it, but the brilliance flashed and closed.

"Don't try to escape!"

"Look at my petrified eyes!"

It seemed to be RIder's voice, and then the Duke's scream.

Then the dazzling light hit.

What does RIder do?Have you used the Petrified Eye?

"Pfft!" Ye Shenyue realized that she was lying on the ground, she heard footsteps in her ears, and she was supported by two soft hands.

Erica and Lily looked ahead as if they were enemies.

And Ye Shenyue also opened her eyes and looked ahead.

It was the duke and his death knight who had been petrified into the background, and Bai Loli with bare feet. Half of the artifacts on Bai Luoli's head had disappeared, and it seemed that half of them had been refined.

But opposite her was a huge black and purple snake!

Holy crap, what a big snake!

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but finally shouted out.

Chapter 0065 Athena and RIder (one more subscription)

It was indeed a big snake, with a huge body of black and purple color, the snake head stood up proudly, spitting out a snake letter and glared at the little Athena who was half-floating in the air.

"The concubine doesn't know you at all, why do you always pester the concubine?"

The little Athena looked blankly at the huge black and purple snake, showing a very puzzled look.

"No, it's you, this kind of lingering power with a dark breath belongs to the evil goddess Athena."

The huge snake made a sound, and the sound was the RIder just now.

"Medusa, although you have petrified eyes, you look like Medusa, but the concubine really doesn't know you. The Medusa that the concubine actually here!"

Bai Luoli pointed with her tender and tender fingers to the palm-sized divine tool with only half of it left.

"Medusa became the incarnation of the concubine, the power of the concubine, but that Medusa is not you."

For the first time, Bai Luoli felt a huge headache. What was this terrifying explanation?

This is Medusa, but my own is also Medusa!

What is this...

What's the matter?

"What exactly is going on?"

Ye Shenyue was also blinded, and she opened her eyes from the darkness to see such a scene.

"It's like this, when you just agreed with Medusa to unlock the seal, Medusa suddenly turned into a huge snake as described in the myth, and the snake opened its mouth and swallowed you directly. down."

"That is to say, the blackness in front of my eyes was swallowed by a snake just now?"

Ye Shenyue covered her chest with one hand, and her body's strength seemed to be draining faster.

It was not the first time he had seen a snake, but it was the first time that it was swallowed directly by a snake!

Although Xiao Jingshuijiu is a water snake monster, no matter how people say it, it is still a beautiful water-colored snake, how can it not be as direct as Medusa... Swallow him in one bite!

He's not about food or anything.

"Yes, this seems to be the key to Medusa's release of the seal, after swallowing you, from a sluggish serpent to a proud serpent, and then looking at the Duke of Vauban's death when the Duke of Vauban The knights immediately turned to stone, but at that time the Duke of Vauban had fled far away from the protection of the death knight. Perhaps he also felt that he could not compete with the Petrified Eye, but he was still frozen and turned into stone. "

Erica pointed to a distance, and Ye Shenyue saw the stationary Duke of Vauban who had transformed into a wolf cub. The Duke of Vauban raised his two hooves and made a gesture of running away.

"Then what's going on now, how did the two of them meet?"

"I don't know that."

However, Erica shook her head, Ye Shenyue looked at Lily, and Lily shook her head, "I don't understand either."

"Medusa, what are you trying to do!"

Since neither of them knew that Ye Shenyue asked him directly, this RIder had a very wrong feeling to him before, and would he still listen to him now?

Ye Shenyue was a little uncertain.

"Master, this is what I want to say that I can't wait to do. This is also your permission. You said that you can make my wish come true, and my wish is...kill Athena!"

"The curse placed on me is the masterpiece of the hateful goddess Athena, and my wish for so many years is that one day I can kill Athena with my own hands! Let her know how hateful and stupid she is!"

RIder's huge body rolled up, and the long snake tail was like a cannonball directly tying up the little Bai Loli, and the snake body was constantly shrinking and wrapping, as if to squeeze Bai Loli into pieces.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Bai Luoli, who was entangled, did not have any frightened expression on her face. She laughed, and then the huge snake tail suddenly loosened. It was not that Athena had been pinched, but Athena had disappeared. Feather fluttered on the tail of the snake.

"How stupid!"

Athena's voice came and her figure appeared directly above Medusa, and at the same time, the half of the divine tool on her head was quickly flipping.


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