"Night God Moon...Athena..."

Yuri still felt a little concerned, cared about Athena, didn't you see that people were constantly destroying the mud?Devoured the sky and devoured the moon.

193 What should Athena do?

However, Erica gently touched her, "Pretend not to see it."


Yuri raised her head, then looked at Erica and Lily, she seemed to understand, they just... seemed to do it.

Talk to yourself and then... ignore Athena.

Pretend not to see Athena.

Ye Shenyuejun... What are you thinking about?Athena, the goddess.

"Okay, it's decided like this. Let's go to Yuri's to move things together. By the way, Lily, do you want to move things from the Duke of Vauban?"

"No, I just go to the Duke of Vauban to report often, I don't live there, and... I don't like the gloomy atmosphere of that place very much."

"Oh, I see,"

Ye Shenyue paused, "Then let's go to the shrine. I haven't been to the shrine in this world, and I don't know if the air will be fresh."

Everyone wentssip and left.

"and many more."

Seeing that Ye Shenyue and her party really left without any nostalgia, Athena finally called out.

ps: The new book "Call Me Your Majesty the Demon King" will be published on the 25th, and I hope to support it at that time.Of course, the premise is that Feilu is normal, and if you have time, it will be postponed.

Chapter 0073 Battle Goddess (one more subscription)

"and many more--"

Finally determined how many people in this line really care about her meaning, Athena finally couldn't hold back.

Her voice was cold and calm, but if you listened carefully, you could tell the slightest bit of depression.

Athena was depressed.

Yes, she is depressed.

She originally got the "snake" that sealed her power, and she was very happy to stay at Kusaka's house, because there are two godslayers here with powerful combat power.She can be safely restored to Athena.


Ye Shenyue and the Duke of Vauban started to fight each other, and saw that the little Athena, who was at a disadvantage, accelerated the speed of absorbing the "snake", and then returned to her true body as expected.


After recovering her true body, it seems that she is the only one who is happy. Everyone else, no matter who they are, is full of complexities and troubles, and they always feel that she is the enemy?

Is she the enemy?


Athena, the god of disobedience.Certainly the enemy of mankind.

However, in the past, she was worshipped and respected by humans, which was the pride and arrogance of the goddess.But now to treat her as a disaster star, this is really... too much.

Athena was in a bad mood.

However, this is not the most important thing. What made her depressed was Ye Shenyue's words.

She who has regained her true goddess state is not as good as the little loli who has lost her strength!

As a little loli, she was forced to do so, but at the moment, she is a collection of beauty and strength. What else can she compare to?

What made her even more angry was that she recalled some bad things, such as herself... Why was she deprived of her power to become Athena's little loli!

It's all about that man, that nasty man.

Coupled with Ye Shenyue and others ignoring her, the resentment that already existed became deeper.

Then, and then no more.

"Ye Shenyue, don't worry, no matter what state it becomes, my concubine will fulfill my promise."

Ye Shenyue and her party finally stopped.

Ye Shenyue turned her head, "Sorry, I'm no longer interested in you... because of you..."

"Destroyed my goddess. Destroyed my loli."

Destroyed that cute little white loli, who was eating ice cream and showing her pink tongue and head.

Soft sound, soft and easy to push and fall.

A cute little loli like a kitten.


Athena just looked at him without speaking.But anyone could see her restless heart.

Almost everyone was looking at him.

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