ps: Well, today Feilu has drawn, but I still continue to ask for support.The author is working hard to code a new book, and if Feilu doesn't draw any more, it will be released on the 25th.Well, that book is a bit of a beast.So, gentlemen, stay tuned.

Chapter 0072 The witch who settled in (two more subscriptions)

"It's okay-"

Seeing that Yuri was a little weak after the purification (retreat), Yashin Yue quickly stopped her to prevent her from collapsing weakly.

After her strength was exhausted, Yashenyue's continued weakness, as a past person, could no longer be understood.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that his energy is not much at this moment. Although RIder gave him some energy, that little energy has been exhausted after Erica and the others have recovered.

The weak are not as good as ordinary people.

"Thank you very much."

"Thank you very much, King, and the witch."

"Thank you very much, if there is a next life, I will definitely come to repay."


The death knights all over the place turned into little silver dots. To be honest, so many people said that Ye Shenyue is still a little tempted to repay their kindness in the next life. It would be great if so many people turned into cute loli to repay their kindness in the next life. what……


Ye Shenyue was suddenly stuck by her own thoughts. These people are all boys. Even if the next generation of 07 children has become a cute loli, their essence... they are still boys!

asshole.He's a lolicon but not some kind of gay!

"Okay, everything is settled, since that's the case, let's go back."

Yagami Yue wisely chose to retreat.

The ground is devastated, if Ye Shenyue still has the power of Guangdu, maybe she will recover well because she can't see it, but now.

Let's go back to our own homes to find our own mothers.

"Night God Moon—"

Erika poked Ye Shenyue with her arm, and her mouth moved in the direction of Athena.

Yuri and Lily's attention is actually also on Athena. After all, she is walking on a huge gray snake. Behind it is justice. A strange speed corrodes the speed of space. Athena is wearing a white robe on a black background. They all seem... very different.

The contrast is cute! This is it!

Ye Shenyue didn't look at her, and she didn't disturb her either.

"Let's go back, let you... it's better to go directly to Yuri's house and move Yuri's things into the house."

"Ah, that's right. After all, Yuri is already... well, he's already from our faction. If you don't keep coming, it's hard for other people to doubt it."

Erica pointed to the tip of Lily's nose, "Erica Browntree, can I take your move as a provocation? It must be a provocation!"

"No no no, I just want you to know Lily."

Erica paused, "Just to let you know that the Duke of Vauban you are loyal to has died, so now you belong to my camp, and as a mistress, I have the right to throw banana peels at will. And you, as a subordinate, have to step on the banana peel."

"Erica Browntree, are you going to a duel? Duel, I won't admit defeat!"

Lily pulled out her knight's sword without saying a word.Using the sword to face Erica, Erica's remarks are too much. If she deliberately steps on the banana peel, then... the glory of the bronze black cross represented by her own glory will be shamed Ah!

This is an absolute insult!

"Oh? Is it? You understand it as a provocation... Since, so, then I will read a certain novel in someone's room, I remember... Well, it is a quaint eighth in the UK. At a station in the [-]s, a gentleman was suddenly run over by a girl in a pink dress..."

"I am sorry."

"It's actually my luck to be bumped into by such a beautiful lady."


The girl was shy.

Then they started talking about each other's destinations, and found out that they were actually going to take the same train.

Then, the man was like a wolf and a woman was like fire, oh, no, it was Lang Youqing's concubine that started to ignite on purpose.

Not surprisingly, this must be a novel written by Lily!

Lily doesn't have any other hobbies, she just likes...writing novels, and she's purely romantic.Erica was almost a hit.


Holding her hands tightly, Lily gritted her teeth and resisted for a while, then said sullenly, "Miss Erica, please throw the banana peel..."

"Hahaha... so funny, Lily... so funny..."

Erica laughed heartily.This "hostile" expression is really funny, this kind of servile gesture is really funny.

"Yuri, Lily's state doesn't matter, right?"

I always feel that Erica will impose some "punishment" on Lily. In love, Yagami and Erica are closer, so in principle, Erica's actions should be acquiesced, and Lily is " Well……"

Yuri didn't know what to say about Lily and Erica's relationship, but they always seemed to have a good relationship.

If you let it go like this... it shouldn't matter!

It's just that the person standing on the serpent, the girl named Athena.

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