Seeing that Feiju was about to pierce Taisan's heart, Ye Shenyue hurriedly reminded her that Rinko was still here, making her feel disgusting.


The blade cut out by Feiju instantly transformed into a blade, and with fierce force, he slashed at Taisan's body, and the goblin jumped out instantly, actually trying to escape!

"Want to run? There's no way! Let the young master be frightened and want to run away? How can it be so easy?"

Fei Ju smiled, she is a cat demon, so it is not difficult to jump high.

This spider spirit actually wants to escape into the air, she really underestimates her!

"Okay... it's amazing!"

Seeing Feiju rush into the air as if taking off, stabbed into the monster's body with a knife and cut him off by the waist, Rinko exclaimed.

Although she doesn't like this woman very much, she is really amazing.

"Noihara Hiiju visited the young master, let the young master be attacked by monsters, and almost let the young master take action himself, please punish the young master!"

Feiju, who fell from the sky and eliminated the spider spirit, did not have a happy expression, but a serious expression.

Rinko felt the aura all over her body.

"Feiju, you say, do we look like a husband and wife swordsman when we stand together?"

Ye Shenyue did not answer her directly, but picked up her natural tooth and put it together with An Gang.

There was a smile on his face.

This cat demon seems very loyal and seems to be easy to deceive.

Chapter 0003 If a woman wants to fight, then fight!

"Husband and wife? It turns out that the young master had this idea from the very beginning, yes, as long as it is the young master Feiju, there is no problem."

Feiju smiled charmingly.

"As long as Yue confesses, Rinko will not refuse."

Why did Feiju's words sound like what she thought before?

Rinko was suddenly confused and almost collapsed.

Her mind was spinning rapidly, Rinko's hand was not slow, she grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm and pulled him behind her, "Yue has already been reserved by me, the outsider walk away."

Not only that, but Rinko also swung her hands like a fly.It seems that Feiju is the annoying fly in her eyes.

"Abominable human... but... the young master will definitely choose me."

Fei Ju's anger quickly subsided, holding An Gang in one hand and her chest in the other.

The meaning of it is very deep!

"You, you are talking nonsense! Yue... Yue is not the kind of person who cares about the size of the European style!"

Rinko-chan was furious, and sternly scolded a certain cat demon who was deliberately showing her breasts. At the same time, it seemed that she wanted to step forward to block Yagami's sight of Feiju.

"Oh? Really?"

In the contest between the European factions, Feiju wins anyway. As a winner, Feiju has the right to remain graceful and responsible.

Do your duty as a guardian.

"Damn it! It's as nasty as a stealing cat!"

Feiju stopped arguing with her, but Feiju's contemptuous eyes still succeeded in angering Rinko.

"Rinko, Hiiju is a cat."

"Cat? Huh? Ah? Yue, what do you mean? That guy is a cat? How is that possible?"

Rinko's eyes widened, golden eyes filled with disbelief.

"Just like what you saw just now, Taisan was possessed and controlled by the spider spirit. There are monsters in this world, and Feiju is a cat demon from her hometown. She signed a covenant with our Tianhe family to protect Tianhe from generation to generation. family. That's why she came to protect me."

Originally, Ye Shenyue wanted Feiju to explain it herself, but when she thought about the relationship between the two of them now that the gunpowder broke out, she still had to explain it herself, otherwise Feiju would deliberately add fuel to it later. Cried?

Ye Shenyue felt that Feiju's attitude towards Rinko was not very good.


Even though Yagami Yue came to explain, Rinko was still a little unbelievable.

Indeed, she was just an ordinary childhood sweetheart yesterday, but today suddenly telling her that there are actually monsters in the world is like telling us that scientific development is wrong, which is unacceptable right away.

"Well, there are many monsters in this world. Although you don't look very good, maybe some perverted monsters will like to eat you, just like this...!"

Hiiju also interrupted, and suddenly, big fluffy white triangular ears and long claws appeared in front of Rinko, jumped up lightly, and swooped in Rinko's direction.

"'s scary."

Rinko hid behind Yagami.It seemed frightened.


Feiju took Ye Shenyue's other arm, she's not scary and cute, okay?

"Let go, let go of Yue! Anyway, you are only the person responsible for protecting him, just a servant, and servants can't be arrogant to the master!"

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