Rinko originally wanted to let go of Ye Shenyue's hand and grab Feiju's hand, but after thinking about it, she only let go of one hand, and the other hand quickly stretched over to catch Yagami to destroy Feiju. Yue's arm's hand, while the left arm still holds Yashenyue firmly, as if she will be snatched by someone as soon as she lets go of Yashenyue!


It was fake.

To recover so quickly must be a bad-hearted woman who pretended to be afraid of hugging the young master on purpose!

Feiju pouted in dissatisfaction, and the big fluffy cat ears shook, "I am the guardian blade of the young master, the young master will not mind, right young master!"


Rinko looked at Ye Shenyue, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation, looking forward to Ye Shenyue shouting "NO!"

On the left is Rinko's golden eyes with beautiful and expectant eyes, and on the right is big purple eyes with white cat-like shapes. Now these two pairs of beautiful eyes and their owners are looking at him, Night God. Yue suddenly felt that she was under a lot of pressure.


Rinko pressed her chest tightly against Yagami's arm, pulling her arm vigorously.

"Little Lord!"

And Hiiju didn't care what Rinko looked at, not only that, but she stepped back slightly.

Are you backing off?

Rinko was pleased.

"Cough cough... Rinko, you've gone too far, Feiju is just showing her intimacy, and I used to have a very good relationship with Feiju, a little intimacy... um. It's okay to have a little intimacy. Yes. Feiju?"

Ye Shenyue finally said a fair word, "Of course... I thought the young master had forgotten the past... The young master has liked to check people's health since he was a child, even now, as long as the young master wants when and where It's okay...like..."

"Cat! You! You are a gang!"

Rinko finally let go of Ye Shenyue's hand, swiped abruptly to separate Ye Shenyue and Feiju, and inserted it abruptly.Like an angry little leopard.

"Cut! Human woman, don't be too complacent! If the young master was not protecting you, he would have brought you to my An Gang!"

Feiju still felt uncomfortable when she received the look from Ye Shenyue. It was a good time for her to reunite with the young master. How could she let a human girl disturb her?

"Protect? Of course Yue will protect me. I am a childhood sweetheart, and I will protect him too!"

Rinko's temperament is relatively straight, and Hiiju is only angry when provoked.

Little fool!Rinko!

Ye Shenyue has been looking at Feiju, and seeing that the smile on Feiju's face has a tendency to expand, she immediately understands that Feiju is lying to her!What she's waiting for is her words to protect him!

"Oh? Can you protect the young master?"

"Yes! I will protect Yue!"

Rinko hated the sneer at the corner of the cat's mouth.

"What kind of power do you have? With the decent motor cells in humans? Play tennis, run, or what?"

When Rinko fell into her trap, the sneer at the corner of the cat's mouth never disappeared.

"I actually did my homework! Now that you know that my athletic talent is good, then..."

"But the enemy of the young master will be the monster! It's like the spider spirit just now. To tell you the truth, that kind of spider spirit is still the lowest level, and you can't even beat such a low level thing. How can you say that you can? Protect the young master? The amulet on the young master to protect him from being attacked by monsters has expired. Next, more and more powerful monsters will attack the young master. You can also protect the young master? Don't be kidding. Now, maybe you will implicate the young master! Let the young master be in danger! Right, right! Rinko!"

The cat approached step by step, his tone became more intense as he approached, and when he said the last word "Rinko", his eyes became blood red.

And Rinko suddenly collapsed to the ground without any warning.The beautiful eyes lost focus, and at this moment Rinko has been in the illusion of dragging Yagami.

That's right, when the cat stepped forward, he tried to cast an illusion on Rinko, who was still a normal human.

Since it's a cat demon, it's not surprising that he knows a little illusion.

The illusion she gave Rinko was to make Rinko's mind drive the cat away because of her stubbornness. At this time, the monster suddenly appeared, and Yagami was captured by the monster for saving her who was running away.

It was because she fell during the last escape, and Ye Shenyue came back to pull her, so, Ye Shenyue was caught!

It's her, it's her who's implicated!It's all her fault!

"Me? It's... I hurt... I hurt Yue..."

Rinko slumped to the ground, her lips moving unconsciously.

"Feiju, you've already said it, Rinko, stand up."

Seeing Rinko staring numbly at the shards of the iron door that he tore open on the floor, with a look of lost soul, Ye Shenyue walked over to help her up.

Rinko is a human after all, and human beings have human limits, so it's normal that you can't defeat youkai.It's not her fault.

"Cut! The young master is too gentle to others!"

Although the mouth was still quibbling, the cat still snapped its fingers obediently, and Rinko's dull eyes were full of energy again.

"Yue! I'm sorry, it was me who harmed you... Huh? Just now..."

Rinko regained consciousness, and her first reaction was to cry, but she saw Ye Shenyue just after regaining consciousness. Wasn't he captured by monsters because of her?

what is the problem?

"Rinko, what you saw just now was an illusion, an illusion given to you by Feiju, it's fake, it doesn't exist..."

Ye Shenyue pulled Rinko to stand up, her tone was very gentle, it was impossible not to be gentle, the first reaction when Rinko regained consciousness was to find her, not worry about herself, doesn't it mean that he is more important in her heart? Even more important than herself!

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