"Then you can only grab it and slowly instill it!"

The boys in the two rows gathered around, Ye Shenyue looked at the boy with the sharp cold weapon facing her, but she was not afraid.

Maybe in his mind, the scenes of being surrounded and bullied are really not something to worry about.

Even if he lost his memory, he did not lose confidence and force.

With her hands hanging down naturally, Ye Shenyue felt that she felt very good. As long as the boy with the weapon made a move, he would use his own way to treat him.

He has never been afraid of anyone in such a fight.

"Beep bell-"

However, at this moment, the bell rang, which was the sound of the school bell.

"No, class is over. If you don't go to class, the angel will come."

"You stupid, how did Angel appear so quickly in 3.7?"


However, the door to the rooftop was pushed open, and a silver-haired girl walked out slowly.

It is the enemy of the front line, Miss Angel Student Council President.

"Wait... the angel actually came."

When everyone saw the figure that had appeared on the rooftop, they immediately wanted to retreat. If they had weapons in their hands, they would not be able to guarantee that they would be able to defeat Angels, but now they don't even have weapons, so what?

Run away!


Yuri immediately gave the order.

At the same time, it also means that the frontline's digging plan has failed.

ps: After reading the future diary yesterday, I feel that the whole person feels bad.

I really want to raise a sick girl to play with.

Chapter 0006 call me vice president (kneeling to subscribe)


When Yuri issued this order, they had already declared the failure of their counter-strategy.

Whether you like it or not, you have to retreat!

A group of people came and went quickly, and Xiao Zou stood there and didn't stop it until at last, only Ye Shenyue and her were left on the rooftop.

As the student council president, Xiao Zou always wears a cute short school uniform, her two white legs are exposed, and she wears gray-black socks to set off her snow-white skin.

"Are you okay?"

Xiao Zou came over and said softly.Although his eyes were calm, he could still sense concern.

"No, you can actually use it if you don't use it."

Ye Shenyue knew that Xiao Zou must have come to him after seeing that she went to buy a soda for a long time and didn't come back.

"They have weapons."

However, Xiao Zhan shook his head.


Ye Shenyue suddenly recalled that when she was surrounded, the majestic figure who was facing him looked like a young man who regularly trained, and the weapon in his hand was a weapon that could kill.

As long as a knife can kill people, what about high-risk weapons like long guns?

"Yes, so if you can't fight, you still don't want 07 to fight with them. If it's a fight, I'll be fine."

As she spoke, her lips moved slightly, and "Handsonic" immediately appeared with a long, sharp blade under the palm of her hand. Her petite stature can be used even by a small dagger as long as she has the right speed. strong power.

Soon, she took the sharp blade back again, but Ye Shenyue looked a little curious.

According to Xiao Zuo, her skills were developed after installing a software called "AngelPlayer", and the ability to create Mapo Tofu by herself actually has the same ability as her, as long as she can use it properly, she may also be able to do the same.

"We don't have the next class. Let me take you to the meeting of the student council."

The bell for class rang again, but Xiao Zuo took Ye Shenyue to leave. She was the student council president who had to hold a meeting every day, and the meeting time had been determined as the 0003rd session in the afternoon, while the same students It's self-study.

It's just that there is no teacher in the self-study class, so it's okay to be late for a while. The reason why Yuri and the others were so nervous just now was actually because they were afraid of Xiaozao.

Are you afraid?

Ye Shenyue looked at the silver-haired girl, but she only thought that she was cute and distressing.

The meeting of the student union was boring and powerless. The directors of each department stood up and spoke one by one, holding the materials on the table and reporting one after another.

It is said that the report actually said a few things, summed up the recent situation and then repeated it over and over again to give some suggestions of my own.

It's fine if it's just one person, but now there's a whole table of people sitting there.How long does it take to go round one after the other?And what's even more maddening is that what they say is actually the same!

Even listening to a favorite song N times can't stand let alone these reports.

According to the setting of this world, the members of these student councils are all NPCs who are standard model students, so they will maintain a listening posture even if it is boring. Of course, I don’t know how much they think about it. There will be some irritability.

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