But the acting alone is a truly remarkable talent.How heartless does it take to keep it up?

Ye Shenyue yawned, then looked at Xiao Zao, Xiao Zao kept her face expressionless, but her calm and serious eyes showed that she was listening carefully, listening to the boring reports from various departments.

He was already very noticeable sitting next to Xiao Zuo, and finally saw an opportunity to poke Xiao Zuo with his arm.

The chairman turned around slightly, "Is something wrong?"

This is a typical dual-mindedness, turning his body towards him and then focusing his eyes on the student council member who is speaking.

Really a qualified student council president.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue once again raised her admiration for this little girl.

"The vice president in the black school uniform and black hat seems to be human."

Ye Shenyue said in a low voice, the person he was talking about was a handsome black-haired boy who was sitting on the opposite side of Xiao Zao with a slightly serious expression.

"Why do you say that?"

"If it is an NPC, generally the members of the student council are set as good student norms, so they should keep listening and serious when others report. This is a manifestation of respect for people, but the black-haired boy is different. His mind is It's erratic. Although NPCs are very human-like, even in appearance and habits, there is one thing that cannot be changed and that is the setting. They are set as model students and they will definitely follow the standard of model students. To do things that's why the black-haired boy is human."

"So it is."

Xiao Zuo nodded in reconsideration.

"Uh, so that's the case? Could it be that you never knew?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes are about to widen, just how...naturally dumb this student council president is!

"Because, he didn't even wear that school uniform and embroidered logo."

Xiao Zou explained.Not knowing this explanation, Ye Shenyue immediately covered her forehead in shame.

Miss Angel of Emotion recognizes clothes, not people.

I don't know who is more stupid, or whether it's against Angel Show or Xiao Zou's side is... an utter idiot!

"Student president, have you really decided? Recommend a transfer student to be the vice president?"

Maybe the vice president keenly discovered that Ye Shenyue and Xiao Zao were discussing his affairs, or he deliberately said it loudly to make people focus on Xiao Zuo and Yashen Yue to debunk their desertion.

Not to mention whether Xiao Zuo has the right to recommend someone to become the vice president, just showing a bad image of desertion to everyone is a tactic. Even if Yagami becomes the vice president, she will lose her credibility and prestige.

No matter which one... this guy's scheming is so deep.

Ye Shen 507 Yue met each other's eyes, which were dark eyes that made people feel strange.

There is something wrong with this human being.

Especially the eyes.

It's a pity that he succeeded in getting the student council members to focus on it, but he was still half a beat slower. Although he was talking to Yagami, he was still facing the student council members. Maintained the demeanor of a good student council president.

And Ye Shenyue is easier, when the vice-chairman Nakai Wenren spoke, he had already sat back to his original position.


Xiao Zhan stood up.

"According to the rules and regulations of the student union, as the president of the student union, I have the right to appoint a vice president. I have never exercised this right, but it does not mean that I cannot exercise it."

Xiao Zou is petite but has a strong voice, "Now, I am taking the power of the president of the student council and appointing Yashin Yue-jun as the vice president."

"Do you have an opinion?"

Although they are asking for opinions, they don't violate the law. How can the members of the student union object?

At least Zuo's prestige and prestige as the student council president is still very high.



"I agree."

"I agree."

The NPCs answered in vain.

In the end, Naoi literati, who knew that he could not object, also smirked and agreed.

Ps: You will give all the flowers to the new book, thank you very much.

Chapter 0007 Rebound hypnosis (two more subscriptions)

"Then, please call me the vice president from today."

Ye Shenyue stood up and made a succession declaration.

Although the NPCs in power are all qualified model students, they will obey the orders and tasks of their superiors, but they also have some ideas of their own and will be attracted by people with high reputation.

"Just now when everyone was reporting, as a student with no experience, I found a problem, that is, everyone's report is too complicated. In fact, since everyone has prepared for some things, maybe you don't need every Read all the parts, you can choose the key points and tell everyone directly. As for the complicated parts, you can submit them in writing to the student council president. If the key points you selected are adopted, then the president will fully Partly read it carefully or let everyone know about this report."

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the use of news. First, read the key content and read the title. If you are interested, then read it. If you have no desire, then pass it, otherwise it will affect your mood.

"Yeah, such a long report makes people not want to listen at all."

There was an NPC response immediately.

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